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How about Country Music?

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PORTLAND VFW??? As you know, Portland is our rival town. My son's played foot ball for White House and stomped a hole in the Portland purple Panthers. In that little backwood trailer park that is called Portland TN, VFW stands for 'very far from winning'. Their gene pool is only a puddle. You can always tell when a Portland person is lying, their lips move. The oldest living person in Portland, a 123 year old woman, just died-they saved the baby. The baby's father was happy but he said he was sorry Grandma hadn't made it. In Portland TN they describe a virgin as an ugly 12 years old who can out run her brothers. Yup, thats were the men are men and the sheep are scared.


Gheeeez, I'd rather French kiss a rattlesnake than go to Portland Tn.

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