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Oh, i didn't clarify a lot of things. Sorry. We are in China. She has a Chinese passport and has never been outside of China. We are waiting for a K3 visa. I'd like to take her somewhere before that.


But on the subject you (MIchael) raised, would she be allowed to travel like a US passport holder once she has her K3? ie: Can she go to the UK or most European nations like we can without a visa?


thanx a lot

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i am not an expert but i dont think chinese citizens can go to any other countries without obtaining a visa from that country, which is very difficult. Yes americans can travel freely in europe and many other countries without obtaining a visa due to some sort of mutual agreement with those countries. I think mainland chinese can get temporary passes to Hong Kong easily? so that is a travel possibility. there are many wonderful places to see in China like Xian,Urumchi, Kashi, donguang in western china. most chinese dont get to travel and see there own country. :rolleyes: goodluck

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I have no idea what the rules are for "Married to a US Citizen, but no US Visa". If you chose to try to try to get a visa to enter a European country, that would be the first thing for you to ask.


I presume that it is easiest to look for "3rd World Nations" for touring. There are many Eastern nations that might accept you: Hong Kong ???, Thailand, Vietnam, India, and etc. You would have to ask.


Perhaps the two of you could also get a visa to Australia and New Zealand, but that may be more difficult. Of course, in theory, all you have to do is convince them that you have absolutely no interest in immigrating. Proof of marriage and current K3 visa application may be sufficient.


I assume you could also get a visa to Russia, and I think someone previously suggested that Cuba might also be possible. I would be curious about other South American countries.


Cyprus is very popular among the Russians.


I had my first date with Irina in Egypt. We were quite worried because everyone told us that we needed hotel reservations in advance and an organized tour, and enough CASH for a week's stay, and etc. When we got to customs, the only issue was that we each had to purchase a $10 postage stamp to put in our passports. Otherwise, there wasn't a single question or problem. Perhaps Blue and Red passports go well together.


----- Clifford -----

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i am not an expert but i dont think chinese citizens can go to any other countries without obtaining a visa from that country, which is very difficult. Yes americans can travel freely in europe and many other countries without obtaining a visa due to some sort of mutual agreement with those countries.  I think mainland chinese can get temporary passes to Hong Kong easily? so that is a travel possibility. there are many wonderful places to see in China like Xian,Urumchi, Kashi, donguang in western china. most chinese dont get to travel and see there own country.  :o  goodluck

The mutual agreement with these european countries is WE WON WWII..

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If your wife is a Chinese citizen, has a Chinese passport, and is leaving from and returning to China, then she has many options available to her in terms of foreign countries that the both of you can easily travel to at the spur of the moment.


I know your wife can hop on any plane to Thailand and get an automatic 15-day tourist visa upon arrival (U.S. citizens get an automatic 30-day visa). I suggest going to Thailand, very beautiful!!!!!


Haha, I also think she can go to Burma ... whoops, Americans are the ones who are restricted from entering Burma! :D If you want a complete list of which countries she can go to without a pre-arranged visa, then go to any travel agency in China and they all know the list of countries by heart :wub:

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Well. I actually got a piece of good information from Dave the other day ...


(what are the chances of that happening again!?!? ) So, naturally, I remembered it....


If you want a place that is tropical and pristine, why not Hainan Island --


-- I have thought about visiting in the past, and will try to work it in in the future..


Dave indicates that Sanya on the southern tip is a nice place -- maybe give him a ring ---


--- but then again, you might not have two hours to read his reply....



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Thank you Jim. It sounds almost too easy. We are leaving and coming back to China. Thailand is a really good choice. I even have a friend down there. From what I hear it's rather easy on the pocket book too. Maybe we will do that.


Burma/Myanmar or what ever it's called this week. i didn't know they didn't want us there. I'm so upset. :huh: If the video from BBC is anything like the truth, then "el paso" on that one. I thought not wanting Americans was a DPRK thing. I bet my wife could go to the DPRK. I don't think that's at the top of her list tho.

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Take a tour to Thailand for $200 USD including nice hotel, airfare, terrible food, and tour tickets to shows for 5 nights!! We are also going to hainan this time for $120 USD for 3 nights same deal. The catch is its all in Chinese (who cares) and you have to stop by these medicine shops that tell you they can cure aids and cancer if you buy their medicine. If you buy one thing from those stupid stores i'll kill ya! LOL!! All they sell is placebos probably. They have people in doctor suits that act like you need their medicine and look at you and say Oh this is wrong and that is wrong take 40 of these and 24 of that. DON'T GIVE THEM A $1

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