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The white slip statement;


"Regarding the interview, it was pretty straight forward and my fianc¨¦ stated she saw the white slip on the VO's desk before the interview even began, although he unskillfully tried to keep it discreet."


The above statement tends to confirm a conclusion I reached about 4 months ago. I feel I was scheduled for "rejection" from the gitgo. I am one of probably many who can't get the time of day from GZ or the DOS. After numerous attempts they absolutely refuse to tell me if my SO's P3 was received & logged at GZ or if the clearance check has been completed. Most of the people at this forum seem to be able to get that information easily.

I can't help but wonder how many others here share my situation in that they can't get a single civil answer from anyone involved in this process???

I am now considering the possibility that my final alternative will be to move to China.

This whole process has left a bitterness in my mouth that will never go away.

Sorry to nag


added Nov 15

response to GZ email

"Thank you for your email.

Please be advised that we recently received the forms your fianc¨¦e returned to us, and the namecheck clearance for her case has been completed. Now the case is queuing up to be scheduled. Due to heavy workload volume, it seems that the interview will be in approximately a few months, we will notify the applicant after the appointment date is set."

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There is much speculation that the outcome of an interview is decided before the inteview begins. I think there may be some validity to this statement, but only to a certain degree. I think the VO leans one way or the other before the interview begins, but still can be nudged one way or the other while talking with the interviewee.


I think it's ludicrous to think that a interviewee is guaranteed a white slip before the interview begins. All the interviewee has to say is a few dumb things and the white slip will disappear (I forget what his name is. I forget when and where we met. I can't remember how many times he came to see me). Those are things one can say to guarantee the disappearance of a white slip.


As far as waiting goes, it's very common for guys to make the "I'm moving to China" statement right around the 1 year mark. You've been waiting 11 months, so you're a bit early with that statement :blink: . That's okay, I made that same remark at the 11 month mark too. But have no fear, everything will be fine. In another couple of weeks or so you will be posting a post about how happy and excited you are that she (finally) received the P4. Then you be in a mad rush looking for airplane tickets in the January/February time-frame. It's all part of the routine!


Are you sure you can't get DOS (not GZ!!) to give you an answer? Call their 800-number, try a dozen times to get thru, then once you are talkng to a person say:


"Has my fiancee been scheduled for an interview?"


They will say no. Then say:


"When did the consulate register her P3 paperwork?"


Then they should give you a date. But even if they don't, don't worry about it. I've never once heard of a case where the returned P3 paperwork was NOT received and processed by GZ.

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Whoa, slow down a minute. I think you're being overly pessimistic. Let's take a reality check. You sent in your p3 what-- 2 months ago? I don't think I even started calling DOS on a regular basis at that point. As for the "civil answer", don't hold your breath waiting for that. I mean look- have you had any bad news yet? Doesn't seem that way, judging from your timeline. You got stuck at CSC, 6 months to NOA2, which sucks, and is certainly not fair, but still not unexpected. You've had no news since sending back the p3, which is really par for the course. Relatively few people on Candle get so much as a blue slip, and the vast majority of those get cleared up with minimal effort. Just hold on, your p4 is coming. In all likelihood your file is in the middle of the "pile" and hasn't been so much as looked at yet. I wouldn't start making moving plans just yet.


Candle's a good place to vent that frustration. I admit I did it on several occasions, and even toyed with the idea of joining the chinese army at one point to help me "vent" :blink:

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Relatively few people on Candle get so much as a blue slip, and the vast majority of those get cleared up with minimal effort.

Agreed the vast majority are overcome but I have to take exception to "minimum effort"


Emotional devatation followed by careful planning


rush visa to China


going in debt a few thousand dollars to jump on the plane and go to China

using up my vacation time I had planned for a honeymoon


making a video


turning in to the consulate


going back for results




More like herculian effort to me.

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The latest kick in the pants. I just got off the phone with DOS where for the first time I was able to talk to someone who actually acted as if they were there to serve the public. I feel super good that I talked to someone who had the courtesy to listen to me and at least try to assist. I am completely discouraged by the answer I got. After the gentleman spent about 10 minutes searching all of his available databases he was unable to find my SO in the sytem. He searched on the GUZ#, SO's name and SO's passport number to no avail. He even searched for a P3 entry for mid-Sept. His conclusion was that I should call GZ directly to see if they had entered my SO into the system yet. I now feel as if the merry-go-round is starting to spin out of control. At least my record is still in tact. To date I still have not received one concrete answer from anyone during this entire process and I'm sorry but I don't think it's asking too much to be told if your P3 forms have been received at GZ.


To rephrase; DOS did not say my SO's P3 was not in the system. They said my SO was not in the system period. There was no record of my SO in the system! Common sense says she couldn't have received the P3 packet if she wasn't in the system? Do incompetent operators have access to the DELETE key if you tick them off?

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You can check "white swan" to see if p3 has been received. I think DOS

looks at the same info as GZ, if GZ enters your 3 in the system both

of them should see it. As far as responses from GZ, it depends on your

luck. I sent them email/fax for almost two months, there was no response

at all. Finally I gave up and started calling DOS. BTW, there is just way'

to call GZ as DOS suggested.



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I am one of probably many who can't get the time of day from GZ or the DOS. 0„2After numerous attempts they absolutely refuse to tell me if my SO's P3 was received & logged at GZ or if the clearance check has been completed. 0„2Most of the people at this forum seem to be able to get that information easily.

I called DOS today at 2:00PM EST. A young woman answered the call after 25 minutes. I started with a very friendly "Hello, how are you? I asked if my fiancee had her name check completed yet. She stated that "nothing has been listed in the file that indicates her namecheck has been completed. It appears that it has not been completed."


I then asked if she could tell me when the P3 was entered into the computer system. She stated that "something was entered into the computer system on September 21st, but it doesn't specify what was entered at that time." Since my P3 was returned on September 3rd, I am assuming the P3 was entered into the computer on September 21st. She then told me to contact the consulate, if I wanted to get more detailed information.


My conclusion is that when a clerk at DOS looks up information on the computer system, they can only give out the information that the consulate entered into the system. If GZ enters inadequate, insufficient, or incorrect information, that's what the DOS clerks will give us. In my case it was insufficient information, so I have to draw my own conclusions. I will try sending my first email to GZ in a couple of weeks to inquire about the name check. If I recall correctly, someone who went to the information session at the consulate, was told the name check takes approximately 2 months. Therefore I will send the email after November 21st which is two months after they entered our P3 into the computer. I'm hoping for a January P4 and a February interview.


Elcajongr, I hope they find your SO in the system soon. Maybe it was just a computer glitch. I suggest to call again next week and see if someone different can find it.

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I have found that on two different days, with two different people answering, you get two very different answers.

This has been my exact experience.

Called the first time, "your name check has been completed on xxx, she is elegible for an interview"

Called 3 weeks later and this lady could not even determine (or was allowed to tell me??) anything definitive, only that my petition is waiting for administrative processing.

Next time I call I will ask then to verify that my name check was completed on xxx. Maybe if they have an exact date, they can pull up the record.

AND, just in case my calls to DOS are logged and are available for the VO to see, I will continue to call every 3 weeks.

As for the actual status of my case, I guess I'll average in all of the varied responses (for fun) and go with the consensus!!

:blink: :rolleyes: <_<

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This whole process has left a bitterness in my mouth that will never go away.


Damn straight you have a cause to be bitter.


Think of the time stolen from you and your S.O. by the staff of the GZ consulate.


You can Never. Get. It. Back. :D

I agree with MoonCarol on this. The time stolen from us is the worst. Even though our P3 was registered in early July, we still haven't even cleared the second name check yet!! :angry: I know there are some others here on CFL who are in the same situation. Until the second name check clears, we aren't even in on the waitlist for the P4!! All we can do is hope the darn thing clears one day and then wait in line with the rest of the unfortunates. Until then, we are in limbo. :(

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