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Guest kiffie

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If everyone will call, FAX mail and email everyday I think we will have a winning case. I have done this all morning and I feel this is maaking progress because they are tired of hearing from me and they are beginning to go to upper managment and say something.


I spend 30 minutes on the phone with Powells office. The woman was fit to be tied and said she iss going to complain to upper managment.


Therfore, I feel if we keep the pressure on them we could start to make them understand we do have a voice and we want it heard and most of all we want an answer.

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If everyone will call, FAX mail and email everyday I think we will have a winning case. I have done this all morning and I feel this is maaking progress because they are tired of hearing from me and they are beginning to go to upper managment and say something.


I spend 30 minutes on the phone with Powells office. The woman was fit to be tied and said she iss going to complain to upper managment.


Therfore, I feel if we keep the pressure on them we could start to make them understand we do have a voice and we want it heard and most of all we want an answer.

Good Job!

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I called Dos ans spoke with Hale, I do not if anyone here nhas spoken with him yet, he did tell me there was an emergengy meeting concerning GZ and they are getting or have gotton extra help on the back log of cases and I did ask about the resubmission of fines and they are working overtime on these to make sure no one falls through the cracks, I think a lot of us are in the same crack, I asked why August has seemed to have a problem and many of these cases were resubmitted, I did ask about a time frame as he is hopeful that things will be completed by the end of January, I told him I was going the end of January and I hope my wife will be comeing home then and he thinks there is a good chance for this but we will wait and see. Hale is just as frustrated as we are as he gets the heat

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I called Dos ans spoke with Hale, I do not if anyone here nhas spoken with him yet, he did tell me there was an emergengy meeting concerning GZ and they are getting or have gotton extra help on the back log of cases and I did ask about the resubmission of fines and they are working overtime on these to make sure no one falls through the cracks, I think a lot of us are in the same crack, I asked why August has seemed to have a problem and many of these cases were resubmitted, I did ask about a time frame as he is hopeful that things will be completed by the end of January, I told him I was going the end of January and I hope my wife will be comeing home then and he thinks there is a good chance for this but we will wait and see. Hale is just as frustrated as we are as he gets the heat

Thanks for the info. :) I hope no one falls thru the cracks. :)

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Guest Harleybob

My Personal Opinion Only!

I believe by faxing and e-mailing everyday by many people will shut of the water faucet. The people recieveing these e-mails and faxes will soon know who are sendind them. Delete and shred will be your end result.

You may end recieving your loved one's visa two years from now because you have created a problem instead of a solution

Do as you wish but I think you will create a monster and be very sorry you did..


HarleyBob :lol:

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It has already been over two years for us. This is the second try since GZ screwed up my first request for K visas for my wife and her daughter. For two years I was quiet and just waited for something to happen. The result was nothing except further delays and our daughter now being too old to recieve a visa to accompany her mother to America.


I am not clogging up fax machines or crashing e-mail. I sent eight letters, all individualized, in the last three days, all to eight different people. It is my right and to some degree, my responsibility as an American to petition my government for redress of wrongs.


I personally became this intent of bringing things to the attention of those higher up in government because the normal channels of communication were not working. After this much time we have every right to be concerned that our cases have not been handled properly. If anyone had been willing to even tell us when her case was actually submitted for a name check and why it was being delayed so much longer than many others, I would have felt much more secure.

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Yep yep, I agree with Owen and Tex.



The delays are bad.. the waiting is bad, but the REAL pisser is the wall of silence that meets us at every turn.



WHen all of this is over, I want get a huge freaking group letter addressing this problem, and send it to both the agencies involved and the congressional comittee responsible for oversight of these things. In the meantime, I'll just concentrate on results.

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