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Is she a prostitue??

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Hi everyone:

This is an issue that deals with when you are with your beloved in China. When you are walking down the street together, do you hear other people call your woman a prostitue? Or, if you are a woman, do people call you a prostitue??


This happens many times to me and my fiance. Many Russian people live in my city, so people often assume I'm a Russian prostitue.


A lot of Chinese people can't conceive of a meaningful relationship between a foreigner and a Chinese, they just automatically assume the relationship is an attempt on the Chinese man or woman to get something: a passport, money or just status.


Does this happen to you, and how do you deal with it?

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I think it depends on where you are in China. In southern China it is not all that unusual to see Women with foreign men. Foreign women with Chinese men would be unusual anywhere in China. Personally most people were very nice to me. A few men whom I would consider Chinese rednecks gave me some disapproving looks but by and large I found most quite friendly.

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call someone a prostitue? ... I haven't heard someone calls a stranger as a 'prostitue', especially to a foreigner. :huh:


... I can not tell the difference between a Russian girl and an American girl either... aren't they are all females as me? :P

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You must be in Harbin, i am currently living in Xi'an with my wife, but in the last year we have also lived in Beijing and Shenzhen. I usually have one of three reaction when people are rude in China, first i just ignore them. Which happens the most often, second i will use some of my Chinese on them, something on the order of Ni ma biadza, cao ni ma, or someinthg of a similar order. Third if they are being to pushy i will just push past them. Usually it is not worth the effort to start an arguement, and the only people that the first words should be used on are peasants. However if the people look to be of a higher calss you can say Gei gongwen du lian.


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I think it all depends how you dress.  In American City if you wear lowcut dress or sexy top in the middle of the night (after 11 PM), then someone may assume you are a hooker.  I am not sure about China.



prostitue is human being too, nothing need to be blamed if she or he is willing to do it.


it's just a job that some can do and other can not :P

in China? in big cities... night life is much more popular than countryside...


but, none would assume a girl as a hooker just by looks... even she looks like a hoocker... none would say anything about it.




hoocker is a human being too, I don't see anything wrong with it if she or he is willing to do it. it's just a job that some can do and the others can not. :(

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hey everyone:

First, yeah I am in nothern China, in Dalian. I definatly do NOT dress like a hooker, so it's nothing like that. I don't even own a pair of high heels!! I always dress ultra casual, like in a sweater and sneakers and jeans. That's why its so confusing to me how someone could call me that!!


And yes, people have actually said that. Not to my face but its the same thing since they assume I don't speak Chinese. It happens less often when I'm with my fiance but it has happened to me when I'm on the bus or walking to work or something. I'll hear some people discussing the Russian prostitute. Guess they must mean me. And it does happen when I'm with him. I can understand how they would think I wouldn't understand but of course he can! And it pisses him off.


Most of the people who actually make comments are countryside workers. City people usually restrain themselves to uninterrupted staring.


Dalian is a relativly modern city, but in some things not modern enough. Now that I think about it, when we were on vacation in Beijing it never happened. Maybe we should move to the south ;) (since I don't want to live in Beijing).


It's not just me either. I've seen foreign men out with Chinese women and heard people talking about them in a not-so-nice manner.


I keep telling Xiao Ming it won't be like that after we move to the US! Sometimes I can't wait to get back!!



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.I usually have one of three reaction when people are rude in China, first i just ignore them. Which happens the most often, second i will use some of my Chinese on them, something on the order of Ni ma biadza, cao ni ma, or someinthg of a similar order. Third if they are being to pushy i will just push past them. Usually it is not worth the effort to start an arguement, and the only people that the first words should be used on are peasants. However if the people look to be of a higher calss you can say Gei gongwen du lian.



Ross thanks for the advice on how to piss off people in Chinese, LOL!!



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What bullshit! No- it has nothing to do with the way we dress! It has to do with the way we look- I lived in Shenzhen before and everyone thought I was Russian. They would say hello to me all the time- and I am one of the most modest dressers I know- Oh- that makes me so mad- people always think if something happens to a girl it is her own fault- if she gets raped- she must have been drunk and acting loose right?

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Hey Amber,


The reason I though you might be in the north is the demographics --- I had heard that many young Russian women had migrated to China because of the horrible ecconomic conditions, particularly in Kamchatka, and were making their living as whores or lovers of married Chinese businessmen..


Of course, China's Han are so omnipresent, ANY variation is going to draw attention --- certainly did for me and my daughters (adopted) --- and even in their case, sometimes in a negitive way..


You can probalby "dress down" all you want, but if the shoe fits ....ops! that didn't come out quite right...... what I mean is if you look like you could be a young, attractive Russian woman.... which you do from the small picture --- very fair complexion?


But I think most of us experience some of that.... Fei expected it, but on my first visit, was shocked at the rudeness she experienced from workers; particularly men, and particularly from the countryside.


Maybe its good that I don't speak more than a few words of Chinese, because if I understood, I would be all over those guys --- she always grabs my arm tightly if she gets into a situation like that, but she rarely lets it pass --- she usually gives back worse than she gets --- not the "shrinking violet" type...

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Amber, the people that call you prostitue are just ignorant ones, you really dont have to be bothered by that, just ignore them for their ignorance. That is no good to say bad languages to them to cause trouble.

If they are the people always around you, I think you could use your intelligence and kindness to convince them that you are not what they think, you are the one they should give sincere respect.

If I was in your situation, and if they are the people on the street, I would just ignore them, and if they are the people always around me, I would be nice to them and tell them that they are wrong, and try to help them to earn their respect. That's just what I think and what I would do.

Best wishes! :)

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yeah Davter... I agree with you... better don't talk back to them... and if they are people always around you ...


better to put dog popo in their computer box... when it's heated, it smells great ! :)

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