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Guest Alberto Maldonado

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Guest Alberto Maldonado



I will like to take this opportunity to thank you in advance for reading and responding to my inquiry, one of many too come. I am in the process of getting my VISA so I can travel to NanNing for marriage, but I have been told, that part of the initial process, I need to provide evidence or a certify document declaring that "I am a single man".


I lived in California, and I have been advice that such document need to be certify by the local County/City administration, In addition the same document needs to be certify by the local "Chinese Consulate"


I need to make sure that all the (spider webs and hairballs not to metioned the red tape) can be handle as efficiently as possible.


Anyone's assistance will be most highly appreciated.


T. F. Gui, my future wife, I love you with all my heart.





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I did not have my "single certificate" certified by the consulate. I had it notarized here. Then had the state certifiy the notization. Then had the federal government, certify that. They seemed to be ok with that. I seem to remember somewhere that all documents needed this kind of certification.

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I live in San Francisco and I just recently got married in China in Beijing. This is what I did:


1. Affidavit of Single Status (you can see the format on the Consulate website)

2. Notarize the Affidavit

3. Certify the Notary at the County level (not necessary if No. 4 is done in Sacramento)

4. Certify the County at the State level

5. Certify the State at the Chinese Consulate


It took me all of 2 hours, by hand, to get my Affidavit notarized, certified by the County and then certified by California. Then more 4 days to certify at the Chinese Consulate.


You will then need the entire packet of documents translated into Chinese. I had it done in Beijing for RMB140 (US$16).


But here is the most important part...make sure you bring back her G-325A forms signed and have her documents translated into English.


Good luck!


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Alberto, I'm from San Jose. I'll send you an e-mail with some more good references in it. .www.onesuite.com

With the state of K3's now from CSC, You will probably be waisting your time and money with the 129F, but I don't want to tell you not to do it. (Your risk.) You could just fill out the I-130 and 325A's for you and your wife. You should have your 130 approved in a couple weeks and you will start the CR-1 process. If you decide to also file the 129F. Send the 130 package to CSC, wait for NOA1 and then mail the 129F package with the NOA1 in it to Chicago.



You do not need health certificates. The law stopped for that last October.



Get a couple copies of yours and hers passport photos at the studio in China. While your at the studio get the pictures of you and her together for the redbook (Marraige book).


Some notes about edicate and differences between the US and China cultures. The redbook is for marraige, the greenbook is for divorce. The red arrow up means the stocks are going up, green arrow down means the stocks are falling. Red good, Green bad. Remember that.

There is no 5 second rule when your food doesn't make it from the hot pot to the plate or from the plate to your mouth. Leave it where it lays. Move on and try again.

Never stick your chop sticks into the bowl or on the table. Lay them across the edge of your plate. Good manners.

Never keep that one hand on your lap. It's polite to put both hands on the table. Always pour everyone elses drinks first, then say compi - cheers. When you say cheers you have committed yourself to finishing the glass.

You don't need to ask please, but always say thankyou. "xie xie" or "she she".

It is not polite to show affection in public. Save the hugs and kisses for the bed room.

On your wedding day say the words "Wo yao chew Lao Po" (I want to marry my wife) as you beg your wife's GF's to let you through the doors. Give them lots of lucky money in red envelopes. A couple RMB per envelope.

Has your wife asked you to pay a dowry to her parents? If she hasn't, don't bring it up. But also don't be suprised if she does. It's up to you want you want to buy your wife for a wedding ring, but she will probably be satisfied with a small one she can wear everyday with a skinny band and small stone. Look at the ones her friends have on.


Some other quick words to learn... (spelled as they sound in english)

doi - yes

boo doi - no

hao - good

hen hao - very good

boo hao - bad

Wo - me

Nee - you

boo dong - can't understand

Wo eye Nee - I love you

doi boo chee - sorry

may win tee - No problem

she she - thanks

boo ka chee - your welcome

wo yao pee joe - I need beer

wo mayo - I don't have


0- Ling

1- E

2 - are

3 - San

4 - shi

5 - wo

6 - leo

7 - chee

8 - ba

9 - joe

10 - saa


to count up to 100 remember this format (1st digit x 10 (saa) + 2nd digit)

Example 37 is San saa chee, 62 is leo saa are

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Jarrod is right, get the 325A signed. I sat at the table with Sarah and we filled it out. Time-consuming, but worth it.


You can buy nice 24k rings. But, go to a reputable store. Sarah knew where to take me and I let her choose one for each of us. She bought a ring she liked. Also, look at a wedding dress. Sarah found a dress for about $39 and it was beautiful at our wedding. Sorry, no pictures.


I would goof up a zillion times in manners/Chinese/ etc. and give them the "I'm just another stupid American" look and we would all laugh.


Practice using chopsticks. My Chi. family were pleased that I could use them, in spite of my woeful abilities.

Don't besurprised when you are corrected on almost everything. As a friend of my sister-in-law said, "Chinese will say anything to you" - including your appearance, your finances, etc.

Don't lick your finger before turning pages (one of my bad habits).

You can spit out bones when you are eating chicken/fish/pork/etc

Rest. are cheap by our standards - have her tell you where to go eat.

People will argue with you about who is going to pay for the meal.

Be self-deprecating - "thank you so much, but my house is very simple"

My wife and all of her family - take shoes off in the house and wear slippers. Everyone takes showers before going to bed and I take one in the morning before work, etc.

A smile works wonders when you are feeling non-communicative or frustrated. Often people will look away, don't worry, it's a Chi. thing.

Don't be surprised if you hear NO English being spoken, especially if you are not in the city center. And, don't be surprised if people walk up to you and say "Hallo" - that may be the extent of their English or they have a few rudimentary words.


Anyways, best of luck!!!


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