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Oh... and if you ask Jun a puppy would be a bad comparison, because dogs are family members too :o  She will be bringing Mily with her.  Luckily she won't need a visa :P  I'm suprised the USCIS doesn't want to do a name check to make sure Mily hasn't violated some puppy visas - or been in the Canine communist party...

You have done the research to make sure this is all right? It probably is not easy. Might need your immigration lawyer to look into it. I'm not kidding. I would not be surprised if this is really difficult.

It is a simple procedure...just have to get the puppy all the right shots for coming to America and get a certificate from the vet when you do it...go to the airport and ask (ahead of time...like well in advance of the departure) where you need to take the puppy for check in and inspection before you board the plane. That way you won't waste precious time trying to find the correct official when you are getting ready to come over. I did everything I needed to do to bring my cat Cottonball home from China..in the end though I left him with Kai cause I didn't want him to be lonely...now I wish i had brought him with me cause Kai ended up pawning him off on one of my old colleagues from school :D People bring pets over all the time...NO BIG DEAL :o

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About the Will/Final Arrangements thing....  .  Just be cautious broaching this subject.  ... she was so shocked by my thinking of this and said "Chinese never discuss such things".

I was also told that it is 'bad luck' to even write the characters for death. She made me promise to never again write those characters.

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Guest blsqueaky

Well just my two cents here, Dentist, she has no problem, in fact when I was there, she wanted me to go, but no, and I think from what all that I read. Never even gave them a chance, and once, walked by one, and very modern, Dr, darn, she gets a bad cold, off to the Dr, so she already now has a file at my local Dr. As far as Ins, she has not an idea, but it is through a personal ins agent, and if something happens, she will be taken care of.


As far as friends and realative, they are all on speed dial, and she has learned to use my phone here, no, not the same as there, you actually have to push talk.


As far as death, not even brought up, right now, just living, and when retire, take SSN and run to China and Live. I know that the longer that she is her, the more that she will learn, and then more the questions, put for now, KISS (Keep ____ ____ _____)

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Guest blsqueaky

Skibum, after my last post, and my wife and I talked, she brought up something very interesting, how does she take care of you. Lets say Budda, Tao, Catholicsm, things that she might belive in and maybe that you do not, or maybe I do not. Will that not throw something into the pot here. She knows what I want, and she might not believe in it, but how do we address these issues. Ski, this might just open a whole bail of worms here, and I myself can not wait to read. Thanks

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You have aquired a wife, not a puppy.

Of course...we all know there's only one puppy around here: Jason Puppy :P


Sorry, Jason, it was an obvious line :P


Great topic, Skibum! Lots of important ideas here.

Well, since puppies are Jun's favorite thing in the world, I have to take it as a high compliment. :P

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I think you are talking about final arrangements. Yours should be done the way you want and hers the way she wants.

I contacted a funeral director and told him just what I wanted. Creamation, no ceremoney. The cost is about $750 for everything including death certificates. My honey would just have to call his cell phone and all would be taken care of. She will pay the money when services are rendered. It is good in most states. I would hate to think of her loose in a funeral home trying to figure out what to buy. Even Americans have trouble.

I think that one reason Chinese do not talk about death so much is the legal side is not so complicated. I think the oldest male child will get the stuff and most every one is cremated. I don't see religion making a problem as you can always arrange a ceremony in the church of your flavor.

With all this, just try to picture the event and what you can do to ease her way through it.


Happy trails Squeak.

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My wife knows her eyesight is not perfect any more but when I mention going to the optometrist she just laughs it off. She is in denial. She has never worn glasses and does not want to do so, partly out of vanity I am sure and partly out of just not wanting to get involved in the inconvenience of it. What should I do?

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OMG she does not have eyesight loss, it's just that she is becoming a little nearsighted, not a sight question, just a visual acuity question where she can't read the fine print.

Go to the drug store and have her start trying on the reading glasses however this is only good if both eyes are the same, Oh BTW that is farsighted not nearsighted.

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Just got around to this post...


Hits close to home, since Fei has very stained teeth, but not too bad otherwise I think--- don't know for sure --- since I haven't examined her like a gift horse yet --- but no bad breath ---


.... BUT --- her teeth are not gray, they are nearly black, and she told me they were that way after her Grandparents gave her some traditional medicine when she was very young..... so I doubt it was tetracycline -- but she told me it was quite common at the time...


Does anyone else here think that setting up a dental group in China could make us all millionaires ????



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