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Received letter from my congressman

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Even though it is probably useless information...

I got a letter on Friday, dated July 6th, from my congressman saying that he contacted GZ on my behalf and has requested that my husband receive the next available interview date. He attached the response from GZ. They stated the due to the high volume of K1 and K3 applications (4,500), the soonest guestimation of an interview date for my husband would fall between mid-november and mid-december. Good thing I am no longer in a rush to get my husband here or that information would have really pissed me off! That would amount to a total separation of 18 months! May as well forget about fiance visas taking less time than immigrant visas.

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At least you got a response with something more than a canned message. I am still sorry that things have not turned around for you about your husband, but I do thank you for the info you have posted, my wife might see her interview (K3) Mid-Oct. to Mid-Nov. That would place my wife and I at 16 to 17 months from start.



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Hey Turtle, try to calm down..you've got my full support and i want you to know that my fristration with this whole process has sent me to the doctors office with anxiety , dizziness, tension headaches, & nausea ....I've had ct scans, blood tests, and had a doppler scan of my carodic arteries...its as though my whole system overloaded. I am flying to Guangzhou in two days to see my sweetheart.


Try to find an outlet for your frustration....I literally got bent out of shape...damn near a meltdown. I am frustrated (disgusted), with the whole crappy system. My congressmans office hasn't bothered to contact me after a three month wait, and I am totally pissed off...but I've got to stay well or I won't be able to do anything for my new bride.


We're all in the same boat, and perhaps expressing our frustrations to others who understand is the healthiest thing we can do for now.

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Wow, it's amazing what this process can do to us... Well, I am really glad to hear you'll be in gz in a couple days! I wish I were in your place :)


I know I'll be ok. It's just frustrating. When I look back at my posts a few minutes after posting, I can't help laughing at myself. I think I need to count to "10" before posting things, or my fiance will really think I'm losing it :P

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I'm not so worried about me as much as I am about my wife. I have been told I am one of the most patient men anyone has met. I just try to considere all attitudes and do my best to keep a possitive mind about the whole thing. My wife, now, she is getting a little irritated at the blinding speed of GZ. The biggest thing is trying to help her keep hope that she will get her visa and be with me this year. (boy ....! when you say it that way, it almost feels like it's just around the corner).


We have been married 1 year 7 mos to the date. Having only had the oportunuity to be with my wife twice in this time is a little hard. The biggest problem always seems to be the timing. I want to go over to see her, but what if her interview comes while I'm there. That would be great, but I am not rich and the trip to see her would dip into what we have saved back for her to come to the States.


I do agree that this waiting time we have all had to endure is far beyond the norm. But we are all in the same situation with our hands tied behind our backs. All we have left to do is wait! My friends, I feel for everyone that is going through this and have yet to start. I can only give you my support and encouragements. I am right here with you!



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Hey Bryan,


Wei Ping has been keeping in touch with Qunying. I hope it's helping make the wait easier for both of them.

I was feeling rather good about my being patient through the process until the file reached GZ. I was hoping that things would be smoother than they have been. The file has been there at least a month and they still haven't put us into the computer yet. That is very annoying. :unsure:

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Hi Marty,


Qunying tells me when she and Wei Ping talk. I am so happy they talk. I think it helps some because of knowing someone close that is going through the same thing. She is still irritated with GZ, and I can't blame her. Nothing like putting ones dreams on hold! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_8_4v.gif


I feel your pain on the file! I get so irritated when I get an email from GZ telling me "my wife has been scheduled yet ......." :angry:

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