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Ling's Progress now

Guest blsqueaky

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Guest blsqueaky

Well I thought that about time that I would update the lovely wife's progress since she has been on the road, and staying at home. Well this time home, she has learned the laundromat, and does not mind too much, but still hangs some items from the bar in the shower, but on the good side, she does everything that she can to make sure that no water drips on the carpeted floor. Same when using the sink. Now wondering how many of you remember a post, something like "my kingdom for a dry towel", well belive it or not, when Ling steps out of shower, grabs a dry, yes a dry towel. She will use a small wet one for her hair till ready to dry, then a dry one again. Believe it or not, once in a hotel room, she pulled out a face towel for washing, and I showed her a washcloth, explained the difference, now always grabs the wash cloth.


Now when we are home, we like to go to the Eagles or the VFW, and she has learned another trick, when get drink, pay, then tip for service, so now everytime that she either makes me a drink, or gets me a beer, $1.00. On a real good day, this can add up, so now I have to watch myself.


She has now gotten so used to the area around here, that in the mornings, around 7:30, she goes jogging along the lake for 1 hour. She has no fear. She has gotten real good at shopping. She has no problem walking into the store, finding what she wants, finding what the cost, and pulling out close to the right amount. If she is a little off, thanks for the friends that I have at the store and watch out for her, they take care of her. I guess that now I have no fear of leaving on the road alone and her being able to fend for her self (yes, still friends will call her to make sure that she is okay, from neighbors, to landlord to the taxi driver).


When she first arrived she complained about not eating much, so complained about losing weight, now complaining about to much western food, and gaining weight. Dayum, how to please, so I was informed last night that after tonights dinner, roast and all of the fixins, no more meat, vegatables, poultry and fish only. Ohhh, is this going to put a cramp in my style. Guess that we will both be in the kitchen, and there goes the budget. Luckily that I finally found a great Chinese supermarket in Columbus, that has everything that she needs, and not a bad price.


Well now in closing, some of this goes along with another post that I made somewhere, before you make any dramtic changes around the house, apartment or whatever, let her/him arrive, then see. You will be so surprised. I remember once awhile back, someone was getting ready to change many things, then when she arrived, found out that he did now. Can not remember right now who that was.


Till later everyone, Mark and Ling

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Guest blsqueaky

There was something that I forgot, and it is big, forgot that they talk to their friends here, and they read 001, then they ask why, try to explain that every state is different, every state has their own rules, and everyone that has their SO here, different situation, like why he can, "well he is invester", like why can he, "I not know" why not work, "Retired" So uch to learn, and now I am also learning.

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Hey, OTRMark,


.... another good post ! Fei and I have had the discussion about red meat --- she can eat anything, but is not that big of a fan of it -- but she admits beef is good -- in small amounts --- think we will slice it thin for stirfry...


Pretty sure I will lose weight when she gets here ~!

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Guest blsqueaky
OTRMARK?? Don't tell me Squeaky is a Mark too? We ahve RMark, Lmark, OTR Mark and I think you crowned an AMark too. 


Gheeeez Squeaky, I'll bet you are in hog heaven to be in such an exclusive club. :D

Yes Trigg, hog heven now. Everyone, thanks so much for the comments. You have no idea what they mean to me.


Well next week is the big test for Ling, I am leaving for 2 weeks, maybe 3, and she is staying home. She has been learning my puter and all of its little quirks, like when it locks up, shuts down, how to clean, etc, etc. She has also been learning the phone, memory, and who to call if she needs help. Also my very close friends have also said that they will check on her to make sure that she is okay.


Also today we went to the Chinese Supermarket in Cloumbus, she stocked up on everything that she thought that she would need. I could not belive that I got out of there with only 6 bags, and one of those was 5lbs of rice, total bill, $41, and some of that was stuff for me to take on the road. She is very frugal.


Again, all, thanks so much for the reply's

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OTRMARK?? Don't tell me Squeaky is a Mark too? We ahve RMark, Lmark, OTR Mark and I think you crowned an AMark too.  


Gheeeez Squeaky, I'll bet you are in hog heaven to be in such an exclusive club. :lol:

Yes Trigg, hog heven now. Everyone, thanks so much for the comments. You have no idea what they mean to me.


Well next week is the big test for Ling, I am leaving for 2 weeks, maybe 3, and she is staying home. She has been learning my puter and all of its little quirks, like when it locks up, shuts down, how to clean, etc, etc. She has also been learning the phone, memory, and who to call if she needs help. Also my very close friends have also said that they will check on her to make sure that she is okay.


Also today we went to the Chinese Supermarket in Cloumbus, she stocked up on everything that she thought that she would need. I could not belive that I got out of there with only 6 bags, and one of those was 5lbs of rice, total bill, $41, and some of that was stuff for me to take on the road. She is very frugal.


Again, all, thanks so much for the reply's

geeeeeeeez!!! $41.00bucks.. sure you didn't hit the columbus store in china!! heheh


Yes sounds like this will be an easy one for her, but a long long time away after all the seperation before than on the other hand a great time for her independents as well. ") Sounds like it might be time for a laptop for you while on the road and one of those clip on web cams..:D


There must be internet links for it all over the country for you OTR guys by now..


Ohh you had asked if we bought that chinses pen tablet system, nope. Bea is fine writing english and has a software for her chinese based system that translates any words she doen't know. We do have our eye on it for her folks and the girls maybe.


another thing while on that subject or at least that store we go to. We were just in there yesterday to buy some blank CD's and geeez all the DVD's are gone! Seems the local officials did one of their some times sweeps thru there. Bea went back and talk to our CD seller and he said some forienger complained to Beijing and mid way thru last month they came in and shut everyone down.. but.. 3 months everything ok! :P


Darn!! While I am interested in copyright etc and all.. this is China... and this means giving the populus cheap affordable entertainment is still more important than rules. For a chinese person to buy a version of the windows operating system you might as well have them buy it in the states as the only difference is the cost to mail it!!!


ANd when you stop to think that $200 bucks is half or maybe more of a persons monthly wages.. rules and ethics.. which the USA seems to have little of in this matter.. go out the window.


Mark you for one can understand this.. fuel which is fuel is priced at different rates across the land, (Local economy)


opps off on a rank!! heheh Best of luck on you up coming trip.


Mark and Bea

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Guest blsqueaky

Thanks Mark. Yes, there are internet links now all over the country, wireless, WiFi, and now even laptops coming with that built in. I have even seen wireless now at rest areas.


I thought that $41 was cheap for all that she bought. I know that if in China, it probably would have been about $13-$15, but she got enough to last for some time. She said for at least 3 weeks. Now home and not sure. Looks like another trip this week.

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