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Does anyone's wife or fiancee understand what this is? My fiance always seems to have it when the seasons change and he calls it hot air- I looked on the internet and it talks about having too much yang in your body- but I don't believe in Chinese medicine- or rather I think it's impossible that there is a disease that only Chinese people have. I think it could be allergies or something- his tongue is white and his throat is sore and his eyes are swollen- but I just need to know what this disease is for sure-

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Does anyone's wife or fiancee understand what this is? My fiance always seems to have it when the seasons change and he calls it hot air- I looked on the internet and it talks about having too much yang in your body- but I don't believe in Chinese medicine- or rather I think it's impossible that there is a disease that only Chinese people have. I think it could be allergies or something- his tongue is white and his throat is sore and his eyes are swollen- but I just need to know what this disease is for sure-


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Thanks for your replies- I made him take allergy medicine last night- he's fine now- He always stays away from fried foods to keep his internal heat down- but it must have been allergies in this case- He has been taking Chinese medicine- but we have the interview soon- and don't have a week or so to wait until it kicks in.

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Possible causes of Cold sweats: Remember Cold sweats is a symptom of something else. You should take your wife to see a doctor

Here are some of the disease or events that can lead to cold sweats.

* Virus* Infection * Flu * Mononucleosis * Anxiety (type of Neurosis)

* Seasickness (type of Motion sickness) * Immune disorders * Sickle cell anemia * AIDS * Heat exhaustion * Tuberculosis * Severe pain * Migraine

* Hot flash * Menopause * Hypoglycemia * Hypoglycemic attack

* Heart attack * Heart disorder * Circulatory disorder * Shock * Hypotension.


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My wife has cold sweats at night,and stays cold most of the time. I nearly always burn up. We are almost never comfortable in the same room. Does that go along with this topic?

Ok call me stupid but what is a cold sweat I have some nights I sweat my ass off and wake with wet sheets (No dave not pissing) but the only thing that is cold is the air when it touches me.

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actually I think if you drink hot drinks in the Summer this causes you to sweat a little thus putting a coat of water on the surface of your skin and when a slight breeze hits it you feel cool. Works almost like the mist fans they use at sporting events in the Summer. ever wonder why they put cool wet towels on the forehead when someone has a fever? Keeps the Brain Cool.

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