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What is with all the viruses?

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yes I would download them and of course use the free ones. Try the other ones out and see which ones you like as others have mentioned.. one program won't pick up what another one will.


I certainly wouldn't buy 2 copies just because you have a network of 2 PC's at home. There should be any problems as your router is puling the IP and it is giving your PC's an IP address out of it's store of IP's so even if registering it should be two different IP's but why would you register both?


Zone Alarm is free also and very easy to set up.


Mark and Bea

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You see in a previous post the programs I have installed.  All are free but McAfee Virus Scan.  For blocking thsat pop-up crap I use Google toolbar & MSN toolbar...both free.

If I'm not mistaken, both carry spybots.

Yahoo and Google's toolbars will co-exist with both Adaware and Spybot, so I assume that they aren't too bad (either that, or they are too popular).


The MSN toolbar is essentially built into XP, and perhaps previous versions of Windows.


But, MSFT has also put some types of spyware into their software.


MSN Messenger carries with it something that I keep picking up and killing off, but I forgot exactly what that piece was called.


---- Clifford -----

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Well it finally happened!!


I was getting so many viruses in my email I came down with one..:o Doctor confirmed.. a virus and a cold, taking Chinese medicine and I think this is... I sure as hell hope this is..... the end of it.


I have been sacked out in bed all day for the past 3 days and am not much above a stumble to the bathroom.


Just saw on tv last night this is the summer flu season??? huh???


I just got a shower in this afternoon so feeling a little more human.


V i r us es.. what are they good for!!!!!?..... Absolutely nothing.. say it again..


Sung to WAR.. Now i will retreat back to my virus, drug, pain induced neither land, while I contemplate my navel.


Mark and Bea

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