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Help with bringing wife's daughter to USA

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Glad you got in contact with Marc Ellis, if there is any way to rectify this grievous error, more than likely he can steer you in the correct direction.

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"YOU are ultimately responsible for anything done on your behalf."


I must be nieve then because it sure seems like there have been countless situations where an attorney has made a mistake and the outcome reversed because of it. This country is supposed to be based on good people trying to help other good people. Compassion. Doing what is right. Not just the law. Many laws were written a hundred years ago and they had no idea how things would change. So those laws may not apply in these times. Sorry. I'm babbling. But this type of thought i.e. "what's done is done" is why things DON'T change. Make waves. Question. Force people to do what's right. After all, it is OUR country and we ARE the bosses. I know. Dream on.


As for Rosie's daughter ruining her life coming to America? You can say what you think, but such things as you suggest don't happen to all people. Look at all the ridiculously successful, happy people that have immigrated to America. And a huge percentage of the most successful are from Asia. And if we all thought like you suggest, America would never have been. All people would have just stayed in Europe and there would still be vast herds of buffalo roaming this land with the native people living their lives just as they had for thousands of years. Because if they left their home land and their culture, they would be doomed. I guess that was proven wrong.


People do what they feel is best for themselves and their families for the most part. And help each other overcome situations like this as best we can and build our lives around what we believe in. This is what we are trying to do for Ashley.


And I have contacted Marc Ellis. We are conversing via emails at this time. Thanks!


All of you have a great Thanksgiving! God bless you all.


Rosie and Marc


I didn't mean to be negative, and with her having good English I am sure she will do well.

I have many friends who came to America for their advanced degrees and do very well, as you said.

I also have friends who got their degrees in in China, do not have good English skills, and are working well below their education level.





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