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Jacob's Interview

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well well well....the day FINALLY came! It feels like it NEVER will at times, but all of you that are waiting, dont fret, the day WILL come!!


Jacob got to the Consulate at 7 am, was "scheduled" for 8:30. He got a number, but he said it does you no good. He said they dont go in order. So all of you who are planning to get there early, he said dont waste your time. He still had to wait 3 hours. He finally got to see someone at around 10am. And what do you know, who would it be that he got to see???? The horrible VO that LOVES to issue blue slips!!!


Jacob said he asked so so so so so many questions. SPECIFIC information questions at that. He wanted to know EVERYTHING! He said he talked to him in english the whole time, and the more Jacob answered, the more he asked. He said his talking got faster and faster as the questions kept coming! His interview lasted around 10 minutes. Jacob said it was the longest, most horrible 10 minutes of his life!


In the end though, we were able to see God's faithfulness. After Jacob had an answer for every question and I guess out-talked the VO, he finally gave up. He told Jacob to sign the paper, gave him the white slip, and told him to come back the next day at 4pm to pick up his visa!


Im telling y'all he asked EVERY question in the book! He was VERY intimidating!!!


Jacob stood strong, with the power of the Lord, and was eventually granted his visa!


I can't wait to see him.....this time next week we will be together!

He is scheduled to leave March 3 and arrive here then. On March 1st, he must confirm his ticket and pay for it, so we will see if his reservation for his ticket was good enough to hold it for him. They told him they couldn't confirm it for him until he had his visa, and he had to come there and show them and pay at that time. So, we will see!! (I don't think this is a normal practice, but it was the cheapest ticket he found, so that is why he went with this company)


Thanks so much for all of your help!! Oh my goodness! It wouldn't have been possible without it! They DID ask for MY I-134. Jacob gave them mine and my dad's, our sponsor. My dad's was on top and the VO said, "This is not your fiancee's...". I was SOOO thankful that Jacob was able to say, "Hers is under that one." If I had not read that on here, just actually by mistake, that he needed one from the petitioner as well, we would probably have a blue slip right now! I am so thankful for this forum! It is so helpful! (The fact that the petitioner also has to submit an I-134 even when you have a sponsor is very clear on the ICS website, but somehow it just kind of confused me for some reason! Anyway, that is all over now and when he gets here we can then count down the days until the wedding!!)


Thank y'all SOO much!


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Congratulations Kim!!!!!!! I have been reading some nightmare storys about the guy with glasses in window 7 at the AAC group. Jacob is the first I know of that has managed to talk his way past him without getting a blue slip. I am very concerned about Bing getting him.

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Congrats happy days are coming.. Did you get the VO name??? Also what company did you get the plane ticket from?.. My lady is going for inteview on the 8th at 8:30 in the morning.

:rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:


no he didn't get the VO's name. i asked!

he was a black man. he said he is tall and thin and has a VERY intimidating look. he said he talks SOOO fast and gets faster as he goes on.


everyone that went to that window before him was issued a blue slip or denial and had to have security escort them away, i assume for refusing to leave.


i dont know where he got the ticket, he took care of that because he said he could do it cheaper from there than i could from here. he got the ticket in BJ. it is a reputible travel agency, but i dont know the name.


this certain VO was at window number 10, but he said they dont stay at the same windows each day.

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Congratulations Kim!!!!!!! I have been reading some nightmare storys about the guy with glasses in window 7 at the AAC group.  Jacob is the first I know of that has managed to talk his way past him without getting a blue slip.  I am very concerned about Bing getting him.



i have also been reading the nightmare stories on AAC.


jacob's interviewer was a black man, tall and thin. i dont know if he had glasses, but i dont think the "window 7" man is black, is he?


anyway, i think they change windows each day or something because i told jacob about that man, and he said they must not be at the same windows each day.


as i also said in the last post, everyone before jacob that went to window 10 was not given a white slip!


he said he was sitting there waiting for his number to called and praying the whole time that he wouldn't get window 10, but then, sure enough, he got it! he saw all that went on before it was his turn at that window and KNEW it was NOT the one anyone would want to go to!!!

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Congrats happy days are coming.. Did you get the VO name??? Also what company did you get the plane ticket from?.. My lady is going for inteview on the 8th at 8:30 in the morning.

:rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:


no he didn't get the VO's name. i asked!

he was a black man. he said he is tall and thin and has a VERY intimidating look. he said he talks SOOO fast and gets faster as he goes on.


everyone that went to that window before him was issued a blue slip or denial and had to have security escort them away, i assume for refusing to leave.


i dont know where he got the ticket, he took care of that because he said he could do it cheaper from there than i could from here. he got the ticket in BJ. it is a reputible travel agency, but i dont know the name.


this certain VO was at window number 10, but he said they dont stay at the same windows each day.

I would think if a pattern is established by this "Gentleman"a formal complaint could be filed with the consulate for being bias..maybe he need a transfer..

Thanks for the info..My lady is leaving from Shanghai direct to LAX where I will meet her U. S. Price $457.00 China price$437.00 one way China Eastern.

Thanks and again congrats.

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Great News!!


I have been holding my breath all day.  I'm glad you finally posted - now I can breath.


That VO has certainly put the fear of God in me.  We're up in another couple of weeks, and I think we'll make a tape, just in case.


So glad you got through it -



Thanks Dean!

I am glad we are through it now too!


Thanks for holding your breath in suspense!!! :rolleyes:


Thankfully, Jacob's english is very good! He studied it for two years after high school as well as had MANY foreign, English speaking friends. I think he has more foreign friends than chinese maybe! But anyway, God has blessed us! I can't wait to be with him, it will be very soon now!


The tape will be helpful if the VO were to say that communication was the issue, which seems to be the case most often! However, with the way this VO was asking questions, I just don't see that he would have even been satisfied with a tape! I am so thankful that Jacob was able to follow what the man was saying at least enough to give a convincing answer! It was the toughest 10 minutes of Jacob's life!


He said he didn't think it was ever going to end and he surely didn't think he would be issued the approval!


I am not saying all of this to scare anyone waiting for an interview, I just want y'all to know that while *most* interviews are simple and take 3 minutes, there ARE some that don't! The main thing to learn from this is, BE PREPARED for the worst, expect the worst scenario, and you will make it, either way!


It was a terrible experience in some ways, but as Jacob said, he was fully aware of the power of God and His divine will for us to be together, and that even a government official that seemingly holds all the power in his hands and mind at that moment wasnt even enough to stop God's divinity!



Again, thank y'all so much for sharing your experiences and tips! That is what helped us get through the logistics of this process!

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The thread on AAC where then benificiary was given a blue slip was K-3 I believe. Seems to be more of a pre screening thing. What ever clerk you get sends them to the window where they will be denied if they deem them not worthy.

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Congratulations Kim!!!!!!!   I have been reading some nightmare storys about the guy with glasses in window 7 at the AAC group.  Jacob is the first I know of that has managed to talk his way past him without getting a blue slip.  I am very concerned about Bing getting him.


Me too, I am worried about this guy.

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I am glad you had all your ducks in a row, and everything went well even if it was a terrifying experience with Jake.


No matter how the interview went, the important thing is that Jake walked away with a "promise" for a Visa to be issued tomorrow.


In a few weeks he will be stepping off of the plane into your waiting arms!!!!!!




----- Clifford -----

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Now can you tell us what questions where asked.


I talk faster and more slurred more then anyone I know and my MM understands me most of the time I think, That is more then most Americans can do :greenblob: really ask Jim or Mike Perez. I have already gone over the list Warpedboard gave me she knows most of those answers.

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