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Sleeping together can be tough

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My wife and I have been having problem sleeping in the same bedroom. She complains that I snore and move around too much in bed. Since she is a light sleeper, it takes her a long time to fall asleep. On the other hand, I can fall asleep very easily. So she gets upset when I fall asleep and make noises. I think my breathing noise during sleep is normal. Also, she won't let me turn on the AC because it is too noisy. So these few days, I had to suffer sleeping with high humidity and heat. She said "it is not hot". I think we will have to sleep separate rooms in future.


Too bad I didn't know about her sleeping disorder prior to getting engaged.

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well, yes, I had the same problems with my husband, I think he is the same like you, snores and moves around, especially moved around , make me very upset , I am not easy to fall sleep too, if there is light and noise, I can not sleep well, if I can not sleep well, I am very temper person, well, I think maybe need to talk here too, need some help as well! :P

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My wife always slept alone in China. When she has to share room with anyone (same bed or same different beds), she get stress out and can't sleep well. When I share room with another person before, that person never complain of me snoring. Her mom is the same. However, her parents just started to sleep in different rooms now (over 35 years together). After one year of marriage, it seems like we will start sleeping separately now. I think she should go to a shrink doctor (psychologist). It is ironic that my family (my parents and sister) use to share one room (12 ft X 14 ft) in HK when we were young.


What happens when we have a baby. I bet I will be the one who will take care of her/him during the night.

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Tony? Seems like a language & culture topic?


Have to admit Xiahong complains from time to time about my snoring. Maybe I should tell her to poke me in the ribs so I turn over on my side? Nah, bad idea.

A few times my wife slap my leg on purpose to wake me up. I got angry once because I had to wake up early for work and she had the next day free. She goes crazy when she can't sleep. She would get up and slam doors (maybe to wake me up). Sometimes I worry about getting smack on the face because she can't control herself. The next day she would be fine.

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LOL! Yaya says I snore sometimes (usually when I am very tired she says). I tell her to just hit me and make me roll over. :P


I typically move around a lot when I sleep alone. But when I sleep with her, I only move once or twice during the night. :D


She lays down and she is asleep. It takes me at least 1 hour to pass out.


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Ohhhh....now I know why Tony has been so active on CFL lately! :blink:


Funny for us...in China, JM sleeps so fast and so sound. She can play until 2 AM and sleep until noon. I've always been an early sleeper/early riser. Now that she's her and now that we're doing the family thing, she's adjusted her schedule to be more like mine. Now, she's having problems getting and staying asleep. She tells me that she looks over while I sleep and resents how well I can sleep. The other night was really bad for her (drivers license woes) and she reached over and sweetly touched my face. I woke up, saw her beautiful face, told her I loved her, and immediately fell back asleep. So much for being a supportive husband, eh?

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Actually, this is a very good thread. My wife and I are always arguing about the sleeping thing. I hate hot--she fears cold. She goes to bed every night at the same time, nine, lights and TV off. I rarely sleep more than 1-2 hours at one time, never tired before midnight and always have the TV on when sleeping. She fall asleep instantly. I take more time to fall asleep than I do sleeping. I average 3-4 hours sleep a night--she gets 8. This is a real problem because when she wakes up in the middle of the night I am not laying next to hear.


This has caused us some problems but we do agree on one thing at least. It ain't our sleep time but rather our---"bedtime" :blink: That really counts.

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I am sleeping alone too here in China, I can not get sleep when there is some one share the bed or the room with me too, when my husband was in China, I complains most of the way he sleeps, he moves around when he sleep, I sleep only stay in one way, hardly ever to turn around and move around, I thought only he did like that , now I know most of the hubbies do the same, haaa, anyway, I think in the future when I will move to USA, we need to have the big big KingSize bed. :blink:

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I am sleeping alone too here in China, I can not get sleep when there is some one share the bed or the room with me too, when my husband was in China, I complains most of the way he sleeps, he moves around when he sleep, I sleep only  stay in one way, hardly ever to turn around and move around,  I thought only he did like that , now I know most of the hubbies do the same, haaa, anyway, I think in the future when I will move to USA, we need to have the big big KingSize bed. <_<

Maybe he can go visit you in China again before you get the visa and you can get a hotel room with the big big king size bed and try it out a few days. :)


My wife and I need one like this. That way she could have her covers without making me burn up.

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This is a good topic. I've got to agree with Gene.


I'm the worlds worst snorer and I used to have sore ribs from the elbows of non only my former wife, but also my present Chinese wife. Four weeks ago I was persuaded to take the sleep study test for apnea. I was diagnosed with a moderate case. Reluctantly, I purchased the positive air flow machine with a nose mask even though I have a beard and mustache. It's not as if I have not had problems adjusting, but I sleep sounder, my wife comes to bed regularly with me, and I no longer have sore ribs. I guess my advice is if you think you may have sleep apnea, take the test and possibly eliminate the bed time problems. Course, you'll have to shut the machine down and remove the mask for any night time cuddling.

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Hey guys this could be a serious problem for some of you.

some of you may be suffering from a disease call sleep apnea and should get it check out.

others may have too many pillows which can be corrected by removing pillows


A little extra weight will make it worst.


Terrence & Linda

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