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Border crisis: Illegals determined to cross the border

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The Spanish Flu of 1918 killed between 50 -100 million people worldwide in less then 2 years. If this pathogen would manifest itself today with the Jet travel we could see 500 million or more deaths or nearly 7% of the worlds population. These Flu like strains are nothing to laugh about.


Of all the possible global catastrophes that "experts" and "prophets" talk about (asteroid strikes, massive earthquakes, tsunamis, solar flares, Yellowstone eruption, etc.) the one that scares me the most is pandemic. Like Tom mentioned, with global travel being so easy, the new plague could travel from some isolated village in northern Laos to virtually every corner of the world within two weeks at the most. It could be some naturally mutating virus or some strain of Anthrax released by terrorists. We are woefully unprepared for such a scenario, but beyond a few basic preventative measures, there is not much one could do to prepare, except maybe to stock up on food, water, medicines, etc.

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The Spanish Flu of 1918 killed between 50 -100 million people worldwide in less then 2 years. If this pathogen would manifest itself today with the Jet travel we could see 500 million or more deaths or nearly 7% of the worlds population. These Flu like strains are nothing to laugh about.


Of all the possible global catastrophes that "experts" and "prophets" talk about (asteroid strikes, massive earthquakes, tsunamis, solar flares, Yellowstone eruption, etc.) the one that scares me the most is pandemic. Like Tom mentioned, with global travel being so easy, the new plague could travel from some isolated village in northern Laos to virtually every corner of the world within two weeks at the most. It could be some naturally mutating virus or some strain of Anthrax released by terrorists. We are woefully unprepared for such a scenario, but beyond a few basic preventative measures, there is not much one could do to prepare, except maybe to stock up on food, water, medicines, etc.


Well, on the bright side, that might eliminate our border issue. :huh:


I suppose we are ripe for some type of doomsday scenario. We (mankind) have lucked out for a long time now. My saving grace is that I've lived a fairly long life, with all things considered and I'm not that worried... Pick your poison, I suppose...

Catch some incurable illness that causes one to die a slow agonizing death ie. the black plague

Solar flares knock out our power grid for years and sending us all back to the stone age. Ironically, the only ones who'll survive are those in the third world who never had electricity.

Or some major natural event takes me quickly...

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The Spanish Flu of 1918 killed between 50 -100 million people worldwide in less then 2 years. If this pathogen would manifest itself today with the Jet travel we could see 500 million or more deaths or nearly 7% of the worlds population. These Flu like strains are nothing to laugh about.


Of all the possible global catastrophes that "experts" and "prophets" talk about (asteroid strikes, massive earthquakes, tsunamis, solar flares, Yellowstone eruption, etc.) the one that scares me the most is pandemic. Like Tom mentioned, with global travel being so easy, the new plague could travel from some isolated village in northern Laos to virtually every corner of the world within two weeks at the most. It could be some naturally mutating virus or some strain of Anthrax released by terrorists. We are woefully unprepared for such a scenario, but beyond a few basic preventative measures, there is not much one could do to prepare, except maybe to stock up on food, water, medicines, etc.


Well, on the bright side, that might eliminate our border issue. :huh:


I suppose we are ripe for some type of doomsday scenario. We (mankind) have lucked out for a long time now. My saving grace is that I've lived a fairly long life, with all things considered and I'm not that worried... Pick your poison, I suppose...

Catch some incurable illness that causes one to die a slow agonizing death ie. the black plague

Solar flares knock out our power grid for years and sending us all back to the stone age. Ironically, the only ones who'll survive are those in the third world who never had electricity.

Or some major natural event takes me quickly...


Coming soon and back by UNPOPULAR demand, Small Pox, TB, unknown flu viruses and terrorist infiltration.

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Hey, we're Amurican's...we jes grin n' bear it...and pay for it all. Maybe it's time for the treasury Department to get another fix from the Chinese so we can house, feed, give medical care for the "kids" and our population, and I reckon educate our new "kids". I'm seeing no one can even take photos of the ...er...ah..."kids"...their privacy of course. As well I hear no one including congressmen are allowed in the facilities.


Someone said the copper lady in the harbor up in NYC was tipping over on her side, about to fall in the water...must be something to do with this new "legal" immigration...LOL

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Well I don't usually post in these types of threads, but what the hay, I am sitting here alone while the wife sleeps and it's raining outside. I can see both sides to this situation. Like Carl said how many of us would not do anything that we can to better our families lives? I can also see that the health issues with the children are a real threat too. At the time we just are not prepared to take care of the children properly. That should have been set in place before the door was open. I can speak from some authority on how the government only acts after the fact and not before in these kind of situations.


As far as the regular illegals are concerned. Let 'em in legally and give them green cards at least that way what money that do make will be taxed and in some small way contribute their being here as well as providing cheep labor. The last cheep labor force that we had has now moved on up the ladder and is no longer willing to do these kind of jobs that Mexicans do. Of course the other side of the coin is what some have said, make penalties so high for the guys exploiting them that it would not be beneficial for them to hire them or perhaps tack on some jail time for hiring them, say 30 days in some Arizona county jail, we all know where, that would certainly discourage them.


Here are the absolute fact: They are here and they are going to stay. So might as well make them part of the country give 'em green cards and put them to paying taxes like all of the rest of us do rather than making illegal money and sending it ALL back to family in Mexico. Now these kids are entirely another story they are only going to take from the system but perhaps one day they we may be working for them all except for the 1% ers. Which will only benefit either way thing go with fatter bank accounts. The rich are always going to win. I am not talking about you guys here that think that you have a little money in the mattress but I am taking about the truly rich. The ones that run this country and I am not talking about the president or either party as all are equally to blame. Billionaires and mega corporations TRULY run this country. Another thing with the children is that this country has such strict child adoption laws that there are thousands of couple adopting from China and use to from Russia, I don't know how that's going now, so what is wrong with reducing these adoption procedures and allow these couples to adopt them after all people are people and where they come from should not matter. I just as soon have one from Mexico/Central America as one from Russia.


If enough of them come perhaps we can compete with China again on the labor lines but only if the unions will stay out of it otherwise we will never be competitive with China gain. How can we otherwise? With cheap labor made products made right here at home why import from China? China won't like that I'm sure. The rich have always make it by exploiting the truly poor. It's just history.


Allow me to indulge myself in telling just a LITTLE home grown story about how the rich and the poor cohabit ate at least here in the deep south. If you don't want to take the time to read it stop here.


There was a guy that lived here in my little burg long, long ago that started as a small farmer say 100 acres. He died in the 1960's. but he would visit the courthouse about twice a month and see who was behind on their county taxes. Through connections with a good friend of his at the tax office he would buy the property, mostly from poor blacks, just for the taxes owed on it. He amassed several thousand acres just in this fashion. His favorite quote was "I didn't want all the land in the state only what was next to mine". Most other folks were trying to help each other to hold on to what they had but this guy was taking advantage of their misfortune to profit from it. Some of those folks might have been able to recover if given another year of having a good crop come in after having one or two years of bad crops that failed.


Now today the remaining relatives, grandchildren, are mopping up by selling all this old farm land at $65,000 to $85,000 dollars for a building lot and that is not the property on the water and he owned a lot of property on the water too. That goes for $165,000 for a building lot. The old man was able to hold on to all of that property only by receiving government subsidies. So in effect the government made him and all his grandchildren rich. If it had not been for those subsidies he would never have been able to hold onto the land and pass it on to his grandchildren. All my first cousins. He and his sons told that story to me many times. Two of his sons and I were very good friends.


I remember visiting the old man in the hospital when he lay dieing of cancer knowing all the time that he was going to die any day. Several years after he died one of his divorced daughters that lived with him had her water pump break down. A couple of her brothers that lived next to her came over to fix it. While they were working on the water pump they noticed an old 3 pound coffee can setting in the corner. One of them picked it up an in it was $56,000. I guess he thought he was going to be able to take it with him. I played around that pump house almost every day of my life until I reached 16 years old.


So taking all things into consideration if things are handled correctly this can benefit us and our country. So let 'em come. The real crux of the situation is it has to be handled correctly, WHICH IS NOT AND IT WON'T OF COURSE. We are a land of laws. Laws that apply to the poor, immigrants and the middle class. It has always been this way look back in history of the US just a little. It's how we got to where we are today. Well maybe 10 years ago. :blahblah1:

Edited by amberjack1234 (see edit history)
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God bless our deteriorating society. It's been sold down the river so many different ways. Laws aren't laws anymore, they are just something us regular folks are supposed to abide by...not for the rich or the lawmakers to abide by.


I agree Larry, let em all in, give em green cards and anything else they want. Lord knows we need more of those minimum wage tax dollars at work for us. And those "kids"....most of them appear to be 15 to 19 year old males....of course no one can get in to take any photos of them to really see what the hell is going on. Like the other "legal" immigration most of our wives from CHina went through....it's all TOP SECRET. LOL

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I can't say that I have read to many article about the kids but the one that first broke by the nurse that worked at the center near San Antonio showed mostly younger ones say 5-9 year's old. I did see some older ones mixed in but they were very few. It would seem to me that there had to be more older ones to direct the little one and keep them together somehow. I haven't read any more since that one. I really don't like to read those kind of articles. Only just enough to say tuned in.


Yep, they won't even let members of Congress/Senate in to see what is going on so you know they are really hiding a lot of stuff.



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Yessir, when they are making this crap more secretive than a Chinese woman's immigration info in Guangzhou China, YOU KNOW something they aren't telling us is up. LOL


Thang is...there ain't a FMing thing any of us can do about it...just sit back and pay for it. I've long given up when I see stupid crap like this happening that "maybe some government officials know something that we don't and that they are working in our behalf for the betterment of America." Shows you how stupid I used to be, believing somebody in charge actually cared about America. LOL


It is really getting to be sad and disgraceful to see stuff going on like this day after day after day...like we are on a freakin' railroad headin' to the fall of Rome. Why is that? Don't the elites even give a hoot? Where the hell do they think they are gonna move when they finish us lowlifes off? I don't get it. You'd at least think they would care about the house they live in....even my ol' southern ma taught us not to shit too close to the house.


I hope the Chinese aren't paying much attention to this idiocy, I don't think any other country is dumb enough to buy our worthless T-bills, or whatever, anymore. Whose gonna fund our stupidity?


As Marvin used to sing....What's Going On?

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I've been monitoring what all they are doing down there. Makes one see that one just might want to get their spouse reunited and just never go see the judge. Galls me to no end what is going on, how it has slowed down the legal process, and how that part of it is not being talked about politically. I stop short of saying I believe our President has declared war on US Citizens. The immigrants are just flooding the system legally and illegally, while USCs are left behind by priority of the USCIS for sure. NVC is just plain overloaded generally.


Just walk across now, no sneaking about it.

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I've been monitoring what all they are doing down there. Makes one see that one just might want to get their spouse reunited and just never go see the judge. Galls me to no end what is going on, how it has slowed down the legal process, and how that part of it is not being talked about politically. I stop short of saying I believe our President has declared war on US Citizens. The immigrants are just flooding the system legally and illegally, while USCs are left behind by priority of the USCIS for sure. NVC is just plain overloaded generally.


Just walk across now, no sneaking about it.

You got it Douggie. The "other" legal way. Less fuss, less muss. Cheaper than the "old" legal way, plus, you get free room and board, and free medical care. Hang around long enough and your new Uncle Sammy will educate you too.


You're working the wrong angle here Douggie. Work on gettin' the lovely lady a tourist visa to sunny Mehico, or Guatemala. Meet her at the airport, hop on the bus to America. Much easier than dealing with DOS jerks in Godawful Guangzhou. Just think, no I-864 to sign, free medical care, Uncle Sammy will probably pay you to "adopt" your wife.


It's America folks, land of the free. US citizens beware: This offer of free education, free room and board, and free medical care does not apply to you.


tsap seui :victory:


I look at this crap and wonder....Who is in charge here? Then it comes to me. Who is on 2nd base. Nobody is in charge.

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  • 3 weeks later...

How hard is it to get a Mexico visa in China? Seems crossing from Mexico into the US doesn't require a visa these days.

Yes, Steve, the other "legal" way. Get the Mexican tourist visa, walk across, get a 2 year green card, free medical care, a free place to stay, and free education for any kids you have. Nice deal.


Just now I was grocery shopping with lil' rabbit. In the Piggly Wiggly we saw a guy I had renovated he and his wife's house a few years back. He said he was thinking of going to Mexico and becoming a Mexican citizen, then walking back across the border into America so he could get free health care. I Laughed and told him the that wasn't a bad idea, that the stupidest thing I ever did was go the USCIS/State Department immigration route for my family.I should have been working on a Mexican tourist visa.


tsap seui

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Guest ExChinaExpat

Those who openly break immigration law have no fear of prosecution. In fact, they actually are provided a red button to press for help. That's a helluva lot more than what those who try the legal way get.


The Chinese have wised up and now come from the south. This appears to be the White House plan all along.


Illegals from China and over 70% of the world's nations are flooding into America as its border collapses






The Border Patrol is increasingly posting signs written in Chinese near the U.S./Mexico border, which underscores the booming human smuggling trade as illegal aliens from China flood into America.

Case in point, the emergency beacons placed in desolate border regions which allow stranded illegals to request help from the Border Patrol have instructions in English, Spanish and Chinese, but back in 2001 when they were first deployed, the instructions were written only in English and Spanish.

Since then, human smuggling has exploded into a billion dollar institution, with people of various nationalities paying smugglers, known as coyotes, thousands of dollars to be transported illegally into the United States.

“The Chinese are paying $50,000, the Indians are paying $10,000 to $20,000, [for] all the Central Americans the average is about $7,000 and the Mexicans are, especially [from] southern Mexico, are paying $3,000, so it’s a huge, huge money event for the cartels, probably even more lucrative than the drug business,” Dr. Michael Vickers of the Texas Border Volunteers told Infowars.
Edited by ExChinaExpat (see edit history)
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