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China requires Internet users to register names

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... just merely making a statement about something that I don't think is right for the people of China... The difference is that I can do it here freely. In China folks of the CPC runs and controls everything... I am critical of the Chinese government... there are many things that need to be changed and they will get around to it... There are a few turds everywhere even here in the good ole USA. Larry
So you disagree with a socialist/communist society scheme with Chinese characteristics, that's fine. I think it is funny when USA people talk about how free they are, with the most guns, military, laws and police of any country on Earth (and all the money in 1% of the hands).


For me, after seeing how the USA people with an agenda play on the Internet I am fully behind China instituting this rule. The USA already monitors its citizens more than any country in the world so they teach the world how to do it.

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... just merely making a statement about something that I don't think is right for the people of China... The difference is that I can do it here freely. In China folks of the CPC runs and controls everything... I am critical of the Chinese government... there are many things that need to be changed and they will get around to it... There are a few turds everywhere even here in the good ole USA. Larry
So you disagree with a socialist/communist society scheme with Chinese characteristics, that's fine. I think it is funny when USA people talk about how free they are, with the most guns, military, laws and police of any country on Earth (and all the money in 1% of the hands).


For me, after seeing how the USA people with an agenda play on the Internet I am fully behind China instituting this rule. The USA already monitors its citizens more than any country in the world so they teach the world how to do it.


I knew it, You had to bring up the gun thing!!


So you disagree with a socialist/communist society scheme with Chinese characteristics, that's fine. I think it is funny when USA people talk about how free they are, with the most guns, military, laws and police of any country on Earth (and all the money in 1% of the hands).


It was just a matter of time.

THIS TOPIC!!!! has nothing to do with GUNS.

Let it go! Were talking about the internet not GUNS!

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Well now I guess that settles that. Majority rules this time for sure.


Let me see if I understand this correctly or not.


I am Chinese citizen and I am sitting in my living room and the phone rings and someone that I never heard before ask me a question whether or not I like a new law that the government just passed. What do you think the answer is going to be? Come on guys you are smarter than this.



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One of the measures of their effectiveness in what they do is how well they convince the public that those being deleted are troublemakers, not conducive to a "harmonious society".


I think they do much better in that regard than many people are aware of.


But that gets back to my earlier point - that the "non-harmonious" discussions may simply be driven further underground, where they are more difficult to monitor and control.


I think they're well aware of what a great tool the Internet's social media can be.

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Well now I guess that settles that. Majority rules this time for sure.


Let me see if I understand this correctly or not.


I am Chinese citizen and I am sitting in my living room and the phone rings and someone that I never heard before ask me a question whether or not I like a new law that the government just passed. What do you think the answer is going to be? Come on guys you are smarter than this.




A Very good observation and a good point Larry.

What would i say, The answer is easy, NO! i don't like it.

Edited by NUWORLD (see edit history)
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Carl, whew, buddy, thank you SO very much for that request.

tsap seui

Yes, thank you. No sense in letting one off the handle response kill a thread. There are a lot of things that the USA has the most of, weapons is a simple one. No agenda, just fact.

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Just to keep this fair 'n balanced...


We've been correlating MAC addresses, source routers, email addresses, and various Internet postings for many years. That's the basis of network security forensics. There are hoops for officials to jump through but if you say "FU!" loudly enough, they can come and get you here too.

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Just to keep this fair 'n balanced...


We've been correlating MAC addresses, source routers, email addresses, and various Internet postings for many years. That's the basis of network security forensics. There are hoops for officials to jump through but if you say "FU!" loudly enough, they can come and get you here too.


Yea...but if you open a brand new account on yahoo, park yourself at Micky D's or Coffee Cabano... you can send out a whole slew of e-mails, post to boards etc... and leave in an instant. It only will fall on the owner of that IP address.


"That's why it's very import to protect your wireless connection with encryption so that no one can piggy back onto your home wireless system, if not you open a whole can of worms...

But, if the intruder is illegally downloading music, movies or child pornography, the result could be more serious. A criminal who does not want to be caught can use your unsecured internet connection to commit crimes because when it is traced back to the source, your connection will be reported as the scene of the crime."


Just make sure that you have your wireless router protected - no matter what!!!!!

Edited by Urkidding (see edit history)
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Just to keep this fair 'n balanced...


We've been correlating MAC addresses, source routers, email addresses, and various Internet postings for many years. That's the basis of network security forensics. There are hoops for officials to jump through but if you say "FU!" loudly enough, they can come and get you here too.


Yea...but if you open a brand new account on yahoo, park yourself at Micky D's or Coffee Cabano... you can send out a whole slew of e-mails, post to boards etc... and leave in an instant. It only will fall on the owner of that IP address.


Mostly true. ...but there are cameras everywhere these days and if the offense is egregious enough, they'll probably find you.


Hell, they were waiting for a guy here in Eureka who found & picked some pot about 20 miles into a wilderness area. They walked up to him as he was re-fueling after coming out of the woods. Of course, this is a border area, but ... just sayin'

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