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Buying drugs from Canada

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The USA government doesn't want us to buy drugs in Canada because it is unsafe. That is not the reason. Our government just want to protect the big drug companies who donate tons of money to politicans.








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You have it all wrong.... :P

All you have to do is think like a politician.


Taking drugs made in the USA, shipping them across the border, then back into the USA.... Bad for the US Economy.


Importing drugs from Europe to the USA.... GOOD

Importing the same drugs from Europe to Canada then to the USA... BAD.


Competition in Drug Manufacturing in the USA... BAD


Lots of lawyers in the USA driving the prices of the drugs up in the USA GOOD (note that many politicians are lawyers).


Malpractice and liability suits that pay more to the LEACHES (oh, Lawyers) than to the plaintiffs GOOD




Sending or raw materials to Mexico for processing, then re-importing the finished products …. GOOD


Sending our raw manufacturing jobs overseas…. GOOD


Sending our technical jobs overseas…. GOOD


Investing in fuel efficiency and alternative fuels… BAD


Overdependence on Foreign Oil…. GOOD


Sending our armies out to attack anybody that gets in our way….. Somewhat like the tribal warfare of yesteryear GOOD




Oh, as a side note….. Oregon is supposed to be progressive on a number of things. However, they recently came up with a classic blunder with their laws. They decided to double the registration fees for the new Hybrid cars that were being used in the state because the cars used less fuel than the “traditional” cars, and thus paid less gas tax than, say a CADDIE, for example. :P


----- Clifford ------

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I agree that the entire medical industry is without ethics and definatley overfunded. BUT-if they don't have STRONG financial incentives to find causes and therefor cures for desease, then who will do the expensive research??? It seems we either pay now or do without later. The shame of it all is that some cannot pay now and can't wait 'till later. If we all buy from Cananda, who will fund the research on stem cells that John and others may need???


I have no answe , only questions on this one.

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If we all buy from Cananda, who will fund the research on stem cells that John and others may need??? 


Assuming that by Cananda you mean our northern neighbor, and not some small Caribbean island I've never heard of... :P sorry couldn't resist...


The stem cell question will be a moot point anyway if we don't undo the damage already done in the form of laws hindering that research. See? I can lean to the left too!! :P

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Good way to lean JP. The point I'm trying to make is more of a right wing thing. But here goes(forgive me guys), if the big blood sucking drug companies don't have the potential to make monster bucks off thier research--who will do the research and find new cures for whatever?? As you have read in many of my posts I am not for big buisiness. I know a lot of research is done at universities but the major drug companies are funding a large portion. WHY??? Well it ain't cuz they are altruistic good guys. They want to make big bucks.


So we let them make big bucks and pray we can afford thier overpriced product or we buy alternative drugs and pray we never need the next generation of medicines they are trying to discover/patent.

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the solution to stem cell research is very simple.


organ donation is wise and popular and in fact aren't there states that make it manditory that you state if you want to be a donar on your drivers liciences?


pro- life says a fetus is a life and therefore has rights.


therefore a manditory law that states organ donation by all unless they state other wise..:P


We have not trampled on the fetues's right nor the pro lifers. we have advanced a cause of the gift of life that most people can get behind and the issue is no more.


This is very simple logic!


Mark and Bea


The reality is ... how you frame the issue. If it were looked at as organ donation and as a gift of life I do believe most people could accept it.


Abortions, still births etc are going to happen and asking for the gift of some stem cells and the good it may do I believe is a choice that a family should be given. There is a comfort in this at such a sad time. This child may not have grown to it's full potential but it was and did give and will always be because of this, seems a much more fitting end to a life than what is now.

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Yes, research is good.

quality control in drug development is good.


However, part of the problem that drives up the cost of drug development is the LAWYERS :P


Ever hear ads on the radio like "Even if you had no adverse effects, if you took FEN-FEN, contact law firm XYZ as you may be eligible to sue the drug manufacturer.


And, when the drug was pulled off the market, people were lining up trying to get the last few pills available just because they felt that the risk of cardiac arrhythmias was less significant than the social and health risks of obesity.


Get rid of the “somebody owes me” mentality in this society, and we will all live much better.


----- Clifford -----

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Hey, some of the best drugs I ever had were from Canada!

But seriously, the drug companies and most other industries engage in differentiated pricing, ie. sell the product on a scale of local economy, using a concept known as purchasing power parity (roughly equal to the ability to pay). So for the very best deal, we should reimport our drugs from some place in Africa, where the price is much lower than in Canada. Among developed nations, Italy has the lowest drug prices when using the PPP- about 50 % of what we pay for the same drug. (sources: US Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States,2003 and Patented Medicines Prices Review Board 2002 annual report). Of course, after a few years of reimporting, Pfizer et al will be shut down, and all you will be able to buy will be aspirin.

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Devil's advocate: Why can't a drug company be profitable?


BTW: I'm pro stem cell research. One thing I disagree with Bush about. Hell...even Orrin Hatch out of UT is pro stem cell. Not to worry...in five years, Bush will be gone and the next republican will likely soften their stance.

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