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P4 guangzhou activity...

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I'm not quite sure how the CECC helps our cause, and if I had to guess, I think this is just a propaganda sausage making machine to help give validity to far left --- ( Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International etc.) --- and far right (Various fundimental Christian organizations who still have a chip on their shoulder because they aren't free, under the "GODLESS"! Communists to: "go over there and save souls!" --- like the good ol' days ...)


Bet the work of this committee amounts to the annually issued statement to China about their "human rights violations" ---(while in recent years, China has been handing right back their list of "human rights violations" in the US)


Bush has proposed a guest worker program, and I think it is in those Congressional committees considering his proposal that we have a shot...


The quid pro quo thing: If you want a guest worker program..........






What do people think?



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looking thru the links I posted i can across this notice on the Shanghai American Chamber of Commerce web site.. http://www.amcham-shanghai.org/


Visa Processing Regulations & Procedures



Event Type: General Membership Meeting

Date: Tuesday May 25,2004

15:30 to 17:00


Venue: Radisson Plaza Xing Guo Hotel Shanghai

78 Xing Guo Road (cnr. Hua Shan Road)




RSVP By: Tuesday May 25,2004

Cost: Members ( RMB ): 150

Non Members ( RMB ):250




Representatives from the United States Consulate General in Shanghai will provide a briefing on visas to members of The American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. The briefing will be relevant to both participants in the AmCham Visa Referral Program and non-participants. It will help current participating companies understand how to maintain their standing in the AmCham Visa Referral Program and adjust to new procedures. It will also include information regarding how an AmCham company qualifies to participate in the program, appropriate visa categories for AmCham company employees, visa application procedures, and common problems with AmCham Visa Referral cases. For companies that are not part of the Visa Referral Program, the briefing will also cover changes in the visa application process and recent developments related to the China-wide Visa Information Call Center. Representatives from AmCham Corporate Member Companies are encouraged to attend. The briefing will be followed by a question and answer period, where attendees can ask questions directly of the U.S. visa officers.


Be sure to mark you calendar for this useful and informative event


I sent a PM to Sam and Nicola who are in shanghai to let them know about this, but i'm not sure if they will be able to attend.


Hmmm now this brings in another element to the situation with the closing of the call center. Business, Big Business, has pull and weight and will not wait for a fued between our countries when it comes to bringing in their people this is what they pay taxes for.. etc etc.. so chaulk their needs up way before ours, the chinese vacationers, businessmen, students, etc and last but surely least is the idiot american with a wife or wife to be.


For once let them do it chinese style and prove our statement wrong! other wise it is fact.


Mark and Bea

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I was told that the person in charge in Guangzhou Consulant right now is

Ms. Janxxxx. So I called there, and the switch board sent me to her

phone. Very much to my surprise, she was familiar with me.

She mentioned that they had heard from my congressman twice in the

last couple of weeks, and Pastor Bill, a friend, had also called wondering

what was holding things up. She said what she had told them was the

reality, the visa interview will be in mid july to mid august.

And, she said, they are very accurate with their estimates.

We are lucky, she also said, as there are people she is already having to

tell it will not be till mid october to mid november.

This was not a canned response, she was very familiar with our case, and I

hope that is a good thing. I do not want to offend her and find ourselves

bumped back. So I think I will be greatful and not ask another congressman I have been in contact with to get involved.

It is a comfort to me to talk to a real person there who knows what she

is talking about. She is no nonsense, and I have not the slightest doubt

now, that as long as I do not upset things, we will indeed have the visa

in hand in august, if not in july.

Praise God for progress, and seeing my dear one safely here.

Bless you all.



Please do not post names or personal contact info of DOS or GZ staff that are not listed on a public site.

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Wow, I guess that's good news for you, but just about the worst news I've seen in a while here. October-November? Maybe some of us really will be waiting till Christmas to see our loved ones. I noticed you sent the p3 on 3/10... Seems every few days the interview range gets pushed back another month or two...

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It has been a week and GZ has not responded to my email so I sent another and will send one once a week until I get an answer that is not canned from them.


"I have sent multiple emails asking a simple question, I know you have a very busy schedule I know you can not say when we will get P4 but you can tell me what your current scheduling is so I can plan a trip to china or wait for her interview, I try to go appx every 5 months to see her this will put that around July however it is fiscally stupid to go in July if she will interview in Aug, I think you should understand that, all I want is to be able to decide if it is worth me planning a trip. "

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I find this time of seperation, though extended, also brings my

Dear one closer to me, in a way. It depends on how you look at

it I suppose, but I believe that I am going to be more appreciative

of the person I am with, rather then taking her for granted.


Applied for the visa....June, 2003

NOA 1 received August 2, 2003

NOA 2 received December 22, 2003

Packet 3 Received.....march 10 2004

Packet 4 received................?


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I find this time of seperation, though extended, also brings my

Dear one closer to me, in a way.  It depends on how you look at

it I suppose, but I believe that I am going to be more appreciative

of the person I am with, rather then taking her for granted.


Applied for the visa....June, 2003

NOA 1 received August 2, 2003

NOA 2 received December 22, 2003

Packet 3 Received.....march 10 2004

Packet 4 received................?


Danny... sorry to say this...


but are you a plant for GZ?


or are you just now reading Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farms?


Pardon me if I seem rude. not ment to be.


Mark and Bea

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I find this time of seperation, though extended, also brings my

Dear one closer to me, in a way.  It depends on how you look at

it I suppose, but I believe that I am going to be more appreciative

of the person I am with, rather then taking her for granted.


Applied for the visa....June, 2003

NOA 1 received August 2, 2003

NOA 2 received December 22, 2003

Packet 3 Received.....march 10 2004

Packet 4 received................?


Danny... sorry to say this...


but are you a plant for GZ?


or are you just now reading Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farms?


Pardon me if I seem rude. not ment to be.


Mark and Bea

A while ago I posted a poll about how long one should wait for a visa.


a few weeks? A few months? A few years?


I was somewhat surprised by the conclusion. Most people didn't want the visa overnight, but thought that a 6 month wait was reasonable. It gives a person an ability to go back home, evaluate what is happening, build one's relationship more, and etc.


Two issues come up with the current process.


First, some people get their visas in a mere 6 months, others in 18 months with no discernable reason for the difference..... Different home town, this, or that, but no real reason for the difference.


Second, there is too much randomness.

If I started the visa process on January 1 and was told to come in to pick up the visa on July 1 (6 months later), then I would be perfectly happy to wait those 6 months, and probably would not make hardly a single progress update call.


Yet to be told that sometime in the next two years, we might be offered a visa.... And not really have any true reason for the delay..... And everything is enshouded in secrecy.... It is not a good system, and it is very hard on those individuals in the system.

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yes nothing like rewarding criminals and yes they are criminals when they break the laws to get in the country, this bill from what little I read won't help our plight as we are not limited by and quota system for K1-K3, only the broke system and it is only broke cause they are trying to fix it. So honestly I think if they try to do anything with our system it will only make it worse for us as they break it more.

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