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So this is a black hole!

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Hi all,

I am very happy to see all of the succesfull and pending interviews as of late. For us, no such luck. As of next week it will be four months at the DOS secondary namecheck hell. This morning, I made my weekly call, same canned answer, adminisrative processing, could take up to 18 months. These operators are nothing more than call deflecting robots. Supervisors are no better. As of last monday I sent a letter requesting help from one of my state Senators, Has this route worked for anybody else? :lol:

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Yes on 6/28/02, I received an e-mail from GZ, stating they have not received my petition as of this date. Congressional Inquiry sent 7/2/02, asking the status of this caes. Reply from GZ on 7/5/02, saying my P-3 was mailed out 6/29/02, which was a Saturday, when they did not work on Saturday.



Now on 6/28/02, they didn't have it. Then they found it and mailed it out in less then 24 hours. Anyway I had my fiance fax & EMS the DS-230 & OF-169, on 7/8/02. Received P-4 six weeks later with interview date.


Forget your US or State Senators. Use your Congressman. Every Embassy in the world has to respond to a Congressional Inquiry, within 48 hours. Good Luck!!

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well i did not run into the second name check roadblock, so i cannot offer any words of advice or experience on that one.


i did however contact my congressman and senator while it was being processed at NVC. my congressman didn't do anything for me, and actually never even responded to me (and i had a personal contact who got me in with his office, but anyway.....it didn't help) my senator on the other hand submitted a senatorial inquiry (i guess that is what it would be called, since the congress one is called a congressional inquiry)for information and it wasn't but a matter of weeks before i had a second letter from my senator's office saying that our petition was on its way to GZ.........


i have heard of this helping in some cases, at different stages along the way, and being useless in other cases!


it is about all you can do, so i would definitely try it! it never hurts to try, but just don't put all your hopes in it helping!


i wish y'all the best! i will be praying for y'all! i hope things will start moving for you again soon!

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Hi  all,

  I am very happy to see all of the succesfull and pending interviews as of late. For us, no such luck. As of next week it will be four months at the DOS secondary namecheck hell. This morning, I made my weekly call, same canned answer, adminisrative processing, could take up to 18 months. These operators are nothing more than call deflecting robots. Supervisors are no better.  As of last monday I sent a  letter requesting help from one of my state Senators, Has this route worked for anybody else?  :(

My state senators aid did nothing just asked me to fax all doc to them I have not heard from them at all in over 2 months since I sent/faxed the docs.. I got more results on my own.. I'll remember this guy at the poles.


Senator Shelby

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Married in Taishan City 4/23/03

Noa 1 5/15/03

Noa 2 5/27/03

I129 approved 7/16/03

received at NVC 7/28/03

namecheck completed 8/29/03

p3 returned 11/07/03

secondary namecheck started 1/12/04




Welcome to the second layer of HELL!!!!!


I've been stuck here since September. I never got my P3/P4, instead Moscow sent my application back to DOS shortly after receiving it, and it has now been 6 months since I landed here.


I am a little confused.


When did the second name check begin?

You returned the P3 around november 7, but your sig shows the second namecheck beginning on January 12th. What happened between November 7 and January 12?


Any idea what caused you to enter the second name check?


----- Clifford ------

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Forget your US or State Senators.  Use your Congressman.  Every Embassy in the world has to respond to a Congressional Inquiry, within 48 hours. Good Luck!!

I am not sure about the "Congressional Inquiry". I did talk to two congressmen.... Well, at least their congressional aids.


Generally they would get a response back within a couple of days which was virtually identical to mine, but perhaps a bit more verbose. "Additional administrative processing".


I think I may finally be making a little headway with calling DOS myself.


----- Clifford ------

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Married in Taishan City 4/23/03

Noa 1 5/15/03

Noa 2 5/27/03

I129 approved 7/16/03

received at NVC 7/28/03

namecheck completed 8/29/03

p3 returned 11/07/03

secondary namecheck started 1/12/04




Welcome to the second layer of HELL!!!!!


I've been stuck here since September. I never got my P3/P4, instead Moscow sent my application back to DOS shortly after receiving it, and it has now been 6 months since I landed here.


I am a little confused.


When did the second name check begin?

You returned the P3 around november 7, but your sig shows the second namecheck beginning on January 12th. What happened between November 7 and January 12?


Any idea what caused you to enter the second name check?


----- Clifford ------

Thanks everybody for the info. For now I will pursue the DOS myself as well as through my Senator.

Clifford, My signature was in error, DOS told me last time that I talked to them that the secondary namecheck was started in early November, not January. as previously stated. As for the cause, I have no idea. She never worked for the government or was a member of the Communist party. What else could it be? Any info yet what the cause was for your fiance to fall into the hole?

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Your time from P3 sent seems a bit above the norms but you are still inside the 10 month threshold, (or there at it now), so don't sweat it too much. After your application has been nearly 4 mos. at post, things may start to move soon for you. By your info I assume you are K3. In the meantime do as you have said; call DOS and stay on top of it.

I can only speculate on the lengthy delay but by law post is required to perform a namecheck and if any hits came up they would have to resolve it before proceeding with the application.


You are way overdue and maybe things will start moving for you soon.


-good luck and godspeed

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