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I finally got a reply from Guangzhou

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After many days and nights of worrying. I finally receive an E-mail from GZ.

It seems that the name Li Hong is a common name in China for men and women.

The day my wife went to pick up her Visa, they had done an additional name check because they had 3 "Li Hongs" picking up Visas on this day. One of those 3 came back derogatory and so therefore she was put on hold. They sent out additional namecheck on March 4, and they told me they expect the clearance very soon and they would advise my wife when she could pick up her Visa. They also as a footnote let me know that her son had also been approved!


Patrick :D :angry: :D :angry:

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Glad for you---looks like the worm has turned. To bad you got the "John Smith" of Chinese names. Actually I think Chan is the most common name. One of the times I was there I had to see a doctor. He gave me a chinese name for legal purposes. It stuck with my wife. Yup, I'm no know as Li Hong! VERY VERy common name..

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My heart is with you.


How many namechecks is this? 3 or 4?


And it was triggered by 3 women with the same name???? But, the similarity ends there. Different birthdays, different case numbers, etc.


And, of course, they have already done the namecheck.


Her name is verifiable (has it right in her passport).


She applied for the visa nearly a year ago (not a spur of the moment thing).


I could see how there would be an issue with say 3 men coming in for a visitor's visa at the same time with no history, calling themselves "John Smith"..... Of course, in America, it is not uncommon to have the Grandfather, Father, and Son all having the same name ---> Instant namecheck?????


But, in your case, this is not just a spur of the monent thing. She hasn't just written down "Li Hong" on the sheet..... They have the entire year's history of working on the application. She couldn't even have predicted what day she would be invited to pick up the visa.


I just hope the "Problem Namecheck" wasn't yours.


And, if it wasn't yours... Then why are you still on hold?



If there were 3 "Li Hongs" picking up visas 2 weeks ago, how many were picking them up the week before, or the 2 weeks after?


------ Clifford -----

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yes great news for you Patrick. I'm a little suprised they were so forth coming with that info. Doesn't make it any easier or quicker but it makes sense..


Now for names! heheh


I was in HK today and looking for a certain address, I found it but when looking up I saw a couple of name cards on a sign hanging outside. the interesting one was for a Dr. Jones Fok & Ass.


Now I'm a nice guy and I'll give people the benefit of the doubt, but!!! if the guy wants to call himself this what can I say!!?? :angry: :( :angry: :angry:


Mark and Bea

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Hurray for you Patrick!!!!!!

It was slow in coming but at least it was good news. We are keeping our fingers crossed for a speedy security check. Of course who can blame the USCIS? We all know how dangerous those little Chinese women are. We have to keep our borders safe after all.

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