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One of the forum posts implied that credit might be an issue in the determination of whether or not to issue a visa. Is this true? I had no indication that credit was scrutinized when I petitioned for my ex-wife in 2001.


10 years and one divorce later...my income is above the 125% poverty guidelines for 2011, but I had a recent bankruptcy discharge in early May of this year. Has anyone had any experience with a past bankruptcy being an issue to receiving a visa? I don't intend to file a k-1 petition until at least after my second trip to visit my girlfriend in China in January 2012. I am just trying to get my ducks lined up now.

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People here will tell you no, it doesn't matter - your Affidavit of Support shows your CURRENT income and ability to support the intending immigrant.


Other people tell you it's a major "red flag" (as I saw on Facebook a few days ago).


It doesn't directly affect your ability to support your wife, or your Affidavit of Support.


But I tend to think it'll show up in any background check and so COULD be a factor, just like it could be a factor in your credit rating.


Get over the idea that something will or will not be used for or against you - it's all fair game, and ultimately boils down to a 5 minute determination/coin toss on the part of the Visa Officer as to whether your relationship is bona fide. Your bankruptcy may or may not enter that picture.

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