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P4 is here!!!...

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The P4 has finally arrived for us. My wife's interview date is Apr. 9. We are very happy these days! It only took me about 5 months to get to this point from inside China.

Will you guy tell me some important things I need to bring to the interview?

Any good advice about Guangzhou?

Thanks alot!!!



p.s. what is the e-mail for the Guangzhou consulate? I can't get acess to it in China so easy...could be the great firewall...

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Congrats Matt :lol:


I'm always glad to hear good news. Where inside China are you?


GZ can be a real pain in the ass. Be prepared to stand outside the gate with the other 200 or 300 people for about 3 to 4 hours on the day of her interview. You will not be allowed inside with her.


There are a few comfortable places within walking distance where you can get a cup of coffee and get off your feet for a while during the long wait. The one place that comes to mind right now is "Lucy's" restaraunt and bar. It's about a 5 min walk from the consulate, and is very close to the White Swan hotel (a 5-star, very expensive place).


For a good hotel to stay at, I recommend the "Victory Hotel" It is a 4-star, clean, reasonably priced hotel that is also about a 5 min. walk from the consulate.


Best of luck with the interview. I'm sure everything will go well.



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:D HI guys, this is matt's honey , thanks for the congradulations!

as to the timeline, actually it could be finished in 76 days if i didn't delay to send back the p3. the timeline is :

20-oct-2003 file the document in the consulate

24-nov-2003 got p2 from beijing

11-dec-2003 got p3 from GZ

then the p3 had laid on my table for almost 50 days

2-feb-2004 p3 sent back to GZ

26-feb-2004 got p4 (suprised!)

9-apr-2003 interview date

thank orrin and donahso for the useful information.

afshiery, matt will make a list for u of all the stuffs in p4.

i heard GZ cares about the sponsor's documents very much now, and that's what i need to work on now. we already got matt's dad 's documents as a co-sponsor, he filled i864 and the supporting files , tax files of 2000 to 2002. matt was a dependent in those years and 2003 is his first and only years of working.


it would be nice if any of you can help me on this:

1\ does matt need to file 864 and all the supporting files for 2003 (interview is on 9-apr) .

2\ if matt files the 864 and tax file of 2003, does his dad need to send his tax file of 2003 too?

3\ matt doesn't make much in china last year, i guess his school doesn't make him to pay income tax to chinese government. i wonder if he really need to pay to our government and report it to us government to get refund?

4\ matt's irs report (he already did) needs to be notarized right? can we do it in GZ when we are there waitting for next-day's interview. or we have to goto SH AGAIN?



PS. this is treetree on 001.

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