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Need Notorized Passport for I-129F?

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Well, I am not living in the state in which I was born so can't get the original birth cert. 



My package for the I-129 was a total of 350 pages.

For the birth certificate, you only need to contact the county of the state you were born in and give them your name, birth date, possibly a faxed copy of your current ID and a few bucks. They will mail an original certified copy to you.


hehehe 350 pages! That'll teach them for getting petty about the small stuff!!

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Well, I am not living in the state in which I was born so can't get the original birth cert.  


My package for the I-129 was a total of 350 pages.  Email, copies of letter, copies of passports for both, birth certificates, photos of us together where I lived in Asia.  Picture of my apartment building there, phone records from over there....you name it.


It was over two inches thick.  If that wasn't enough....not sure what else I could do.  I even wrote notes on the passport pages, the visa stamps,  indicating we were both in the same country at the same times (when she would come stay with me).  Emails (about 200)  were arranged chronologically and with month dividers.


I wish there was an objective checklist.  You know "if you have 7 of the following 10 documents, you are in compliance" sort of thing.  Now, I hope that the guy who picks our package up isn't having a bad day or hung over.  That is why I am worried.  Completely subjective.

Well it sounds like you have sent more then required.. Some of it should have been used for the interview..

The problem with sending to much is it sends a flag up that because of the over amount you sent that maybe you are trying to cover something up..NOT THAT YOU ARE

What is this based on.. The 911 terrorists sent much extra info to get their visas and were never questioned now they look at over documentation as... well you get the picture.

You should send in only what they request in the 129 requirements..

Here is the thinking. You are sending this info into some clerk,whos job it is to check your documents and are required to do ,,so many a day.. I hate to be pesimistic but if you were that person where would you put the file that is over 2 inches thick as compared to the ones that are say a half inch thick with only the required documents to check when you are required to process x amount a day..

Unfortunatly the pictures of your apartment,phone calls back and forth are NOT proof of being there.

Visas/passports can be conterfited very easy and is subject to scrutiny,, the best proofs have been listed here at CFL many times and the CIS does provide the required info although subjective in their application/instructions for the 129.

Well maybe you will be all right,, I hope so..

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Well, I am not living in the state in which I was born so can't get the original birth cert.  



My package for the I-129 was a total of 350 pages.

For the birth certificate, you only need to contact the county of the state you were born in and give them your name, birth date, possibly a faxed copy of your current ID and a few bucks. They will mail an original certified copy to you.


hehehe 350 pages! That'll teach them for getting petty about the small stuff!!

Yeah it may hold the process up longer..

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Well, I am not living in the state in which I was born so can't get the original birth cert.  



My package for the I-129 was a total of 350 pages.

For the birth certificate, you only need to contact the county of the state you were born in and give them your name, birth date, possibly a faxed copy of your current ID and a few bucks. They will mail an original certified copy to you.


hehehe 350 pages! That'll teach them for getting petty about the small stuff!!

Yeah it may hold the process up longer..

I live in Florida, and was born in Manhattan. It was easy to get an original copy of my BC. Nothing to it. Contact the County records department and for a very small fee they will send you any document recorded by you (or for you).

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Well, I am not living in the state in which I was born so can't get the original birth cert.  



My package for the I-129 was a total of 350 pages.

For the birth certificate, you only need to contact the county of the state you were born in and give them your name, birth date, possibly a faxed copy of your current ID and a few bucks. They will mail an original certified copy to you.


hehehe 350 pages! That'll teach them for getting petty about the small stuff!!

Yeah it may hold the process up longer..

I live in Florida, and was born in Manhattan. It was easy to get an original copy of my BC. Nothing to it. Contact the County records department and for a very small fee they will send you any document recorded by you (or for you).

I live in Virginia and was born in Louisiana.

I looked up the city's website and found a request form that you can print and fill out.

With this request form, 15 dollars, and a copy of my driver's license, I was able to get my birth certifcate.


Okay....who's next???.......... :lol:

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Okay, well I am not sure about the birth cert. thing. I just remember the last time I called about a birth cert. in my state, I had to go down to the city/country office in person, that is why I replied as I did.


As for giving what is required, I did do that. With the additional paperwork, I was trying to establish a chain of documents putting us in the same place at the same time, in 'addition' to the required material, not instead of it.


I lived in Asia, and my g/f would come and stay with me for 2-5 weeks at a time, so I was trying to support that on paper. Of course I included passport, birth cert., etc. Our visa stamps I noted on the copies, with dates also supporting the time frames for all of her trips. That is why I included stuff about my apartment. Just a little extra piece of the puzzle.


I included about 14 photos of us together on different occassions over there, both in my apartment and elsewhere. I am not big on taking pictures, and if we knew at the time we were going to do the visa thing, I would have had dozens more photos, but we didn't know.


A lot of what I included were emails too, my g/f kept all of our emails for the fifteen months prior to our decision to do try for the visa.


Yes, I know it will be a pain if they were all read, but I would have kicked myself if I had them and did not include them, by second guessing too much.


Overboard? Maybe. But I read to include as much as possible, so that is what I did. I organized the darn thing with chapter headings, vinyl front and back cover, the works. Only time will tell. If we get shot down, it wasn't because of lack of effort.



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My package for the I-129 was a total of 350 pages.

Oh my GOD! Mine was 35 pages and approved today. Geezus, 350 pages? Glad I didn't read that before I sent my application.


On another note, because I read your post, I will begin gathering our life stories for the next milestones. Thankyou!

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Well, I'm sure not saying what I did was necessarily the best way, and perhaps having a research and investigations background made me go crazy with the documentation. I just wanted a bulletproof submission. As I mentioned, this thing is so subjective, not sure I would ever feel comfortable with it.


Oh, someone mentioned to save some of the stuff for the interview...I made an identical copy for my g/f and sent it to her. I made a third copy for myself as well.

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>>>You should send in only what they request in the 129 requirements..<<<


I did. It's not like I included Yankee ticket stubs or hot dog wrappers. :o The paperwork was all related to supporting our ongoing relationship. All pieces of the puzzle, no document alone was used to support this topic. Documents relating to time, place, and interaction regarding our relationship were included...cards, letters, emails, photos, etc.


>>>Visas/passports can be conterfited very easy and is subject to scrutiny<<<


Yes, anything can be forged. Money can be forged, but we still use it. They asked for these, we put them in.


>>>Unfortunatly the pictures of your apartment,phone calls back and forth are NOT proof of being there. <<<


That, with both of our visa stamps, plus photos of us in my place and around my building, and original utility bills in my name in English and the native language where I lived is about as much as one can supply showing I lived there and we were there together. I couldn't mail the landlord with my application. Plus, she really didn't speak much English anyway (especially when I had a problem with my apartment, then it was always "Mai kow jai, mai phud pasa angrit). :lol:


Again, pieces of the puzzle, not the entire picture. The I-129F asks for supporting documents of a relationship, we included these things.


If there was a guideline on page limits or anything, I would have followed it. But when you see "include as much as possible" that is what I went with. Any second guessing beyond that is just that...


If we were to get shot down, I would rather get shot down for doing too much than not enough.


Thanks for the kind words and support folks...Peace. :D

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