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"Why, Husband?"

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Why, Husband #22


Q Why there are no people in the streets at night. 

A Because USA doesn't have 1 billion people.



I think the answer is that most Americans have forgotten how to walk :P

If you can't do it driving a Monster SUV, it is not worth doing. :)

And, so many cities discourage "Cruising" :P


At least in Europe, the center of town is always a social / meeting place for pedestrians. A high population density and limited urban sprawl contributes to this, but there is more to the openness of strolling through the city center that many Americans have lost.

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Q:  Why don't you want a piece of chocolate candy in the middle of supper?


A:   I don't know, darling, that is just the way we eat here.

Upon thinking about this question I'm reminded of my time in China. I remember that whenever I ate with the family, dinner was a fast and furious ordeal. You eat quickly and aggresively, paying no real attention to taste or comfort.


In the US, we tend to eat slowly and savour our food a little more. Taste and substance are very important, as well as taking time between bites and speaking (unlike China when you can/do talk anytime during eating :huh:)


One habit that I have that my wife is now emulating is my eating one thing at a time. I'm going to have to explain that this is just something I do out of habit and that not everyone does it :)

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Q:  Why don't you want a piece of chocolate candy in the middle of supper?


A:   I don't know, darling, that is just the way we eat here.

Upon thinking about this question I'm reminded of my time in China. I remember that whenever I ate with the family, dinner was a fast and furious ordeal. You eat quickly and aggresively, paying no real attention to taste or comfort.


In the US, we tend to eat slowly and savour our food a little more. Taste and substance are very important, as well as taking time between bites and speaking (unlike China when you can/do talk anytime during eating :))


One habit that I have that my wife is now emulating is my eating one thing at a time. I'm going to have to explain that this is just something I do out of habit and that not everyone does it :)

Hmmmmmmmmmm My woman said I eat to fast and always hurry I should slow down and enjoy the food, granted she looooooooooooooves to eat, Heck I even ate a bowl of noodles with chop sticks faster then her I was real proud of that one :P

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When I went out to dinner with Bings family in Nanning. dinner was a long, drawn out, noisy affair that lasted at least 2 hours, No one seemed in a hurry to get dinner over with. Perhaps dinner at home with a busy schedule is different.

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Do you have a lot of skunks where you live?


Okay, here, Why Husband #25


Q:  Why don't you want a piece of chocolate candy in the middle of supper?


A: I don't know, darling, that is just the way we eat here.

No dear we really don't want to eat the black and white kitty

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When Ping and I were watching Animal Planet they had a skunk on there and she said "that is WHAT? A cat?" She would not believe me for a while there. :D


Why Husband #26


Q: Why when people say "pepper steak" do they understand this is beef? What is steak? Is there chicken steak? Is there pork steak?


After I gave her a thorough explanation about tender cuts of meat she rewarded me with a story about cooking Chinese beef for five hours to get it "soft." :( :P

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Guest blsqueaky

I can just imagine when Ling gets here, and goes out in the truck with me, the questions that will be starting, like think a minute, one state I have to pay a toll to drive on the road, and other states I do not, tipping and taxes.


Oh jeez, the questions, oh and lets not forget the questions regarding the prices of fuel in different states, and again, taxes.

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Why Husband #30


Q: Why do I have to wear seatbelt all the time?

A: It is the law.

It is also the law in Russia (I think).


There are real specific police stations along the road, and everyone knows where they are. And, whenever a car passes a police station / stop, they blink their lights at all of the oncoming traffic to inform them to be cautious.


The Russian Drivers then make a big deal about buckling up before they pass the police station.... And, then make just as a big of a deal about unbuckling after they have passed.


---- Clifford -----

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