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Hello from Catherineli at Tulsa

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Welcome Mr. Doug to America!! Happy for your wife!

I'm learning to ignore any arrogant spirit to me. Just be happy as much as I can, even if life is not easy.

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Hang in there, Catherine. There will always be difficult people. You will truly regret later if you let somebody ruin your day or change your goals.


Steamer? I was going to suggest toaster oven (for your Jiffy corn bread) but, of course, you want a steamer. I have a big kitchen and I have no more space for kitchen appliances. And, I still don't have a steamer.


P.S. I could never feel a pulse on somebody, I do not know how you do it

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Hello Greg!

Nice to see you again! Toaster oven? I only see an oven beneath my stove. I have no idea what is toaster oven. I know nothing about American food, unfortunately.

Put your fingers on someone's wrist along the thumb direction, and you'll feel his pulse. Yes, like you said, I can't always find the pulse beating. That's why I even didn't take the state test to be a CNA worker. I won't do it.

There're always critical people, among Chinese or Americans. There're nice people too, like me who is very nice hahahaah


I have two questions for you guys here.

(1) I'm still afraid of driving though I didn't give it up. Is it more dangerous for me if I attach a sign behind of my car, "Beginner"?

(2) How often should I change my air-conditioning filter? My first month electricity bill is very high. Someone told me that my AC filter is getting in the way.


Hi Doug! I was meaning Welcome Mrs. Doug to America! Sorry for my spelling mistake. Where did buy your steamer last week? I bought mine at Nam Hai but I see the working people at Nam Hai are cold and rude. It's not clean either at Nam Hai. It's weird.

Like Greg says, we won't let anyone ruin our joy. Let's stay happy!

Have a nice weekend!


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Hello Greg!

Nice to see you again! Toaster oven? I only see an oven beneath my stove. I have no idea what is toaster oven. I know nothing about American food, unfortunately.

Put your fingers on someone's wrist along the thumb direction, and you'll feel his pulse. Yes, like you said, I can't always find the pulse beating. That's why I even didn't take the state test to be a CNA worker. I won't do it.

There're always critical people, among Chinese or Americans. There're nice people too, like me who is very nice hahahaah


I have two questions for you guys here.

(1) I'm still afraid of driving though I didn't give it up. Is it more dangerous for me if I attach a sign behind of my car, "Beginner"?

(2) How often should I change my air-conditioning filter? My first month electricity bill is very high. Someone told me that my AC filter is getting in the way.


Hi Doug! I was meaning Welcome Mrs. Doug to America! Sorry for my spelling mistake. Where did buy your steamer last week? I bought mine at Nam Hai but I see the working people at Nam Hai are cold and rude. It's not clean either at Nam Hai. It's weird.

Like Greg says, we won't let anyone ruin our joy. Let's stay happy!

Have a nice weekend!


Hi Catherineli,


I have a Chinese friend who put a Beginning Driver sign in her back window. I told her to remove it, as other drivers may not be so courteous and will take her out like a wounded Antelope. :)

In other words, there are too many aggressive drivers and you don't need them taking advantage of your learning to drive. Just remember not to grip the steering wheel too hard. Remember to breathe and relax, relax, relax. A tense driver is apt to one who over reacts to simple situations. And, always keep your distance from the car in front of you. Always give yourself time and room to get out of situations.


Keep your chin up. Everyday is a better day.



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Every day is a better day!!! thank you Dennis! I like to hear it. I'm okay with some familiar streets but tense at strange places. Sometimes I don't understand what GPS is saying. I was thinking the same potential danger when it comes to a "beginner" sign. I'm learning little by little everyday. Every day is a better day! Let's make every minute count!

Edited by Catherineli (see edit history)
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"Tulsa Time" is such a fun! I love it, Tom! I laugh out loud when seening the singers singing face to face, mouth to mouth. Life is a gift. We love every minute of our life. Does Xia sing with you? I feel Americans know music better than Chinese do. I don't have any gift to music, unfortunately.

Thank you Tom for the link!

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