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China's New Path to Democracy

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Also from the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China


As the Party likes to say, "It's the Communist Party that brings democracy to China"


China’s new path to democracy




Many developing countries are exploring, and many actively or passively become the "guinea pigs" of the Western democratic system, resulting in political instability, economic stagnation, and widespread poverty. A series of harsh reality tell us that it is a sign of maturity of a country to independently choose a new path to democracy that suits their national conditions.


On our new path to democracy, we want peaceful and stable democratic politics and do not want repeated violence or social unrest; . . . we want honest cadres, clean government, transparent politics and do not want corrupted officials or deteriorated government; we want . . . the persistent organic unity of the Party's leadership, the people's subjectivity, and the rule of law, and we do not want isolation or conservatism, or mechanical imitation.


Our path to democracy should embody Chinese characteristics and innovation. . . . We will make continuous efforts to improve electoral democracy, and at the same time, we will take deliberative democracy as one of the major forms of democracy to build a bridge between the state power pivot and the public, to enhance the openness and inclusiveness of the political system, to reflect public opinion and the cohesion of public wisdom, and to safeguard the fundamental interests of the masses.

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Now how about the USA and the Electoral College?


Yes, I had a bit of difficulty explaining how we in USA get to vote, but our vote doesn't ACTUALLY elect the president.


As someone who lives in Texas knows about ....

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Now how about the USA and the Electoral College?


Yes, I had a bit of difficulty explaining how we in USA get to vote, but our vote doesn't ACTUALLY elect the president.


As someone who lives in Texas knows about ....

Same here, in NY State, NY City with high population decides President, and the two Senators, leaving the resident's out in the rest of the state no control.


The Electoral College was put in place for a couple reasons.


1) To prevent high population areas from dominating, over low population centers, though here in NY all the people outside NYC can vote one way, and NYC still determine who gets ALL the electoral votes, a great pain for the non city people.


2) Elections are a states thing, people of a state are voting for representation either at local, state level or people to represent their state in DC, the only exception is the President who is the only elected official that is picked by all states, the college gives the states a share in picking the president determined by the state's population.


I do wish high pop states like NY, CA, OH, FL, etc. would split up their electoral votes into districts, and split their vote based on popular vote, so it is not an all for one candidate thing.

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I do wish high pop states like NY, CA, OH, FL, etc. would split up their electoral votes into districts, and split their vote based on popular vote, so it is not an all for one candidate thing.


Republicans and the ilk are big on redrawing lines but it isn't helping them get elected.

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