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I'm not Eric, but...



Would you mind saying where you read this? I went through the first page of posts on the 001 site without seeing it. Is there another Chinese text forum besides 001?


I like to keep tabs on that type of behavior myself. My fiancee has told me about those sorts of things.

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No. It is not on 001. It is another all Chinese post. No location is disclosed. Helen Wong is the name used in the post. Aparently the gentleman in U.S. loves her and send her all these gifts and stuff. The kid (6) was also looking forward to having her over and teach him to draw, etc. Meanwhile she is also dating and contemplating marrying Richard (also from the States) who teaches at a college in China but owned his own business before. He recently divorced his Chinese wife in China. He is paying Helen 30k Yuan a month ( she claims). So she is sleeping with him in China while waiting to the K-1. She shamelessly claims that she is going to mary one of them and keep the other as a "friend".

It is really disgusting behavior. I asked where she is from but she did not answer. Anyway, it would not be fair to generalize anyway.

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Oh, so she's a whore.

Interesting comment.....


Aren’t you the same person who asked people to pray for you to get a new job, a few days ago?


Therefore, you must believe in God? If so, then you should read John 8:11 where Jesus protected the prostitute said “Neither do I condemn you, Go away and from this moment sin no more”


This Chinese woman’s behavior, if true is very bad, morality reprehensible and disgusting, and you should describe in detail your viewpoint concerning that type of behavior. But to quickly judge someone, and labeling her as a “Oh she’s a WHORE” before so many people, without know her or just on a third party’ account of a story he read, while at the same time asking people to pray to God, on your behalf, for a better job for you, is difficult to understand.


I don’t know if this is right or wrong, but I do know, God doesn’t want us to be labeling any of his children, not matter how poorly they are acting as ‘WHORES’ .


If Jesus didn’t condemn a prostitute, then either should I.


Bad type of behavior YES, ..... “Oh she's a Whore”..... NO….

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Ummm... guys. This is a question of English language.


#1 Definition of whore from miriam-webster: 1 : a woman who engages in sexual acts for money


Taking 30,000 yuan to sleep with someone qualifies I think.


Did I make a moral judgement? Did I attack the behavior? No. Many others did. I mearly used a WORD.


Bigguy, you yourself used the word "prostitute". The definition is essentially the same. 1 a : a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse especially for money


Actually, looking at both definitions, "prostitute" looks even worse.


I offered no condemnation as such, nor advice. Only my take on the unknown person in this story. And IF THE STORY IS TRUE... IF... then the word is an honest one.


So, sorry guys I don't see it.


Bigguy33... If you had read more of that same post of mine you referred to, or some of my many others, you would see I do not consider myself a Christian. So quoting the bible at me isn't going to make me see your point of view. I think you are taking a little too much exception with what I wrote, and reading too much into it.


Tony... do you really think that policy applies to my statement? I don't think it was either an attack, or personal. It's not personal because this person is completely anonymous and for that matter maybe not even real. It's not an attack because it was merely an accurate term to describe the behavior of this anonymous person. A whore takes money for sex. It's pretty cut and dry. And why weren't you quoting CFL policy when the rumpus room was falling to pieces and people were gouging each other's eyes out? Kind of a funny time to suddenly start caring isn't it?

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Tony...  do you really think that policy applies to my statement?  I don't think it was either an attack, or personal.  It's not personal because this person is completely anonymous and for that matter maybe not even real.  It's not an attack because it was merely an accurate term to describe the behavior of this anonymous person.  A whore takes money for sex.  It's pretty cut and dry.  And why weren't you quoting CFL policy when the rumpus room was falling to pieces and people were gouging each other's eyes out?  Kind of a funny time to suddenly start caring isn't it?



The word "whore" is so negative. Calling a woman a whore is bashing. What she does is terrible (unfaithful). However, we shouldn't call her a whore or prostitute. I wasn't around when the Rumpus Room was falling to pieces. I think it happened in the weekend. We don't want WWIII to happen again at CFL. So we must prevent any attacks.

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