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Call the fire department

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hmmmm thats a half century old, not nearly as traumatic as turning forty though. When I turned forty I was so bummed out I drove around until two in the morning brooding about it. Now at fifty I've resigned myself to getting old. I'm looking forward to having Bing to grow old with.

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NEVER MIND!!!! It's only the candles burning on Carls's cake--Happy 50th!!

Because I had the last two days off and my boss is off today they had a birthday party for me at work on monday. Now fifty candles is a lot of fire but to make matters worse they used these trick candles that re ignite as soon as you blow them out. Imagine my surprise to see that bon fire come back on lol. It took several trys to get them to stay out.

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Guest Long_strider



Rocks don't live as long as you!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just Kidding..


Happy Birthday. I found out that living the second half, age 50-100, has been much better than the first fifty. I hope yours with Bing is the same.



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