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after ur fiance sent her P3 back to GZ,It may cost 1-2weeks to put ur case into their computer,as to P4,it hard to say now,it was one month before,but now,due to high volume of packed cases,P4 processing is very slow,as i know,some ppls who got their P3 on March still waiting for their P4,but maybe things will be better after Aug. wish you good luck~

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With so many backlog cases, has anyone ever wonder why is it that in a country with the most population of people, there's only one consulate within all of China that can adjucate the k-visa? What is the embassy in Beijing and other consular districts (Shanghai, Shenyang & Chengdu) doing then? Why isn't the workload allocated? Just a curious thought...

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In the case of Chengdu, I doubt they could process much. The entire compound is only about one acre, the inside waiting room is not much bigger than my living room! But on both my visits to the consulate there, maybe 15 people were inside and 10 outside waiting. On the plus side, when I rang the buzzer at the US citizen services window, I was greeted within 30 seconds. And they processed my certificate of single status in less than 5 minutes(but I did think it odd when they asked about how we met, what were the fees involved, etc. The officer said they were trying to 'crack down' on bogus marriages and unscrupulous websites/marriage brokers). On the other side, the wait to register our marriage at the PRC civil affairs office-where the holding room was 4 times the size- took about an hour. And there were only 3 other couples. So if you think that US bureaucracy is bad...

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