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Jacob's Interview

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As far as the questions.  I was wondering if they may have been more intense because you are a "minority" couple being an American woman waiting for a Chinese man.  There could be a conception that Chinese men coming to the USA are a higher risk than Chinese women. 

That is exactly what I have been wondering. I am thinking he got Window 7 for that very reason. Window 7 is rumored to be for "special" cases based on pre-screening. That 's just a rumor, not fact.

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Kim & Jake,


Congratulations on getting the visa and getting away from GZ!!!!!!  May you never have to return to the Embassy again.


I am very glad that your wait is over and Jake is almost here.


As far as the questions.  I was wondering if they may have been more intense because you are a "minority" couple being an American woman waiting for a Chinese man.  There could be a conception that Chinese men coming to the USA are a higher risk than Chinese women.  


I have read through some of your questions and wondered how Irina would respond, or how the questions could possibly lead to a rational decision about immigration.


Be happy this is all behind you,


thanks clifford!

yes, i dont think jacob will ever want to go there again!! haha


as for the questions.....well actually, we were told by MANY people that it is thought to be actually LESS likely that the chinese man would be a risk because there aren't many american women who will "settle" for a chinese man who many not be able to provide for them as well as or in the same way as an american man would/could.


we were told that our process would be even faster because we are a "minority" couple.


i have wondered why he got sent to the hard guy too, but all we can say it was in God's plan somehow, and for some reason, and the fact that He received the glory for what did end up happening is a good enough answer for us.


now i do want to say that jacob's interview was at window 10, and not seven. i am not sure if it is the same window number 7 man or not, the description doesnt sound like it is the same man, but maybe just another man who woke up on the wrong side of the bed that morning (and every morning for that matter!!!).


i guess maybe if the prescreening does exist, then possibly jacob was prescreened and intentionally sent to that window, but their "plan" didnt work!! not this time!


not sure either how some of the questions could lead to a decision about immigration, but somehow the man finally got enough of what he wanted to hear or whatever and stopped all the questions!


like you said though, clifford, we are just glad this part is behind us! we will se what is ahead!!

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more questions............


i thought of some more....


he asked how we communicated. jacob said, "in english" and the VO said, "NO, how do you communicate?" so jacob told him in emails, letters and phone calls. jacob showed him a huge stack of emails, showed him (voluntarily) the phone records (thanks Bigzoo.com!!) and told him he also had letters.


he also asked if he had pics of us together. he wanted to know where we were in the pics together and when they were taken.

jacob had two photo albums full of pics of me and him and other people. jacob showed him the smaller one but pulled out the bigger one too, and the man said, "no, that's ok" and just flipped through the smaller one asking questions about many of the pics!!


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there aren't many american women who will "settle" for a chinese man
:D :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

oh please please please please dont take that out of context! that is NOT AT ALL what i meant!


i am saying that is what i have heard. i dont feel that i am "settling" for him, not even ONE iota!!! not at all! he is the biggest blessing in my entire life! i love him with all that i am and all i have been given!


i haven't even read on to any other posts past this one from cafe, but as soon as i saw it, i had to reply! i love this man with everything within me!


please dont misunderstand!!!!

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Kim, I must say.......


I admire your sense of humor and joining in on the "Du" teasing you have been getting. It shows character and I for one consider you a commrade in arms. May you and Jake have a very long and happy life together.

well thank you!!! that was very nice of you to say that!


im glad to be accepted here, and given just as much respect as the next person. i am blessed to have found this site and am grateful to all that have contributed so much!!



i know Jacob and I will have a very blessed life together! thank you!!


:D :blink:

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thank y'all all sooo much!!


we are so excited!


he will be here in Louisiana and i will be in his arms in about 30 and a half hours!!!!! and counting down........:)


i can't wait!!!!!

Congrad. It is such a pleasure to see the happiness. A is in Being now looking for a good man to take back to Germany, well, actually to finish up her studies and take home a good man. I hope she will find the same happiness.

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