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a few K-1 questions

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Hi everyone:

I live in Dalian, China with my fiance, Zhu Xiao Ming. Right now we are getting all the documents ready for our interview in Guangzhou. I have a few questions:


1. We have a copy of our lease with both our names on as evidence of relationship. Do we need to translate this, and if it's translated, does it need to be a notorized copy? If it does need to be notorized, what kind of place can do that? The government office where we got all his documents such as birth certificate translated only do those official documents. Do I have to go to a US consulate (in Shenyang?)


2. What kind of book or binder should we put all the stuff for the interview? For the petition I put everything in an open-at-the bottom binder with a top fastner. Is a display book ok?


3. How long is the time between sending in the checklist and getting the interview date? And how long after that is the interview? We actually don't want it to happen too fast because my job contract goes until July.




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1) The lease may or may not be important. I have heard some people caution against making it look like you are already married. (for example, don't bring pictures of a sham wedding).


2) Any format is ok... Dont' stress over it. Make sure that your fiancee can find what she needs quickly.


3) There is no way to determine how long you will wait for the interview... Somewhere between a week and two years. Lately most couples have waited more than 6 months between NVC approval and the interview. But, a lot of people have gotten P4s lately too.


4) K1 gives your fiancee a SINGLE Entry Visa that must be used within 6 months from the date it is offered. To return to China, she would have to file for Advanced Parole , or hope the AOS process goes quickly.


Good Luck

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What kind of book or binder should we put all the stuff for the interview? For the petition I put everything in an open-at-the bottom binder with a top fastner. Is a display book ok?


Make sure you use a clear envelope(plastic)or binder they will not let you in the Consulate with bags etc that are not see through,, this is a security issue and the guard will make you take everything out of the folder and you will have to carry in loose..

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First of all, to Clifford, my fiance is a he. We are not trying make it look like we are married by using our lease as evidence, I live and work in China. We DO live together in China and we both work at the same English school. So we thought a copy of our lease would be a good idea. I'm just wondering how I should translate it- notorized or not??


I'm wondering about the book to take for the actual interview, not for my fiance to use. I take care of all the paperwork anyways!! Also, I know that the visa is a single entry visa. We want to go at the end of the six months, so if our interview is in December, then we have to go to the US by June. We want to stay in China until July because that is when my job contract is up. If I break my contract I have to pay the school a lot of money. So I'm wondering if we send in the checklist now, when will our interview be (approximatly)? We wouldn't mind slowing down our visa a little.


And mikem.. thanks a lot for the tip about the clear plastic folder! No one has told me that before.


Thanks again!


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Wanting to slow down the visa process is a new one on me but should not be too difficult. I doubt it will be a problem though since the wait for p-4 after sending in P-3 is very long lately. Also your fiance has 6 months after the visa is issued to use it.

Good luck


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First of all, to Clifford, my fiance is a he. We are not trying make it look like we are married by using our lease as evidence, I live and work in China. We DO live together in China and we both work at the same English school. So we thought a copy of our lease would be a good idea. I'm just wondering how I should translate it- notorized or not??


I'm wondering about the book to take for the actual interview, not for my fiance to use.  I take care of all the paperwork anyways!! Also, I know that the visa is a single entry visa. We want to go at the end of the six months, so if our interview is in December, then we have to go to the US by June. We want to stay in China until July because that is when my job contract is up. If I break my contract I have to pay the school a lot of money. So I'm wondering if we send in the checklist now, when will our interview be (approximatly)? We wouldn't mind slowing down our visa a little.


And mikem.. thanks a lot for the tip about the clear plastic folder! No one has told me that before.


Thanks again!


No problem and No cell phones allowed either in the consulate.. :(

As far as the clear stuff goes you can just carry in everything loose but with all we have to have its just easier to get something clear so you are not dropping papers all over.. Also they will cut the corner of your brown envelope at the hospital where the exam is given.. The purpose of that is to allow the guards to peek in and make sure it is safe to bring into the consulate.

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Sorry about the gender reference.


Since you just now sent back the P3, I would guess that a January or February interview would be most likely.


At least for Moscow, it was relatively easy to change the interview date to a later date by a few weeks. I just called the TOLL number to the embassy, asked for a new date. They said that we would be granted the first available date after the requested date (which was actually the date I had asked for).


Good luck, and you should be fine.


---- Clifford -----

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amber- a copy of your lease is a good idea- also any tickets when you have come to China- or train or plane tickets when you guys have gone on vacation together- we had a notebook with our documents and then a photo album with photos of us together. Also- usually in China when you live somewhere you have to have police proof that you have lived there- if you did that- or have your little green residence card book- and your passport- have him take all of those things just in case. I would be over-organized because it will make you feel more secure- and go to Guangzhou with him if you aren't already planning to.

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