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Dear All,

How'dy everyone! The Chinese hillybilly gal is greetin' to you all! But I ain't redneck anymore coz I become a paraprofessional for Tulsa Public Schools lol

I arrived in March. Like every newly migrated, I first practiced driving, built my new home, looked for my church. While building some friends and getting myself immersed into the culture, I joined into a CNA class but never meant to work as a CNA. I meant the CNA class as my own "ESL" class to refine my English ability. I didn't even take the state test to be certified as a CNA.

After the CNA class I worked for YMCA as a summer counselor at an elementary school. There I realized young school children are easier for me than the teenagers. I also learned how to discipline the school children, "Criss-cross your legs!" for instance.

The Chinese teaching position has been occupied in the several local universities. So I turned to Tulsa Public Schools. I got several offers after I applied to some elementary schools. The first offer is in the north Tulsa, very very far from my home. I'm living in the south Tulsa. The interview was at 10 AM but as a toddler driver, I left for the school before 6:30! The early morning makes the driving easier though I met many road constructions with a sign of "Lane Closed". I arrived at 7:15 in the end lol.

I didn't know there is an elementary school right at the corner from where I'm living. The Education Service Center doesn't want me to accept the school that is far away from my home. Guess what? I was recommended to the nearby elementary school! The interview took less than ten minutes at the nearby school. Then on the way home from the interview I got a phone call informing me that I got the offer. It's a full time job with medical insurance and retirement. Paraprofessional is the first step in the special education filed. It's much easier for me than to teach Chinese.

To be certified to teach, I'll still need time to pass some examinations. I don't know if I want to be certified to teach anything. I don't want to work hard anymore. To be paraprofessional, I'm already qualified.

Let me stop here in case my typing suddenly disappears.

I like to encourage the Chinese sisters to go INTO the culture, never mind our English ability. The majority of the local people are nice. My accent still makes mistakes. When the headmaster introduced himself being "Doug", I feel I pronounced like "Mr. Dog". I quickly changed to address his last name. I found my vowels stand in the way when saying something.

Have a good day everyone! Thank you for listening!




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Oh, a question for you guys. I applied a credit card to a bank. Is one credit card enough for one person? I also got several credit card invitation asking me to join in their program, Walmart credit card and Best Buy credit card is among them. thanks again, everyone!

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Oh, a question for you guys. I applied a credit card to a bank. Is one credit card enough for one person? I also got several credit card invitation asking me to join in their program, Walmart credit card and Best Buy credit card is among them. thanks again, everyone!



Track your own usage and decide from there. NONE is more than enough in most cases, but having one or more sure does beat carrying a load of cash or having to write out checks for things you buy.


You should be able to purchase everything on credit cards, and, as long as you pay the entire bill every month, not pay ANYTHING in the way of fees over the amount of the purchases.


You may want at least two, so that the renewal and payment due dates are staggered.


For any future credit cards, you may wish to do some comparison shopping to make sure there aren't any fees in the fine print - try a comparison site, like www.creditcards.com.


With one of my cards, when I told them I was in China they began charging a "foreign transaction fee" with every charge, even if the merchant was located in the U.S. I quit using that card, until they finally cancelled it due to the lack of use.


I've found Discover to be VERY useful, since Union Pay merchants here in China accept it with no fees and a VERY favorable exchange rate.

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I'm happy that you are doing well now. Since your now living in Oklahoma it is nicknamed the "Sooner State." It got its nickname from the free land grab in the late 1880s. You have to be careful with credit, In the USA we have become a nation of buy now and pay later society. You need credit cards to book hotel reservations, rent cars etc.There are two ways to enslave a person one is by the sword the other is by debt.

Please keep all of us posted and enjoy the weekend.

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Hi Catherin. It has been a long time since you posted here. I, for one, am so proud of you. You have done all these things all by yourself and no husband to help you. Only a little advice now and then from we ole alligators here now and then. Kinda makes some of the gals that come here and have husbands at their beckoning call to help them seem frail indeed. I think that you and my wife are a great deal alike. She seems to not be like ANY of the other guys wives are at least what they say about their wives here and on the other site. I actually think that I held her back and some ways still am but we love each other very much so "what the hay". Money ain't everything so long as you are happy, have a place to stay, have food and clothes and a car. Cars are very important here for the most part as public transportation is not readily available here everywhere and it is not nearly as cheap as it is in China. I am speaking about cabs mostly.


So big a big congratulations to you for all your hard work. :mbounce: :greenblob: :redblob: :greenblob: :redblob:

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Congratulations, Catherine!


Yes, you NEED a credit card. You need it to buy airline tickets, to shop online, to rent cars, etc.


Be careful about STORE cards (WalMart, BestBuy). They are also credit cards but too many cards will start to harm your credit. Probably one credit card is enough. As Randy says, some are better than others.


Also, at your bank, you will get the Debit or EBT card. It takes cash directly from your account. Also a good card to have.


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Howdy do ma'am, you little southern belle (from the north of China). It is so good to hear that you are doing well, and to once again see your sense of humor through your writin'.


I see you talking about credit cards, but you being a Chinese woman, I know you will be safe with your use of credit cards. They are a handy tool to have. I know you will not fall into the credit card trap that so many Americans fall into. It is a bottomless pit, a pit I know that your Chinese upbringing will steer you well clear of. I respect the advice you have been given about those big store credit cards, but my wife gets extra percentages off from using them on purchases, then paying them off each month. A place like Best Buy, and Sears have plans where you buy a big ticket item and if you pay it off in 12 months for Best Buy and as many as 18 months with Sears, you don't have to pay any interest for what you bought. We have done that with tires, computers, and even a top end riding lawnmower. If you pay them off within the allotted time, it is like paying cash.


I laugh with wife with her shopping at JCP and Macy's, in particular. For years now she goes to those stores and with her small size she finds clothes on sale that started off for as much as $85 yet she gets them for $1.50 or so...then she gives them her JCP or Macy's card and gets another 10% off. It is hilarious, I usually laugh and act all surprised and tell her, "Macy's is going to go out of business if you don't buy something at regular price." If she pays $5 or $10 for an item, I kid her about spending "Big Money". :rotfl:


Great to hear you are doing well with a job and life in America.


Please read the thread about establishing a credit rating for a Chinese wife. There is a lot of good things in there that will help you quickly get a credit history and rating with a high FICO score. You never know how that may come in handy for the future. I always have felt it a priority to make my wife become independent.


Best of luck to you.

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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Catherine, the guys are right about the credit cards. You do need at least one. Like Randy said Discovery Card is a good one as it is well accepted in China. I have three main ones, Visa, Master Card and Discover. On my trips to China, even as early as 2000 I never had any trouble using my Master Card in Beijing. Now there have been some changes with the Chinese gov. and Discover Card is the only one that is not being charged some extra fees for using them the way that I understand it. I think that China is getting into the credit card business is what is behind it all.


As the guys say they are very convenient. The wife even uses them at Hardes. :rotfl: She don't like handling the money (it's nasty you know). She uses them to pay car and house insurance, heck she uses them for everything then pays them off at the end of the month. That way you don't have to hold up the line to write a check or handle that nasty money. You just have to make sure that you don't charge more than you can pay off at the end of the month. But like Randy said you are a Chener memins so you will not have any trouble with that. Good luck to you and God be with you every day.

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So glad to hear things are going well, Catherine. The teaching job sounds great and the more you drive, the more you will get used to the traffic patterns along your usual routes. I echo what everyone else has said about credit cards. The key is not to carry a large balance month to month and wind up paying huge interest charges, annual fees, etc. Believe me, no matter how great a deal they send you in the mail sounds, it is always set up to profit the credit card company, be it bank or credit union. Again, good to hear from you and hope you come around more often.

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Thank you guys for sharing and teaching. I do appreciate your help!! Yes, good to see you guys again. BTW, the school who offers me the job is within walking distance. I don't have to drive but I may lose driving skill if I don't drive. A few days ago I drove into a big manhole that was surrounded with some curbs. I was driving upward towards a small hill so I couldn't see anything in front. There was no sign warning drivers. My front wheels were stuck in lol. Now I'm laughing at my stupidity. At the time I was scared a lot. It took me 50 bucks having my car towed out of the trap.

I need to learn more about how to use credit card. At the bank, I feel my English very much limited. Cash carries germs from millions of people's hands. Card is the best choice! I need teaching or time about shopping as well. Once it took me a long time to find a jar of "condensed milk" on the shelf. I have to read every colorful bottle to see which package spells c-o-n-d-e-n-s-e-d m-i-l-k. I'm very much frustrated reading every package on the shelves at stores.

Wow, I didn't know Mr. Doc works for the Special Education. Thank you Doc for your help offer!! I sent you a message to your email box.

have a good night everyone! Dream in color;wake up with a smile!


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