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The "Shutdown Topic"


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It's true ?



just read this news on google news:


US shutdown could have broad impact



Other services affected, according to officials:


-- loans and guarantees from the Small Business Administration would stop


-- national parks and monuments and Smithsonian museums would close


-- many tax refunds would be delayed, but tax collections would continue


-- visa and passport services are likely to be delayed


-- mortgage guarantees from the Federal Housing Administration would cease, possibly delaying home sales



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It's true ?



just read this news on google news:


US shutdown could have broad impact



Other services affected, according to officials:


-- loans and guarantees from the Small Business Administration would stop


-- national parks and monuments and Smithsonian museums would close


-- many tax refunds would be delayed, but tax collections would continue


-- visa and passport services are likely to be delayed


-- mortgage guarantees from the Federal Housing Administration would cease, possibly delaying home sales





Our system of checks and balances at work.

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At most it may delay processing at the DOS level perhaps a week until the issue is resolved.


I highly doubt the .GOV will shut down, and if it does, then no more than a week.

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Soon to revert to a system of no checks and imbalances.



How true!!


Now who separated this to create a new topic?


That would be I!

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I predict this thread will self destruct within 10 posts because people can't resist adding their political opinions. I'm gritting my teeth to refrain from posting my own. Please keep the topic on how it affects immigration.

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I predict this thread will self destruct within 10 posts because people can't resist adding their political opinions. I'm gritting my teeth to refrain from posting my own. Please keep the topic on how it affects immigration.




I share your sentiment.

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Likely that some of the first victims will be those in the immigration process --- at every level. Don't expect progress on paper work, and with every passing day, expect the backlog to grow. Immigration (legal) is at the absolute lowest rung on the Federal ladder of priorities. I know from experience. The last Federal shut down began the Chinese adoption 'Black Hole' similar to what 911 did --- leading to the founding of the Candle.


The process was already long in 1994,(when I began the process) but the Federal shut down of December 1995, and which lasted into January of 1996 totally stacked up paperwork---leading to a log jam that wasn't resolved until nearly summer. by then, China had an internal dispute about adoptions----too many going out the back door to unknown sources---so Beijing experienced an internal war to gain control, eventually forming the CCAA (Chinese Center for Adoption Affairs--centralizing all adoption in Beijing) --- more log jams in China! so it wasn't until March of 1997 that I finally made it to Nanjing to meet daughter #1.

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