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My better half just sent the P3 back to the consulate. I'm worried she may get nervous about the interview. When she gets stressed her english goes out the window. When she gets stressed her skin breaks out in acne that would make a teenager gasp in astonishment. The failing english makes her even more stressed, and the acne more uncomfortable when speaking to strangers... it's a viscious cycle.


I am tempted to get her a bottle of Heinekin the morning of the interview. Anything to help her relax.


What have/will you do to help your wife(husband) not get ulcers in anticipation of the Spanish Inquisitor at window 7 (or is it window 10)?


I'm going to be pacing back and forth like a nervous father-to-be outside a delivery room.

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My darlin' went through the same thing. I warned her about window seven and sure enough, she got window seven. Her English is also poor and she cried. But, when all was said and done, the worrying was for nothing. She said she answered some in english and some in Chinese. So, don't worry---she will do fine. Easy for me to say--my fiancee is now my wife and has been in the US for 3 weeks. Be cool---CFLers always do fine.

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Guest blsqueaky

Right now my wife is gong through the same, and her interview is not till May. I think that when the day comes, she will be a basket case. She has friends that have already been through it, but they were K-1. I have yet to convince her that it will be different, but alas, I can not get her to understand since she keeps in contact with her friends.


Yes moon, I also am starting to pace, but I have faith in my wife, now I just have to get her to have faith in herself.

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Hey Moon,


Not sure if this helps or not but I told Nicola that it is written in the U.S. law that she must get a passport if we are a "real" marriage and some VO could be a jerk and reject her BUT it doesn't mean we have to start over again and it doesn't mean it will take much longer. If they reject Nicola I'll go in and talk to a supervisor or we'll give them whatever additional information they ask for. Think about it, if she passes your home free, if she fails you'll get another chance to prove with more evidence or whatever they ask for. A rejection is a delay in time and nothing more! Nicola understands that and isn't scared at all! Now its me that's another story!! I'm dying!! I think my entire body will be shaking when she's in there but the truth is that the worst that can happen is it takes more time till they come!! None of us have done anything wrong to be worried about a rejection! Good luck to you!

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Hi Moon

I agree with Frank

I am testing my wife with many questions.

We started two weeks ago and she has gotten better.

None of us knows what VO may ask but preparing her to answer

questions will help her I think.

Good luck to you both


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I'm a little bit worried about this too. My honey's english is great when she talks to me, but when she gets really nervous, about half of it goes out the window too :D


So far I haven't told her about window 7 or 10 or whatever. No need too!! I don't want to make her anymore nervous than she needs to be. If she gets window 7, she gets window 7. Nothing anyone can do about it. No need to fret about it. And she doesn't read CFL or 001 so I don't think she'll ever know about window 7 or 10 (until after the interview when I tell her, heehee).


Moon ... maybe you can tell your honey that the first interview is just a practice run and doesn't really count!! :D Or tell her she gets 10 tries in total, so therefore there's no need to fret about the first internview. And then sure enough everything will go fine. Haha, then later you can tell her that the first interview was also the only interview :D


I agree with what Sam said ... none of us have nothing too hide and we have done nothing wrong, so there is no need to be nervous because all of our relationships are genuine.

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As for me I just keep telling my fiance that I feel good because the people here have given us so much info... confident that our relationship is true... a denial is unheard of in our position, and will not happen. Then I talk about what we should do when we are together. Then I log back on to CFL and scan for another hour hehehe



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Bing's interview is this coming Monday. (Tuesday in China) I think she is better composed about it than I am. I have tried to downplay the risk of denial by telling her that we only have to prove we have a valid relationship. To be sincere and honest. Of course she is nervous. Her spoken English is usually easily understood but her vocabulary is limited and she has a hard time hearing english. I have coached her to do the best she can in English but not be afraid to ask them to speak Chinese if there is something she doesn't understand. She is leaving today for GZ. Wish us luck. As far as I know all CFL members have all passed with the exception of one case where there was a 40 year age difference. I don't know if that was ever resolved or not.

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Best of lucks Carl, I think she's more than ready for it. I do agree with Frank, there's a reason for the application to go through the Service Center at the beginning, and I now understand why my lawyer wanted the case to be as complete as it can, with tax returns and everything, we even sent my salary verification, so they can see who I am and how stable I am, even though it's not required, it must help in some way.

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