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Spiders, Hornets, Snakes, my gosh!

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Working on our new rural home, trying to get moved in soon, I have been working on the inside while my wife has been working on the outside. She really likes gardening. I bought a ton of perennials for her to plant. Yesterday, I was laying the vinyl floor in the kitchen when I heard her let out a scream...EEGggghhhh!!... I ran outside to see! She had been stung by a hornet!....ouch!!,stung her on the hand. She had disturbed a nest that was behind the vinyl siding at the back corner of the house. Her hand swelled and she says it itches but she is okay. I got her some bee sting ointment and a can of wasp/hornet spray to use and killed them.


Today, I was trimming out the vinyl floor with baseboard when I heard another scream!....EeEGggGhhhh!!....., I run outside again,,, she had dug up a black snake but not before she had cut it in half!....lol.....


My Chinese wife; she is learning the American countryside way of life and she loves it. She especially likes the wild blackberries on the property! I will have to make her a pie out of them soon!......:rolleyes:

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This is great!!! Good strong exposure for her. I'll bet most ladies would not have handled that sting so well. Planting flowers, killing snakes, getting stung by hornets, reminds me of my grandmother chopping up rattlesnakes in the garden with her hoe. Did you show her a book about what snakes are poisonous here, and what spiders?

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Jason Puppy,


What the hell is a "brown recluse"  ~?

Despite having to respond to "Jason Puppy" <_< I'll tell you.


It's this neat little brown spider that if it bites you causes the flesh around the bite to rot off, usually leaving a scar about the size of your fist. Also there is an occasional allergic reaction which causes a condition (I forget the name), where every bruise or scrape you get after that causes a similar rotting of flesh.


Other than that little side effect it's not usually as toxic as a black widow, but the antivenin isn't as effective or readily available.




one link


I find the distribution map on the link inaccurate, as I personally know 2 people who were bitten in Virginia - one who had said fist sized scar. I also had the joy to catch a half hour special in my hotel room in Orlando a couple of years ago outlining several cases of bites in Florida... which went on to tell of that allergic reaciton.


Sleep tight :P

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Brown Recluse is common in Florida with a number of bites every year, as far as the bee sting, get some tobacco and moisten it, place on the sting area, tape it on, leave for about one hour, takes the pain out of it and reduces the swelling

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Guest blsqueaky

Last night Ling finally was introduced to Mosquito, slapped it, then looked at it, then later a firefly landed on her, she hit, looked at her hand, saw it still glowing, told her OK, wash, and she was fine.


Tony, is it not so much fun. :lol: :lol: They are learning so much so fast, and I will bet that she will not make the same mistake a 2nd time.

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Jason Puppy,


What the hell is a "brown recluse"  ~?

It is a little innocent looking brownish spider...


That will, pardon my francaise, FUCK you royally.


Ask me how I know. Go on, just ask me. Ask me and the large scar I have on my abdomen where the flesh rotted out.


Admittedly, I could have sought medical attention a bit sooner, but what did I know, I just got bitten by a little brown spider, it wasn't a black widow or anything. Sure I felt poorly but I thought it would pass.


Perhaps I should have taken it as a clue when my urine turned purple.


Or when the site of the spider bite went from red and swollen to dark and numb.


Chest pains are what prompted me to go to the hospital (per the doctor I had pissed out so much blood the walls of my heart were rubbing together)


Doctor pumps me full of fluids, and guess what! I now have enough strength to start vomiting up some green stuff (bile) that I don't ever recall eating!


3 minutes later I'm on my back in the intensive care ward... where I spent the next 7 days. The doctors expected me to die. I expected to die. Liters of blood were pumped into me, so many that they had to remove the IV from my arm, and pipe them in through my neck (I, a needlephobe, was not happy about getting poked in my feet or arms. Imagine my reaction when told about where they wanted to poke me next!)


By the way, morphine has a distinctly unpleasant smell.


Obviously I survived the ordeal. I spent the next few weeks stuffing cotton strips into the hole in my belly where all the flesh had rotted, to drain the necrotic fats while the scar healed closed. Ick. Like having to stuff mini tampons into an oozing wound every 2 hours.


Around the same time I was bitten, a woman in California had a similar encounter. She lost 3 of her limbs. I was lucky. Very lucky.


If you have any of these cute little brown spiders in or around your home, you should take the advice of Palpatine Sidious, and "Kill them. All of them."

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Yah, the brown recluse is a very nasty critter. Funny Mei is scared of snakes and lizzards, very much so. But while in Sichuan, Dazhou I was having a shower at our parents house. Well I happen to look over and see a huge nasty looking spider on the wall about 3" from my shoulder. I slowly backed out, dried off and get Mei. I asked her about the critter and she waved me off. "Spiders can not hurt you" she answered. So I began calling the critter "Wifes bathroom at mamas house good friend".


Now I am not a timid man but later when I had to cop a squat I was "very" nervous about "Wifes bathroom at mamas house good friend".

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Itsy-bitsy spider catches ... a snake

July 13, 2004


BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese house spider sitting on its web waiting for lunch got the biggest helping of its life -- it caught a snake.


The 12-inch snake crawled into a farmer's house in Qingyuan county in eastern Zhejiang province, apparently oblivious of the spider patiently spinning its web in the corner, Xinhua news agency said on Saturday.


"Unfortunately, it got desperately trapped in the tough, sticky web of the spider," the agency said.


"The spider pulled the web higher and suspended the snake above the ground. It then managed to get to the neck of the snake, using its beak to pierce the snake and inject its poison."


The David and Goliath battle took 80 minutes, drawing farmers from all around to watch, Xinhua said.

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