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No matter how many times I try to sit back and be patient it is but a matter of days before I am back to being extremely angry and frustrated with the wait. I have enrolled on a Junior College to keep my mind busy. These days i don't mind working to exhaustion...it is the only chance I'll get for a good nights sleep....otherwise, the pent up steam will get to me. Am I the only one feeling "mini-meltdowns" ???


This mornings unproductive call to D.O.S. doesn't help my state of mind...I feel so stagnant and frustrated!!!!!!

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Take a chill pill and relax. What sense is it to get all worked up about a system that you have absolutely no control over. And the phone calls to the various agencies rarely give you any reliable info to go by.


You have your petition in and all is in order, I assume, so just kick back and "cross" your fingers, hope for the best and let the system work. In the meantime, do productive things to take your mind off from it, like talking with your gal, going to work and/or school, and other useful and creative things.


I know your frustration but don't let it get the best of you. Time is like a freight train, it keeps on rolling! and one day, it will roll to you.


Be at ease!..... :D

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Hello Alex,


My friend, we have all had these same feelings one time or the other during this process. I have been so irritated at the different ways that DOS or GZ would give me information that I could hardly sleep at night. Many times I would call my wife and we would talk about how long things were taking and if there were anything we could do to help speed things up. Unfortunatly there is nothing you can do but "WAIT". My wife was getting so irritated at GZ that if it hadn't been for Darrell's (Se_Lang) wife and Marty's wife, I think she would have been a complete basket case by now. I know that the word "WAIT" is the one most hated word to many but it is the only thing you and your wife / fiancee can do for now.


I do agree that it is not fare at times, when you read where maybe a couple whom have filed after you, now have an interview date. This is a rare thing, but it does happen.


Now that in 3 weeks my wife and daughter will go for there interview in GZ, I can only look back and think about how much we went through. I can only give you hope that your day will come and then maybe you too, will be writing these same words (or close to it) to someone else who is starting to feel the tension and the frustration.


Unfortunatly, you are not alone! Fortunatly, you and many others have all these friends here on CFL that will always be here to help you through the toughest of times. You might even find one of us close enough where you can call and talk to in person!


Patience is one of the toughest things anyone of us can ever endure. The only advice I can give you is to hang in there! There really is a "Light" at the end of the tunnel!


Alex, please add your timeline to your signature so that we may share with you, are experiances.


Take Care and Good Luck!



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How long have you been waiting? Your signature does not contain your time line, but if you submitted the petition this year your wait has not been that long. Patience my friend. Your SO is more in the dark than you are. You need to set the example. If she suspects that you are having trouble dealing with this how can she?

Consider, you are closer now than you were a week ago.


My two yuan

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Well, it is obvious that patience is the virtue we all need to embrace, but the reality is that anger is the result of our pent up waiting. Maybe they should send us all to anger management school, (kind of like 'patience for dummies').


I have also tried some night classes to pass the time, but I can’t seem to focus or concentrate on studies with all of this stuff constantly going through my head. And of course missing my fiancée so much and wanting to talk to her whenever possible with our schedules 12 hours different.


At the same time that I am so frustrated, I truly empathize with and feel for the people who work at the GZ consulate. I believe I read the number of visa applicants they process per month is in the general area of 2500 to 3000. I imagine it would be like working in a zoo with hordes of angry wolves and stampeding elephants trying to get past the gates of hell that keep them in. Okay, maybe it is not quite that bad, but I am sure the folks that work there are all stressed (especially having to deal with so many of us with our pent up angers).


What frustrates me the most is why our government only has one ‘small’ consulate in the country with the largest population in the world, for processing so many visas. I guess it all boils down to politics. Perhaps it is China who is restricting the size of our consulate and its resources. One can only wonder…


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Hi, Alex,


Talking about the long long waiting for visa, I am sure my husband and I are the ones whoes case will break records in CFL for getting THE VISA! We have done whatever we could for it, ( asked help from Congressman and Senators, many calls to NVC, DOS and...)but the only thing we can do finally is like Bryan and tywy_99 said: ...wait... no control on it...


We feel sad, angry, disappionted and frustrated about our long waiting when we talk on the phone or chat on line, and finally we decided we only discuss it by emails, we do not want to spoil the good time we are on the phone and chatting on line. We have many happy stuffs to share with each other except the BIG stuff of VISA! When you see our timetable, I am sure you know how angry we are! I even dreamed I chased Clinton's wife to seek for help from her! I knew she is in New York not CA, but she is the only Senator I know! So, you see , how desperate I am!


Take these guys advice ---- be patient!


I feel better whenever I talked with Mark's wife, Bea on phone, I feel better after I chatted with some friends on 001... So talk to frineds here and you will relax and can go to sleep easily.


God, please help these who need your help to get the visa to get family reunited!


Poor Mark and June

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Hi, Alex,


Talking about the long long waiting for visa, I am sure my husband and I are the ones whoes case will break records in CFL for getting THE VISA! We have done whatever we could for it, ( asked help from Congressman and Senators, many calls to NVC, DOS and...)but the only thing we can do finally is like  Bryan and tywy_99 said: ...wait... no control on it...


We feel sad, angry, disappionted and frustrated about our long waiting when we talk on the phone or chat on line, and finally we decided we only discuss it by emails, we do not want to spoil the good time we are on the phone and chatting on line.  We have many happy stuffs to share with each other except the BIG stuff of VISA! When you see our timetable, I am sure you know how angry we are! I even dreamed I chased Clinton's wife to seek for help from her! I knew she is in New York not CA, but she is the only Senator I know! So, you see , how desperate I am!


Take these guys advice ----  be patient!


I feel better whenever I talked with Mark's wife, Bea on phone, I feel better after I chatted with some friends on 001... So talk to frineds here and you will relax and can go to sleep easily.


God, please help these who need your help to get the visa to get family reunited!


Poor Mark and June

Hi yuan95,


Any news of late on your case? How did the new GUZ number work out? Did you send an e-mail to GZ?

I remember when we got a new GUZ number and I was wondering about that. It was a new number because GZ assigns a new number once they get the case. I hope that is the same for y'all. I hope that GZ as your case now. You two have been waiting an aweful long time and that has to be the most unbearable pain to endure.

Anyways, I hope things start working out for you and your husband.


The best of luck!

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Thank you for asking about our case. Yes, we sent an email to GZ about the new GUZ number, but they replied to us they still have not got our file yet from NVC!!!!


Mark called NVC and they said to him, we will receive DS-3032 in 6 to 8 weeks. The old GUZ number is for I 129 F and the new one is for 130 petition. So we think our CR1 will be faster than the K3.


I hope our file is on the way to GZ and I also hope our long waiting will be ended soon.



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Thanks for all the supportive comments and suggestions. I feel consoled knowing I can post my thoughts here and that all will be understood by my CFL kin.


I have never posted my timeline, because frankly I am not very computer savvy. ..I once tried using the smileys...but don't know how to use them. I also wanted to post a picture of my SO, but I have no idea of what an "avatar" function is , or how to use it. You might say I'm a bit of a caveman.


Here is a rough estimate of my timeline..


Nov 19, 2003...I-129-f sent

Nov 22, 2003 rec'd at TSC

March 2004 approved and sent to NVC

April 2004 NVC sends case to GZ

June 22 2004 Fiancee receives P-3

June 25 2004 Fiancee returns P-3

July 9, 2004 GZ registers P-3


.......the black hole

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I wanted to respond to wolf about a statement made above.


The US Gov't. has more than 'one small consulate' in China. The embassy is in Beijing, and there are consulates in Shenyang, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu. All of the consulates, and of course the embassy, issue visas for Chinese citizens wanting to visit USA. However, all immigrant visas are issued at the consulate in Guangzhou.


As far as the '3000 per month' I really can't say much about that, except to say that in 2002 there were only about 2250 fiance visas issued in mainland china. This is published in the 2002 Immigration Yearbook, which is the most current issue. When you account for the other types of visa, and the inevitable number of denials, I suppose the number of 3000 per month isn't totally unbelievable, but I would like to see the source of that information because the number does seem a bit high to me.


I know that there are many other types of visa, but I do have difficulty with the number '3000 per month'. Do you have a source for this information?


The primary reason for delay in issuing visas is the time required for performing all of the checks required. As we have seen here on CFL recently there has been discussion of visa fraud. It seems that the US Government has two main problems, terrorism and fraud, and the visa approval process attempts to counter both of them.


I don't like the delay and administrative bureaucracy any more than you do, but I do try to understand what our government is trying to achieve.


You know that your fiancee isn't a terrorist or a visa fraud, but the visa office doesn't!


Is our government efficient? No Way!

Is our government fairly and equitably handling all visa requests? No Way!

Do the visa officers capriciously deny applications? It seems so.


Am I willing to put up with all of the US and Chinese government bureaucracy to have my fiancee with me? ABSOLUTELY! It's worth ten times the hassle and delay!

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