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Best airline to fly from China?

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So far I've alternated between United and JAL. I used to take the non-stop United flight from Chicago to Beijing, and I have to say it was not a particularly pleasant experience. Very crowded, not much choice as to movies, often the same movies on both legs of the journey, not-so-great food, and, on a couple of occasions, EXTREMELY long waits and lines at the Beijing airport coming home. JAL, on the other hand, was just great. Plane seemed less cramped, much better movie selection, better service, better food. Plus they offered a 1-stop flight to Qingdao, with 1 free night at the Nikko Narita included in the ticket.


All that said, if United gave me a better price, I'd still take the United flight, despite the hangups I mentioned. This time it's my first trip to Hong Kong/Guangzhou, and I am taking Cathay Pacific, direct flight from Vancouver. We'll see how it compares...

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You will like Cathay Pacific, even in coach. I am assuming that their Vancouver flight takes off after midnight like the HK flights out of SF and LA... That allows you to get in to HK early am, and makes travel directly to China possible the same day.


I personally, though, don't really like that schedule, since no flights originate in Portland, you need to book a connecting flight that usually is no later than about 930pm ---which means a long wait until after mid-night to fly ---particularly hard if traveling with kids..

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Yes, the flight leaves at 3:00AM, arrives in HK at 8:00AM. That's actually why I chose it, since I didn't want to arrive in HK at night. I live in Olympia, so I plan to drive up to Vancouver. I really don't like flying, so the less connections, the better. I know I could have saved a few hundred by taking the Northwest flights out of Portland, but for me, the direct Cathay flight, arriving in the morning, is worth the extra $$. Plus I've heard good things about Cathay.

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Pretty exciting Jason and Turtle!


Wish I were going~!


......  Hummmmm.......  anyone seen my p-4??  ....must be around here someplace!

Kim - did you try looking on the other side of the earth? It's there, I assure you! I can see it now ... smooshed at the bottom of a pile, starting to get a bit moldy, but it will soon emerge and see the light of day, soon I hope!!


Airlines - in my opinion, they are all bascially the same. I've flown all over the world on countless different airlines (Royal Air Cambodia, Pakistan Airlines, Berjaya Air, etc) and they all seem the same to me. There are no unsafe airlines (especially not flying in/out of America). The time to fear for one's life is *AFTER* landing in China then having to take ground transporation, the horror!!! One is far more likely to become injured driving away from the airport in China rather than flying to China.


For me what makes a difference is the type of aircraft. I loooove the new Boeing 777's - awesome new machines, very comfortable. United has a bunch, as do others. Northwest has a bunch new Airbus A330-200's which I hear are very nice (and quiet too).


After the interview my honey and I will be flying back together on Northwest Airlines, directly into Portland, Oregon (it will be our point of entry). I'm a little nervous about that because Portland (the immigration officials) has a terrible reputation for harrassing arriving foreigners. It became so bad that Portland earned the nickname "Deportland" because so many arriving Japanese travellers got sent back to Japan for stupid reasons. Soon after Delta had to cancel their direct service to Japan because of lack of business (duh). But they say such problems are history now. Yeah, we'll see. Literally! My fingers are crossed for using PDX as POE for my honey.


P.S. I'll be flying to China on Asiana Airlines, which makes no difference to me, but I have a 16 hour layover in Korea (Incheon), that really sucks!

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My first trip to China I flew China Southern from Los Angeles to Guangzhou and I loved it. Great service and great food! But flying from the east coast (I originated out of Providence RI for all my trips) and making all of the connections made for long travel time to Nanning (36 hours+).


For subsequent trips I have flown the United non-stops out of Chicago. To make same day connections to Guilin, I flew into Hong Kong and out of Beijing. Travel time was reduced to 24 hours. United does not have anywhere near as friendly service and mediocre food. However, they did generously offer a 'no penalty' cancellation waiver during the height of the SARS epidemic last year. They bent over backwards for me when I rebooked the trip in October and their booking agents made several calls to Chinese airlines in order to ticket me through to Guilin.


Since my paid vacation time is at a premium, I will continue to make United my first choice, and would only consider a lengthier itinerary if it came with a substatial cost savings.

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Actually, Jim,


I was over at Mall 205 the other day, and came out of the public restroom --- couldn't understand why all the teenage "Mall Rats" were laughing and pointing at me, and then this kind elderly lady came up to me and told me she thought I had a p-4 stuck to the bottom of my shoe....


.... but when I went back to look, it was already gone .....


Yeah, I agree, 777 is a great plane --- absolute get up and go power --- no hesitation!


Pilots love the 777. I have a friend who flies with American, long time in MD - 80's, and he was very tempted to retrain for the 777, but decided it wasn't worth being away from his family, as he was almost certain to be placed on long international flights..


China Southern was one of the very first airlines to bring the 777 into service, and I still remember my first ride -- in 1997 --- the short hop from Guangzhou to Hong Kong --- wow!


Jim, I wouldn't worry about coming through PDX. When I came through Customs this July, it was obvious that the Immigration officers were bending over backwards to be kind and courtious to foreign travelers --- obviously trying hard to live down their previous reputation....

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I flew United on my one and only trip to China. Washington Dulles-Chicago ORD-Beijing. I will likely use them in the future just to earn some more miles :D


My possible October trip, while technically still up in the air is looking like a no-go... *sigh* at least it looks like I'll be able to go out for her interview after all.

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I have flow China Eastern LAX -> Beijing 2 times.

Both flights were good.


I flew United, Dulles -> SFO -> Shanghai, twice.


I actually good experiences on United. Food was OK, good service. The plane was sold out, but it was a good flight.


I think China Eastern costs more $

China Eastern 3-1/2 times ONLY because of the cost (through flychina.com) and it's a direct flight to Shanghai.


I dislike the Airbus A-340, the noise if seated near the bathrooms is incredible. About the only way to get leg room is right behind it. The older A-340 plane(s) I flew on was VERY noisy inside- overheard luggage racks, seats would shake rattle and roll, the jet noise to the cabin was LOUD and several monitor screens were duct taped shut. Last few times I was in a quieter newer plane and a lot better. Also A-340 does not have adjustable air vents or reading lights in the overhead. Reading light was aimed at the arm rest a few times. Bathrooms mid cabin are poorly layed out- toilets were always wet from the sink. Food ain't all that great either. Got real sick upon arrival at LAX last trip. (Noodles or rice? Noodles or rice? Well what's on it? Last meal was noodles and FISH- I knew better.....) :D


Otherwise go with a BOEING 747 or 777. Richard

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Richard, I agree completely...


Cathay Pacific flies the older airbus (as well as Boeing jets --- luck of the draw) --- I had several very cramped flights on their A-340 flights ----- unlike Boeing --- they didn't configure the plane so that you could streach and stand around the lavs and service areas... Cathay does try to make up for that with better service, and, in my opinion, substancially nicer food service, but streaching is important...... I discussed my experience with my good friend flying at American, and he said cabin configuration is almost entirely the choice of the airline.... thus, NWA claims that their new Air Buses have more room.... we will see!


From a pilot's point of view, (at least the one I know) --- they consider Air Bus under powered compared to Boeing, and are leary of the extensive use of composites (vs. tried and true avation metal) --- my friend cites the example of the Air Bus that went down in NY shortly after 911 --- the rear stabilizer sheered off --- his concern is that because it was made of composite material there is really no way to test for quality, (and thus prevent a reoccurance) as there is with the long history of metallurgy used in Boeing products...


BTW --- I mentioned earlier that my first flight on a 777 was with China Southern, but as several have mentioned China Eastern ---- I think that was the Airline that I was flying with, and had the first 777's in China...

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