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Anyone start a Co to import Chinese product?

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I thought I remember years ago that a couple of guys here tried to start importing products to sell. Maybe others have experience.


A friend of mine needed some industrial things he can't get in America easily. I contacted a friend who got me in the right direction and now her company wants her to try to sell things here as well, which is very heavy industrial stuff. This may happen and I seem to be right in the middle of it.


I notice some want make-up and things from China and Japan. I also like some things from there just not available here.


Anyway just lookiing for any advice or interest. If I do this I know I will somehow get a boxfull of back scrubber/wahers for taking a shower, and toilet seat covers so the old ladies bottom doesn't get cold in the night during winter. & etc.

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I have been working on the idea to import some car parts that I can not get here anymore, or that are very old. I got a part from Napa Auto Parts, which was the only one they could get for me, and I need 3 more. After some research, I found the company in Colo, that imported the product. They had a couple of the items in stock at a very high price. After some more research, I found the company that makes the product. The company is in China. I had my wife call the company and the company sent some samples. The product would cost $1.50 each, that would sell here for about $20. The samples I got are high quality, and stamped "USA". So the supplier in Colo. that supplies Napa and other companies, is selling China parts stamped "USA".

The only problem right now is, that the China company and I do not communicate size very well. They do not seem to understand metric size, let along USA size. I am working on it.....

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I have a lot of experience with this and would be willing to help with advice or anything else. You can PM me or post any questions, etc here on the forum.


FYI, there are also a few other threads from the past that have touched on this situation. I will try to find them in a bit and post the link here.

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Since I started building my guitar I needed a silicone heating blanket for my side bender. The cheapest one I could find was $120.00 with two wires coming out the end and no heat control. Thermo couplers are about $160.00. I started looking on the web and found a company in China that will make them for me to my specs with heat control built in for $55.40 including shipping. Minimum order is 10. I decided to take a chance and start selling them on eBay. So far I've sold 8 of the 10 I bought a lot faster than I thought I would. I reordered today.

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