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Starting a new business, your thoughts


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Let's see....never worked in tourist industry and never worked in Real Estate....WHERE to start? Certainly not by opening a business. These are not either new ideas or concepts and with no experience don't waste your own money --- let the lady learn on someone else's dime - and if she learns either or both business models and sees opportunity at that point - then launch the business with established, ideas, goals and a business plan based on fact - not dreams and wishes. Best of Luck.

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Let's see....never worked in tourist industry and never worked in Real Estate....WHERE to start? Certainly not by opening a business. These are not either new ideas or concepts and with no experience don't waste your own money --- let the lady learn on someone else's dime - and if she learns either or both business models and sees opportunity at that point - then launch the business with established, ideas, goals and a business plan based on fact - not dreams and wishes. Best of Luck.


Well she told me she wanted to major in international business. That's great, but whenever I see the word international I think of traveling and when I see traveling I see time spent apart.


She was talking about getting a job in a Chinese company and doing business between the U.S and China or vice versa. Thoughts?


I told her if we ever live in China she needs to make enough money to buy a million dollar home and $100,000 car for me to enjoy when shes working.

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  • 1 month later...

Even more interesting details have been brought up. I need to talk with my wife about this, the only problem here is that I am involved in my own career and this is something she needs to figure out on her own. I am not sure how much time I could dedicate to her projects.


The first step is getting her enrolled in Realtor classes and getting spooled up with the local laws and what not. If she is not able to grasp the concept, I'm not sure how much I could help her. However, I would still need to see how interested she would be in trying to sell houses to mainland chinese and surrounding areas.


Wait, so does she want to open a business or does she want to go into realty? If she's looking to go into realty, I found an interesting article on licensing, but if she's considering opening a business which leaves her susceptible to liability, I would definitely consider reading up on protecting your small business.


Either way, it's running your own business is definitely a huge responsibilty, but for some it is overwhelmingly rewarding, I wish you both the best of luck, her especially!

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