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Thank you for your Inquiry,,, BUT!

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Hello All!

I just received this in the mail this afternoon. I ask Senator McCain office to make an inquiry to GuangZhou about our case. What was taking so long to mail out the P-4 and set an interview date or was there a problem we needed to know about.

Here is the answer mailed to my Senator's office, Word for Word.


Thank you for your inquiry. This case has not been scheduled yet, but we estimate that Ms. Ye might have her interview in March 2005 time frame.

This is based upon an immense backlog of visa cases and resource constraints at the Consulate. This estimate in no way constitues a guarantee on our part. Approximately one month prior to the interview, we will send another packet which will indicate the exact time and date of the interview.

We have noted your interest in this case and wish to assure Senator McCain that this applicant will receive every concideration due under Unties States visa and immigration law.


Ok, That's it. I think I just screwed myself :o . Now I have to tell my S.O. what I have learned. I know she will be crying and upset. But what can I do? This will give her more time in English school and more time with her family. Thank GOD!!! For the phone and e-mails. I really don't have the money to go to China and visit every year. I don't have the vacation time and I work for our Federal Goverment, So I make don't make a lot of money. She worries about me, I work is fairly damgerous. She has me call her and write e-mails to her every day, So she knows I safe.

Let me tell you,,,, That last time 3 months ago when I was shoot and in the hospital for 7 days, I callled for the ER room and She was really upset,, I never heard any one cry so much. I had to call her 3 times aday and have the doctor talk to her and she wanted my department head to call her and explain why, Why, I got shot and Why, am I working so danerous a place when she is not here to take care of me. My Boss was really afraid of her after she chewed on his ass alittle. Something about her comming here and cutting him into little pieces if I didn't get better soon.

I'm sorry, I don't think this is the right place to post this.

Thanks for listening to me Rant!!



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Now will you please write a letter to Senator McCain enclosing this reply and the original letter and point out to the senator the part about the "immense" backlog and ask the senator has he ever given any thought to seeing about this problem. He likes to do a good job taking care of his constituents and he might actually condescend to answer your letter. Wouldn't that be great??? I have never seen anything in all the correspondence CFL members have posted where any legislator actually addressed the question of why GZ has such a near-infinite backlog.

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It doesn't look good..... July P3's are not getting scheduled for JANUARY. I'm still waiting, and think we may be bumped to February. But remember, there is two weeks for Chinese New Years that they are off. So, I hate to say this, March may be optimistic.

I don't want to be the bearer of bad tidings...but in July we thought she would be here by Christmas. Now, February???? Just don't make any plans, because every time you do, it is later.


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Robert S. and Mark


I just logged on to tell ya all,, I just put the letter in my mail box and the flag is up. I wrote the letter with Robert S. post attached. I sent the reply I got today and I asked a few qusetions and I stated my wants and worries.


I don't know what good this will do,,, :greenblob: But What If,,, More of us worte and asked and comlained? I suppose many of you have.

I can always retire in less than 13 months, and move to Harbin China. :greenblob:



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My legislator has a staff member devoted to these immigration issues. Adam Smith is a democrat, and unfortunately, with the elections the way they turned out, there is no money to fund more officers in the consultates. Right now all the money is going to the losing cause in Iraq. With 9/11 of course, every potential immigrant is a potential terrorist (in their minds), fraud and abuse of the system is rampant, and the public sentiment is very against immigration in general. He understands my concerns, but we're basically fighting an uphill battle until the pendulum starts swinging the other way again.

Of course, every letter is very important to our cause.


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Robert S. and Mark


I just logged on to tell ya all,, I just put the letter in my mail box and the flag is up. I wrote the letter with Robert S. post attached. I sent the reply I got today and I asked a few qusetions and I stated my wants and worries.


I don't know what good this will do,,, <_<  But What If,,, More of us worte and asked and comlained? I suppose many of you have.

I can always retire in less than 13 months, and move to Harbin China. :D



Wow, very interesting, I wonder if he will reply. Senator McCain seems like the kind of guy who might be interested if he knew about this. I don't remember any CFL member writing a letter to him before.

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Robert. S


All I can do is try and try and try. I hope your right though.

I also mailed a letter today to Senator Kyl here and I sent a letter today to Congressman Franks. Hell if I have to, I'll write Pres. Bush.




I'll help you find a job in Harbin, if I get there before you. My S.O. works at a school, I think it's like kindergarden. She teach's Art and Singing and English. I think I would open a daycare center.


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