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Couple questions before sending off I129F

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Couple of stupid questions before I finish the package ;) I don't want to have any mistakes. :)


1. Copy of my fiance's passport already has english, do I need to have it translated and certified again?


2. How do most of you send your package? I read that BCIS likes to have Acco fasteners with the paper two-hold punched at the top, with tabs at the bottom of attachments. I assume when they say tabs, they mean a sticky tab? or do you actually use seperator sheets?


3. How do you place the pictures into the package?


4. Do you just clip the check to the front of the package?





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Hey, good luck. Sending out the package is pretty nerve-wracking!


If I can remember...


1. Why are you sending her passport at all? The only info I sent for my fiance was the G-325a form. I guess it doesn't hurt to send extra stuff. If it's got english, it should be good enough?


2. I didn't do any hole-punching, but I did send it all in a neatly organized big blue legal folder. I had about a dozen sections, each tabbed for quick reference, with a table of contents in the front. Most of the sections were evidence of various forms, probably not necessary.


3. I attached our pictures to some photo album refill pages I bought and made a nice presentation out of it. I always wondered if that was a good idea or not...


4. I clipped the check with my cover letter, statements, the I-129f and the two g-325a's. It was the first thing they'd find when they opened the package.

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Couple of stupid questions before I finish the package ;) I don't want to have any mistakes. :)


1. Copy of my fiance's passport already has english, do I need to have it translated and certified again?


2. How do most of you send your package? I read that BCIS likes to have Acco fasteners with the paper two-hold punched at the top, with tabs at the bottom of attachments. I assume when they say tabs, they mean a sticky tab? or do you actually use seperator sheets?


3. How do you place the pictures into the package?


4. Do you just clip the check to the front of the package?





Make sure you send it Certified Mail Return Reciept or else they may say they never got it.. Also track your check once cashed it tells you when they began the process..


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Couple of stupid questions before I finish the package :P I don't want to have any mistakes. :unsure:


1. Copy of my fiance's passport already has english, do I need to have it translated and certified again?


2. How do most of you send your package? I read that BCIS likes to have Acco fasteners with the paper two-hold punched at the top, with tabs at the bottom of attachments. I assume when they say tabs, they mean a sticky tab? or do you actually use seperator sheets?


3. How do you place the pictures into the package?


4. Do you just clip the check to the front of the package?





1) Why are you sending copies of her passport? Not necessary! I don't see any benefit in doing that.


2) Yes, I used offical *Acco* brand fasteners. I did the two-hole punch on on the top of every page, and bound them all together, exactly like they said to do. And yes, I used seperator sheets with tabs on the bottom, I even labled each tab, and created an index at the front of the package for their easy reference (Petitioner G325-A: Index IV, or whatever).


3) I got one of those 8 x10 plastic pouch things with a sliding Zip-loc thingie on the side (to close it). I two hole punched it, threw a bunch of photos in there (loose) and zipped it shut.


4) I put the check in an envelope and attached it to the bundle


Good questions, and good luck, I hope they process your case very quickly!

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Yes, this is very nerve wrecking because I don't want to screw it up and have to send more information or have to wait any longer. Those were some nice tips given, thanks!


To answer your questions on sending her passport, I read that it might be helpful and prevent them from requesting for more info. I even included her school information from Malaysia (proof she was there since I traveled there too). I hope that wasn't too much as well. I guess more won't hurt?


Another question I forgot to ask then. I have a hotel receipt and a couple of receipts from my first trip in China (I didn't keep all too much). These are almost entirely in Chinese. Should I get those translated? The only English on the hotel sheet is "TOTAL". I'm not sure how important it is to get those translated. If so, where is the best place to get translations?


Thanks all, this forum is very helpful!!



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The I-129 F is like an application for a job. The interview is what counts. I wouldn't put much more than they ask for or they might decide it takes too long to read and put it on the bottom of the pile. You need to prove you have met face to face. ie hotel reciepts, plane ticket stubs, photos etc. The only things you need to have translated are the divorce decrees if any and her birth certificate. The birth certificate isn't actually necessary but I have heard of RFEs asking for one so I would include it anyway. You don't need to have the hotel receipts translated.

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Okay, so I'll omit her:


- Passport

- Malaysia student information


Unfortunately, I don't have her birth certificate. She did not have access to it, and I'm not sure if she can find it at this point. I think I'll just send it in without it first, and have her look for it at the same time. Hopefully they won't need it.


I also included the following copies for proof of ongoing relationship:

- letters

- envelopes for proof of mailing

- emails

- chat logs


Hope that is not too much?

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I know this is just going to add to the confusion, but it was recommended to me by my lawyer to include a photocopy of her passport as well. It has her essential info in English and Chinese. It's just 1 sheet of paper. If you already have it, throw it in, why not? I'm sure he didn't suggest it just for me to give him more paperwork. No translation necessary.

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No confusion. But I guess a couple more sheets shouldn't hurt. I'll leave the package the way it was and submit it. Hopefully I won't have any problems. I still need to get some Acco fasteners and a binder with tabs to package everything together, then I should be all set to go. I'll probably send it off in another 2 days after I re-verify everything.


Wish me luck.

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I was told to include a cover letter explaining the circumstances of how you met and what  you are trying to do now ( get your wife/fiancee) here to the states, in case you made any mistakes on the paperwork that would confuse them (BCIS). If they know what you are trying to do, they may be able to overlook some omissions or typos. Who knows for sure? But I did it and she has her interview on 7-19-04  

Your package sounds good

good luck

You must have either 1 letter of intent signed by both individuals, or 2 letters of intent signed by each individual.


I used the letters of intent as the cover letter, and had them long enough to explain how we met and fell in love (at least how we had met, and I thought we had fallen in love)


Irina sent a copy of her passport so I included it too. I don't believe that you are required to submit the birth certificate until the interview, but some people may have been given an RFE asking for a copy. It wouldn't hurt to include either the photocopy of the passport or the birth certificate.


I just stapled my application. I wouldn't stress too much on the binder and etc. HOWEVER, TYPE THE APPLICATION IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. Your letter of intent may be typed or handwritten (with original signatures)


However, as you may note, my application took an average amount of time at NSC and NVC, then it kind of got stuck at Moscow for far too long.


Do not put N/A for previous wives, or previous work experience

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I scanned all my pictures into my computer. Then I used one of those photo abbum programs to print six pictures out on a page. The computer program allows you to put a caption under each picture. I listed the date and city and who was in each picture. I did this so they knew I met her parents and other family members. Then I put the 8 x 10 sheets of paper into a presentation binder with plastic transparent envelopes. There were 24 of these envelopes and I put two items in each page back to back. I also did it this way so there were no loose photos. I included a cover page as well as yellow sticky notes under the plastic to identify each item. The presentation binder opens like a book, and everything is easy to see, as well as safe and secured under the plastic.


Good Luck

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Good luck to you guys!!


I must be stressing out over this since I want everything perfect, heh... so here's my plan based on all the information I have seen:


I will also bind them together using acco fasteners and a folder with tab seperators. I know i know... overkill.


One other question though: For the I129F application, question 18, I seem to have written this too long. How did most of you write this up? I think I wrote about how we met and the times thath we met in person. I think they only want to know about your physical meetings, so this answer can be short? I will include more information on the cover page, so I guess that should be okay? Just wondering because my honey thinks I didn't write it with enough "passion" so I don't know how it should be written.


Contents (table of contents will look simliar).

1. Cover letter explaining our situation (attach check to this page)

2. Table of Contents

3. FC-029 Form

3. Letters of Intent (2)

4. I-129F Application with Sheet for Question 18 on how we met

5. G-325A (Mine, 4 pages)

6. G-325A (Hers with Contiuation Sheet, 8 pages)

7. Certificate of Naturalization

8. My Passport

9. Her Passport

10. Her School Information

11. First Trip Info (plane ticket, pictures, receipts)

12. Second Trip Info (plane ticket, pictures, receipts)

13. Third Trip Info (plane ticket, pictures, receipts)

14. Letters written to me, cards, packages

15. Log of First Chat and a couple other days (ICQ)

16. Log of other Chats (MSN)

17. Copy of phone cards used. (no history log though :))

18. Copy of 1 bill with SMS usage - other bills did not have info :lol:

19. Copy of some Emails written to me (some with previous email history)


I think I may have included too much, but I hope it's a complete package with enough information.



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