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Fun Stuff To Do Together Online While Waiting Between Visits

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Quite a mouthful of a title! xD


What romantic/nice things have you guys done/currently do with your chinese loved one while waiting for visa paperwork to go through?


We're in the middle of the big wait and I've come up with a couple nice activities (aside from talking)


1) Sending letters, hand written, to each other once a week.


2) Watching movies/TV together?


Having trouble coming up with reasonable ways to accomplish #2, with her limited internet. She'd need to download something as we can't rely on her internet being good enough to stream and do skype at the same time. I was thinking I could download TV/Movies and ship them to her ahead of time. Is this allowed? Reasonable?


Thanks CFL!

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We havent watched movies together online but that is a good idea. I need to figure out how to do that as we both enjoy watching movies. One thing we enjoy doing is playing Literati together on yahoo messenger. It is basically Scrabble. I do like your movie sharing idea though. Interested to hear what others do/have done.

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As a suggestion, you can purchase DVD's of movies cheap in China, usually less than 10 RMB. The DVD's are usually available at the same time as first run movies in the theatre. Wait a week or so to get the copies that don't have a person getting up to leave and blocking the screen. :-)


Most movies older thn that are also available as DVD, as a bonus they usually have Chinese subtitles with English or vice versa. It is how a lot of Chinese learn English. Sending your SO 100 RMB a month and you can watch as many movies as you like.




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Just an idea, play majiang (the Chinese "board game") together online. One, it's something you can do with each other, and two, you will learn a huge part of Chinese culture. Although majiang is played differently in different parts of the country (I learned majiang in Sichuan, which is great for playing with my lady friend and her relatives, but doesn't mean squat when my China ”home" is Beijing, and all my Beijing friends play Beijing majiang), it is a huge part of the culture. It's played during the new year, funerals, good times, bad times, etc. And hey, it's fun!!!!

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If either of you isn't fluent in the other's language tutoring eachother is a good way to spend time together and get ready for any interviews you're waiting for.



Piaohua.com is a site here where she can download movies from beforehand and watch with you at the same time.


When I was in Japan before we got married we used to write out our most romantic/ naughty fantasies and send then to eachother...my husband still has all the ones I sent to him.


Go out and take interesting pictures of where you both live and then tell eachother about them.


Start planning the wedding? It might seem a little early but if you're not married that would be a great thing to get into since you've got time. (and it might win you a lot of points with your future wife if you bring it up) Things like dresses and maybe different customs- I know my husband thought the (something old, something new, something blue...) thing was weird but we learned a lot about eachother doing stuff like this...but we never ended up having an actual ceremony. :(

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