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Some pictures of the old alligator himself


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Our last trip to Beijing. It was the only one that I could find that you could really see me in.





This one is the very first jet ski that we got to work on. Liren was right in there weren't she?





This one was of us with our little dog Candy, sorry you can't see her very well I have a very good picture of her as my avatar on the other website. Perhaps I should change mine here to that one too.




Well Mick and ole Ronny finally got a look at the old alligator.


I hope that you like them Catherine. I would not have ever posted them if you had not ask.



Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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Great photos there, Handsome, and Mrs. Beautiful!!!! You look MUCH younger than you portray yoreself Larry. You must give yoreself a break, man....Yer damn near purdy!! LOL

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Good to see Larry and Liren!! What a blessing couple you are!! Thanks.

btw, the new semester is coming. I'll be busy with teaching at school. Probably I won't be able to come until several months later when winter vacation draws near. Stay well, everyone!



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Just thought of something. Larry, why not upload these pictures to your facebook album? I did say you don't have any pictures on your facebook while I had a good look at every one's picture on the facebook. I'm still advicing you to upload some of your pictures to facebook where everyone's pictures gather. Just a piece of advice.

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HI Larry, thank you for your pictures. Now that you say these pictures are for me, and since I'v seen these pictures, I think I have the right to ask our administrators to delete this post. The picture job is done. Period. I wonder why don't you upload even one picture to the name of "Larry Smith" on the facebook? I was suggesting that you put some of your pictures on your facebook.

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HI Larry, thank you for your pictures. Now that you say these pictures are for me, and since I'v seen these pictures, I think I have the right to ask our administrators to delete this post. The picture job is done. Period. I wonder why don't you upload even one picture to the name of "Larry Smith" on the facebook? I was suggesting that you put some of your pictures on your facebook.

Gee, Yajie my wife, Liren, does not like me to expose any part of our personal life. So I don't spread it around liberally to any other sites but I have been a member here for a very long time and I consider MANY of these guys as my personal friends. I don't know the new members but have been here a long time along with many more like Carl, Dennis, Thomas Promise, Chilton747 etc,etc,. As a matter of fact SHE (my wife) hates this forum and the other one similar to this one too but she does allow ME to have friends on both places to communicate with. We don't have time for friend actually in our daily life as I usually work 10-12 hours 7 days a week. She has only, about 2 months ago, allowed me to put her real name in print on this and the sister site to this one and she actually only gave her permission to post these pictures ONLY here because I was helping you with your book at times and she thought that we were friends. Besides, I don't have the time to spend on Facebook as I belong to enough forums that take all of my spare time, of which I don't have VERY little of, already besides adding another one to it. She is an EXTREMELY private person so I HAVE to RESPECT that. I, at times, say things here that I am sure that she would not approve of me saying. I think that Dennis will verify that for you if you will ask him. I know that he is friends with you too. I've know him over 10 years now. You can search my post and you will NOT find her name in any of them prior to 2 months ago. Only refer to her as wife, boss or something like that.


As far as deleting the post. I don't object to that at all if it bothers you in even a small way. I hope that it don't but it seems that it has somehow. I have never objected to having any of my post deleted. This site is owned by Carl (warpedboard) and he has sole possession and ownership of it and he can delete anything that he wants to and I have never had any objections. He even banned me and another poster for having an inappropriate posting spat for several days and it did not hurt my feelings one little bit. It upset the other guy quite a bit, It was the other guy that I objected to and our strong difference of opinions. Carl is the complete and undisputed boss here.


So if Carl wishes delete away with my full permission. As far as Facebook goes I will probably never post any pictures there or any other information about Liren and I. I only keep it so that I can find and contact old school and military friends from the last 50 years and say hello to them since I haven't seen some of them in that long and it is a great way to find them. I just last year met up with an old Air Force friend that I haven't seen in 40 years in the Smokey Mountains for about 5 days. First time that we have been anywhere in 14 years just work, work, work. Our business just will not allow for any socializing.


Sorry if I have offended you in any way.


Edited by amberjack1234 (see edit history)
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HI Larry, again I'm moved with your genunine statement! I can't forget how much I'm moved when I first heard that you only have one eye doing the proofreading for me. You brought out my tears when I knew your only eye also lost its vision. I can imagine how difficult it is for you to read my stupid English word for word, esp, when you were busy building your outhouse. I'd not known you have a big physcal problem and you never let me know either. This is your beautiful selfless helpful nature. I found you had cataract from your other posts. You never let me know your difficuties when I was asking you to refine my book. I shared your story with many Chinese friends telling how nice American people are! One Larry is representing all American men as an ambassador. There are more Chinese women around me who are crushing into American men now, through my sharing the story of "Good Larry".


After I am very grateful for your help, I truly wanted to know who has been helping me with my book and how he looks. But pictures are not necessarily important between Internet strangers. Facebook is not necessary either. There are many examples of fake pictures in the virtual world. What matters most on Internet is the message that someone is passing to me. I've just drawn you a handsome picture in my first paragraph. That is true Larry-------- genuine, helpful and respectful but sometimes silly and careless.


I understand Liren very well. It's wise of her to be prudent in this complicated sceptical world. Since she doesn't like to show her name and her pictuers to public, let's still ask Carl to delete OUR post.


Thank you very much for your friendship and your pictures. You truly look good and happy! I'm happy, too, now!


blessings to you



Edited by Catherineli (see edit history)
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HI Larry, again I'm moved with your genunine statement! I can't forget how much I'm moved when I first heard that you only have one eye doing the proofreading for me. You brought out my tears when I knew your only eye also lost its vision. I can imagine how difficult it is for you to read my stupid English word for word, esp, when you were busy building your outhouse. I'd not known you have a big physcal problem and you never let me know either. This is your beautiful selfless helpful nature. I found you had cataract from your other posts. You never let me know your difficuties when I was asking you to refine my book. I shared your story with many Chinese friends telling how nice American people are! One Larry is representing all American men as an ambassador. There are more Chinese women around me who are crushing into American men now, through my sharing the story of "Good Larry".


After I am very grateful for your help, I truly wanted to know who has been helping me with my book and how he looks. But pictures are not necessarily important between Internet strangers. Facebook is not necessary either. There are many examples of fake pictures in the virtual world. What matters most on Internet is the message that someone is passing to me. I've just drawn you a handsome picture in my first paragraph. That is true Larry-------- genuine, helpful and respectful but sometimes silly and careless.


I understand Liren very well. It's wise of her to be prudent in this complicated sceptical world. Since she doesn't like to show her name and her pictuers to public, let's still ask Carl to delete OUR post.


Thank you very much for your friendship and your pictures. You truly look good and happy! I'm happy, too, now!


blessings to you



My eyes are much better now even though I do have episodes with them hurting me pretty bad but the cataracts have been taken care of.


As far as I am concerned Carl can delete it at any time. If that is all right with Carl. It rest with him as others have post in this thread as well but as I said it is up to him I can't TELL him to delete it. He is the boss here and he alone decides what is deleted or not. So Carl if you would like you can delete it anytime you please as far as I am concerned.


Thank you Carl


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