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Hey Alex, you have plenty to worry about without thinking about that. IF we get attacked it may have an effect. IF we get into WWIII with China.... IF a meteor....I think the biggest worry now shoudl be, IF you filed out the papers right and IF GZ wakes up.


Good luck and keep on worry' n. I did when I was waiting.

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This morning I heard all the news about the threat of  terrorist attacks  on our soil.  I'm worried because  such  events would probably delay the  immigration process  as they did on 9/11.


Am I thinking too much??  Do any of you feel ther same way?

You are right. It probably would affect it. I've worried about it from time to time, especially with the high profile of the elections... as likely a time for an attack as any.. and knowing that Jun will not be here by then.


Then I scolded myself a bit for being so worried about that, and decided to worry instead for the loss of thousands of lives that would occur during such an attack. Whatever hardships I and Jun would endure as a result would pale in comparison to the nightmare so many innocent people would be plunged into.


So I'll hope something like that does not happen again for that reason above all. And yes, for my personal reasons too. Moreso, I would hope that if something like that did happen, they wouldn't have as much of a "knee-jerk" reaction in holding up ALL visas for months and months and months. Aah yes, those young female Chinese terrorists... just waiting to get over here and mop our carpets and hang their panties on our luxury cars' side mirrors!!!! Oh the humanity!!! :rolleyes:


IF something like that resulted in a black hole, I would relocate.



But... I also agree with Trigg. It's too easy to "if" yourself to death. Best to just stay focused and plug on.

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This morning I heard all the news about the threat of  terrorist attacks  on our soil.  I'm worried because  such  events would probably delay the  immigration process  as they did on 9/11.


Am I thinking too much??  Do any of you feel ther same way?

You are right. It probably would affect it. I've worried about it from time to time, especially with the high profile of the elections... as likely a time for an attack as any.. and knowing that Jun will not be here by then.


Then I scolded myself a bit for being so worried about that, and decided to worry instead for the loss of thousands of lives that would occur during such an attack. Whatever hardships I and Jun would endure as a result would pale in comparison to the nightmare so many innocent people would be plunged into.


So I'll hope something like that does not happen again for that reason above all. And yes, for my personal reasons too. Moreso, I would hope that if something like that did happen, they wouldn't have as much of a "knee-jerk" reaction in holding up ALL visas for months and months and months. Aah yes, those young female Chinese terrorists... just waiting to get over here and mop our carpets and hang their panties on our luxury cars' side mirrors!!!! Oh the humanity!!! :blink:


IF something like that resulted in a black hole, I would relocate.



But... I also agree with Trigg. It's too easy to "if" yourself to death. Best to just stay focused and plug on.

Yes, there is always going to China and teaching English if the visas just stopped coming.

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This morning I heard all the news about the threat of  terrorist attacks  on our soil.  I'm worried because  such  events would probably delay the  immigration process  as they did on 9/11.


Am I thinking too much??  Do any of you feel ther same way?

that is the basis of the current administration's campaign for re-election. fear.

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The problem is that many of us are not so: "foot lose, and fancy free" Because of family obligations, in the case of: "Round 2 Terrorist Attack" ---- we can't just pack up and go to China to be with our Honey....


This should be a real concern. And some know that I have posted on this issue before ---

--- If the current administration had taken Home Land security, seriously after 9-11 I wouldn't dread the future....


This isn't about a meteror hitting ~! This web site was created in the wake of the first major international terrorist attack on America --- (and the resulting Black Hole)


Unfortunately, the current administration has done very little to insure there there won't be another attack on our soil.....

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Personally I don't worry about it. I don't think the terrorists are not going to risk getting the Chinese after them by attacking targets in Hong Kong or China. The last thing they need is 1.2 billion people after them with their hands full of dealing with us. And if they attack the US here on our soil again, I'm not sure it will cause any more disruption to us than is already present in our lives now


I also don't realistically believe anyone can guarantee the terrorists will not attack US soil again. So therefore I expect it to happen. And although I don't intend to vote for any of the two candidates for President this time, I don't think the current administration is doing any worse job than the previous one that let 5 or 6 attacks against US interests go virtually unanswered, prompting our arch-enemy O. b. Ladin to label us "Paper Tigers", ready for the final death blow....hence 9/11.


But be realistic, no administration, either Republican or Democratic, has been able to stop hundreds of thousands of people from sneaking across our southern border every year for the past many decades. How is anyone going to stop a handful of determined terrorists from coming across? And if you look at the Canadian border, forget it. Anyone can walk across between Washington state and Minnesota where they have only about 6 Border Patrol agents covering the 1500 miles. The terrorists are not going to drive across at the border crossings.


I think the real worry for all of us is how we are going to handle the Taiwan issue, which is most likely to cause us much difficulty in our lives in the next 5 or 10 or 15 years. China is not going to let it go. And how the US responds to their actions will determine many things. If the US tries to come to the aid of Taiwan should the Chinese decide to invade Taiwan, we will be at war with China. We and our wives will be in a terrible situation. We will most likely be rooting for our soldiers as they try to knock off as many of our wive's countrymen as possible and our wives will have relatives in China who will most likely be cheering their soldiers on against us. And who knows where our wives thinking will be in all of this mess. If that's not something to worry about I don't know what is. This is what keeps me awake at night....not the stupid Islamic terrorists. So I already started talking to my fiancee about this possibility long ago and how we will both handle it if, and when, it happens.

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Threats are simply external fears. Some have a purpose, some don't. If you are threatened or fear a terrorist attack may hinder your future plans and can do something, anything, to prevent the attack or make contingency plans in the event it happens, then your fear has a useful purpose-hang on to it. If you fear or are threatened by a meteor strike or a terrorist attack and can/will do nothing about it--then fear is not a purposeful option. Worry is good if it is motivating--if it is not--hell man don't worry about it. Kick back grin and dream of good times a comin'.


Scared never could and complacent never would. :blink:

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Aah yes, those young female Chinese terrorists...  just waiting to get over here and mop our carpets and hang their panties on our luxury cars' side mirrors!!!! Oh the humanity!!! :blink:


IF something like that resulted in a black hole, I would relocate.




Too funny,


By hanging the clothing outside the toxic spores that were produced in the soaked carpet, now clinging to the wet clothing, will spread in the wind to neighboring homes and communities...............................................wait, the sunlight will kill the spores. Oh no, cloudy day in the Midwest, were doomed!!!!!!!!!!!


I would relocate too.

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So why make it difficult for the Chinese and Russians????

Haven't a clue, maybe it has to do with the fact China, Russia and the US have very different political ideologies. Not that other countries do not, but the big three do not trust each other, and that goes back to the cold war days. All three countries are still spying on each-other. That is the only excuse I can think of that makes remote sense. Maybe part of it has to do with the prostitution trade, but why China and Russia. Are the only prostitutes Chinese and Russian.....................................think not.


I'll have all year to ponder it.

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