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2nd Divorce

Guest WolfPack-01

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I would talk to an immigration attorney. This is an imortant matter. Even if it did slide now years later it is possible it could surface and cause her to be deported. For instance, what if she came here and made a close friend at work to whom she confided this information to. The Boss decides to promote your wife around the other person who gets pissed and calls the USCIS. Do do occurs and it is best to have everything out in the open.

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Your lack of compassion and ability to jump to conclusions and dump a relationship amazaes me.

What conclusion did I incorrectly jump to? I concluded that she lied to you in a bad way. Something for which you now admit she did and feels ashamed of. Right?


Was I a bad person for concluding that such a lie was cause for concern?


And where did I suggest you dump her? I didn't.


All I suggested WolfPack was that you think twice about what she did. And you did. You and her talked about it, and you were able to get past it. Great. But I don't take back anything I said.


If you were to read some of my other posts, you'd see that I'm a strong advocate for communication. It has always been and always will be my belief that a strong relationship is built upon two funamentals: trust and communication. I thought I saw a lack of both, but I guess I was wrong. Your abundence of compassion amazes me (except for your lack of compassion with me, but I understand).


I apologize for touching some tender nerves WolfPack. I've seen some things on this site that perhaps you are not aware of. I was just trying to help. I've seen other guys go thru such trying times with blinders on, only to get crushed and burned in the end by girls with less than honest intentions.

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During a Patent infrignement lawsuit  that I as a little guy brought in Federal Court against a major Corp. that ripped off one of my patents... 


..... as my attorney told me after we caught one of their key witnesses in a lie after he had been deposed under oath..


"Well this will really stink up their case!"


--- it did.  they lost. 


-----and the Federal Judge involved was less than pleased with them (on several issues) ouch!  ....never good to have a Federal judge less that pleased with you .....  at least in HIS courtroom...


thats your worse case senaro, WolfPack .....  personally, I suggest you stop listening to us (except Jim raises an important point on the related issue) ----- and retain an immigration lawyer before you proceed further....



Bill Clinton lied,,and nothing happen,,,

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During a Patent infrignement lawsuit  that I as a little guy brought in Federal Court against a major Corp. that ripped off one of my patents...  


..... as my attorney told me after we caught one of their key witnesses in a lie after he had been deposed under oath..


"Well this will really stink up their case!"  


--- it did.  they lost.  


-----and the Federal Judge involved was less than pleased with them (on several issues) ouch!  ....never good to have a Federal judge less that pleased with you .....  at least in HIS courtroom...


thats your worse case senaro, WolfPack .....  personally, I suggest you stop listening to us (except Jim raises an important point on the related issue) ----- and retain an immigration lawyer before you proceed further....



Bill Clinton lied,,and nothing happen,,,

Hey Nucks, I know your new but we are trying to keep politics in the rumus room. Çause we tend to be---ummmmm aggressive in these areas.


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The reason for my posts on this subject were to point out what I thought could be a worst case situation if it isn't delt with prior to the visa, and is discovered later --- even much later.


But WolfPack, I suggest you don't go directly to State with this information, because on the face of it --- it doesn't look good now that the application is submitted. I think an immigration attorney can advise you how to present this in the best possible light..


WolfPack, I think you know Clifford's story, when I first joined this site in April, DaveG was all over Clifford --- very blunt telling him it was a lost cause, and a waste of his time..... I thought, man! something here I don't know about am not getting into! But DaveG was right... And part of the reason he was right was that he had Nothing involved emotionally in the situation --- saw only the facts...


Sometimes in our lives we meet someone so good, not perfect perhaps, just so perfect for us --- that we don't want to screw it up!! I understand that feeling, and if your MM was in that situation, and perhaps thought she would lose you if she admitted to a second marriage.... I understand that..


But only to a point. For me there would have to also be feelings of extreme contriteness, even sorrow for putting you in the position she has put you in --- its not a good positon no matter how much you love her. I think Jim was telling you that, only in a much more forceful way.


And of course, WolfPack, on the one hand, you are (obviously) the one in love, and with the constraints of judgement that brings to us all, but also are the one who has a much better understanding of the woman that you love than any of us could have. I hope you can get past this problem with your application!



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