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At Last!

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Happy to report that at long last Li has been approved for a green card. We had our AOS appointment yesterday morning in Memphis. Things went very well with no major glitches of any kind. The interviewer was very friendly and only asked to see a few items, such as Salina's birth certificate. We had taken along everything but the kitchen sink and gave it to him anyway. He approved her in about two minutes. Of course, having our little daughter along must have helped.


For some of those who are relatively new to the board, Li and I were members of the original Black Hole gang who experienced long delays back in 2002, after having the visa approved. We got a white slip on August 20, 2002 and did not get the visa until March 10, 2003.


We began this process in October 2001 so you can imagine how happy we are that we finally got through all to difficulties and that the green card is at last approved.


For those still in the pipeline, hang in there. It takes awhile but it finally does happen. B) :D

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Congrats Mick! I am in the same boat as you, I am waiting for Atlanta to approve ours. I figure if i am lucky, it will be early 2006 before we go for an interview.


Lots of Luck, Patrick & Li

Thanks Patrick. I guess we were fortunate in that the little town we live in straddles the Alabama/Tennessee Border. The state line literally runs down the middle of Main Street. Buildings on one side are in Alabama, buildings on the other side are in Tennessee.


A little less than a year ago, we moved and it so happens that where we live was across the line in Tennessee, which necessitated our case being moved from Atlanta to Memphis. Our case arrived in Memphis in August and we had the interview in December. Not bad considering how slow Atlanta is.


We are just so glad to have finally crossed this hurdle.


Thanks to all for your kind words and well wishes. Life indeed is good. B) :D

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