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Resource? Weather forecast for GZ

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Good to see that the weather folks, no matter where located, still can't predict worth squat - I just compared the two. :lol:

YUP! Last August, I think August. I was talking to Fang Ling via webcam and she said Zhanjiang was having a Typhoon. I looked at the zhanjiang weather and it said "Warm and sunny". I guess it wasn't much of a typhoon.

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Might you be travelling to the GZ area in the next few days MoonCarol?


And might you be chuckling and laughing on those warm moon lite nights?


be prepared!! Although you are wilely and a master of disguises, we are ever vigilent.. I'd suggest you pratice your chinglish least you give yourself away!!! heheheh


ok ok ok... me go now! bye bye.


Hey!!! best of luck and just remember no matter what the weather says.. it's going to be hot too hot!



Mark and Bea and baby

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