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Where is Alex now?

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I've been where you are Alex.  And I know that there's little I can say that will ease the pain. B)

Maybe just that as horrible as it seemed, you are on the other side of it, Moon.


Like everyone here, I want to add my congratulations for you - and my prayers for Alex.


Everything is temporary. Good and bad. So enjoy every good thing in your life as if it will be the last time, and take some hope in that all dark times will end.


God bless all of you, and please try to find some joy in this Christmas season.

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I remember all too well the feelings of helplessness and rage at a system that can be all too uncaring. When Bing got her blue slip along with the impossible demand that I make a video speaking and writing Chinese I feared for the worst. I only knew that I was going to do whatever I could to overcome it but I couldn't help but despair that I might not succeed. I can only imagine how much that has been compounded on you and your loved one Alex. To think you have won only to have it snatched out of your hands is barbaric. You are in my thoughts and if there is anything

that I can do to help you if it is within my means I will do it. Good luck my friend.

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I am in China now, just reading some 001 with the wife. here is another(?) of the same situation. Can this be happening so often??


translated:" Jms of hi (123 words ) (zlm123 read 12 at 19:04 today ): One is signed today, took the white form in the morning, took the yellow blue form in the afternoon, it say need time of CASE of me it deal with,please going back news. Why? That sister is experienced. Please give us your comments. "


I am by nature somewhat suspicious. On the one hand I hope this is your case Alex, but on the other hand I hope it is not. Either way it is not good news to hear.

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