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"Extinct" apple types "found"


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So I wasn't aware of this particular project. I have purchased heirloom seeds and plants since some of them were ones that were in vogue when I was a kid. Anyway, I thought this might be a nice departure from all the negativity currently going on.


From "The Hill" is this article: https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/492934-10-apple-types-thought-extinct-found-in-western-us


10 apple types thought extinct found in Western US

"An organization dedicated to rediscovering ancient varieties of apples announced this week that it has rediscovered 10 species of apples thought to have gone extinct.


Volunteers with the Lost Apple Project told The Associated Press that specimens retrieved last fall and sent for verification to the Temperate Orchard Conservancy revealed 10 variations of apples thought to have been lost to time.


The species were reportedly found by volunteers combing ancient orchards in Washington state and Idaho, allowing apples to be harvested for study in the fall and wood cuttings harvested during winter allow existing trees to be grafted with ancient varieties to produce the rare apple species."

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My grandfather had 3 apple trees that had small yellow-colored (golden delicious color) apples on them. They were delicious and were perfect for canning. Delicious either way. Both of them passed away and I continued taking care of the place until I went into the Air Force. They died while I was away and the place grew up. The house shingles failed and the whole place went to hell. I was so pissed when I got back home. It was a nice house. I tore what was left and made a small storage shed out of it which I still have.


It was a shame about both. I have scoured the area around her but have never found any like them so I guess they were the last of that variety. My mother looked too for 40 years and never found any more of them.


Nice refreshing article.

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My ex-better half sells extinct road apples. She claims they are genuine extinct road apples from genuine extinct dinosaurs. With my curious nature I used to ask her which one she figured went extinct first? The road apples or the dinosaurs? I reckon the road apples went extinct just seconds before Barney the dinosaur and his mates bit the ancient dust of yesteryear. Elimination being Barney and Friends final acts. :guitar: :dj: :happy2:


tsap seui

chawin' on a delectable honey crisp apple with a handful of pecans on the side

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