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QQ Chat problem

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Hello everyone, I need some help. I usually use Yahoo messenger to chat with China but I think they are not supporting the older version that we are using. I can see my Lao po but she can not see me. We have always had issues with running the same versions. So I thought I would try to use QQ.


I am having problems getting QQ to work on my computer. In the past few weeks I have tried to get it to work but I seem to be going around in circles. I had QQ on my computer for a few years but I never used it much. Only for sending a few emails a couple of years ago. I had an QQID.


I downloaded QQ international last year I think. I not sure if the QQ email and the QQ international are automatically link together. So, I have tried to download the new version of QQ international 1.6. With all the problems that I am having I tried Uninstalling TencentQQ but I keep getting a message that QQ international is running on my computer and I have to close it first. I tried to but I keep going around in circles. Basically the computer will not let me remove/install the new program. I tried going to task manager and ending (task) the qq component but that is not working.


I tried search this forum and the internet and I am not getting anywhere. Any suggestions on how I can fix this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Danb


PS, Can anyone tell me how I should be trying qq email, qq international and qq chat. Is it suppose to be from one link?



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Guest ExChinaExpat

It's not clear from your post what method you used to uninstall QQ. Typical uninstall should be done from the Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Uninstall. If you've tried that and get errors, then the QQ files are probably corrupt. If you cannot "Kill" QQ from the Task Manager, you can also try using "msconfig" to stop it from running when your machine starts.


It the other methods don't work, first be sure you've stopped QQ from running, and then manually delete all QQ and Tencent files and folder structures from your hard drive. If there is history there you want to save, copy and rename it and move it to another location. After you've deleted all from the hard drive, you should open your computer's registry and delete the structure there. Use the Registry "search" function to look for 'QQ' and delete all instances. Then, search for all instances of 'tencent'.


I suggest you avoid using QQ mail because the interface for it is in Chinese language only. It doesn't mix well with the International version. Use an alternate email account to send messages.


I am currently using QQ international version 1.5. It's working fine on my PC. The newer version may have bugs, but I am not sure.

Edited by JiangsuExpat (see edit history)
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J.E, , Thank You for your reply. I am running Windows XP. Since posting I went to You Tube, Google, the internet and the QQ international page. Tried many things , many times. I was able to log on and chat with my Lao Po only once the other day.


I was trying to get back on this morning. Intially I was not able to. Dratts!! Eventually I was able to access the page that has the icons for email, chat, app, video and audio chats, etc. Previously I had a very hard time getting to that page. I was always stuck at the "sign on" page (saying that I was already signed in). A few minutes I just noticed that I have a small icon on my Window status bar. It is located at the botton of my screen on the lower left side. I am able to get to things thru that icon. Now I just have to figure out how to get that icon on my desktop. Looks like most of my problems may be operator error. I just haven't been exposed to QQ that much.


I do have another question. There a few friends that use only QQ. I will probably not use QQ email that much but it would be nice to have access to it. You suggested that : "you avoid using QQ mail because the interface for it is in Chinese language only. It doesn't mix well with the International version. Use an alternate email account to send messages. " The QQ email that I have access to (via the International page) seems to be mostly in English. It seems to work. Just the emails from QQ's adminstration are in Chinese. Is that the QQ email that you are refering to or are you refering to a different QQ email that is accessed thru another site? Sorry if I didn't explain that clear. Screen shots would be probably a lot clearer.

Thank you again. QQ is a new program for me. I am much more at ease with Yahoo chat and Hotmail. I have lots to learn.


I would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Chinese New Years





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J.E, , Thank You for your reply. I am running Windows XP. Since posting I went to You Tube, Google, the internet and the QQ international page. Tried many things , many times. I was able to log on and chat with my Lao Po only once the other day.


I was trying to get back on this morning. Intially I was not able to. Dratts!! Eventually I was able to access the page that has the icons for email, chat, app, video and audio chats, etc. Previously I had a very hard time getting to that page. I was always stuck at the "sign on" page (saying that I was already signed in). A few minutes I just noticed that I have a small icon on my Window status bar. It is located at the botton of my screen on the lower left side. I am able to get to things thru that icon. Now I just have to figure out how to get that icon on my desktop. Looks like most of my problems may be operator error. I just haven't been exposed to QQ that much.


I do have another question. There a few friends that use only QQ. I will probably not use QQ email that much but it would be nice to have access to it. You suggested that : "you avoid using QQ mail because the interface for it is in Chinese language only. It doesn't mix well with the International version. Use an alternate email account to send messages. " The QQ email that I have access to (via the International page) seems to be mostly in English. It seems to work. Just the emails from QQ's adminstration are in Chinese. Is that the QQ email that you are refering to or are you refering to a different QQ email that is accessed thru another site? Sorry if I didn't explain that clear. Screen shots would be probably a lot clearer.

Thank you again. QQ is a new program for me. I am much more at ease with Yahoo chat and Hotmail. I have lots to learn.


I would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Chinese New Years



QQ email is accessible through your regular email client. The server is imap.qq.com for incoming email and smtp.qq.com for outgoing email) - your email address is <acct #>@qq.com


It's the same email server as the Chinese QQ server - the IMQQ (International QQ) is just an English-language user interface for it.

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